This fertility podcast helps you to cut through the noise on the topics of women's health and fertility, zones in on the useful and practical tips that can help to boost your fertility. The show will provide fresh perspectives for someone who is trying to conceive by integrating Western medicine with Chinese medicine. The show's host, Adrienne Wei is a fertility expert with a background in Chinese medicine.
We've Moved - Welcome Episode from Fertile Me Radio!
25/02/2021 Duration: 10minListen to the welcome episode from Fertile Me Radio. We hope to see you at our new home :)
This Super Versatile Supplement Might Help With Your Fertility
03/06/2020 Duration: 16minI'm head over heels in love with this versatile supplement. It has so many uses: PCOS, pelvic pain, male fertility. It has even been used to help with symptoms of chronic bronchitis, asthma, Parkinson's disease. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants out there in the universe. For more information on how to purchase, visit
5 CRAZY Ways To Find Money To Fund Your Fertility Journey (Part 1)- With Devon Baeza
11/10/2019 Duration: 43minYou started out on this journey thinking it would be easy... and now the expenses are piling up and even a Starbucks latte seems expensive these days. Forget IVF...who has the money for that? The good news is, I’ve brought an expert on the show today to help you find the money that you need to finance your fertility journey. And these are crazy way to find money that you have never thought of. The expert today is our resident finance expert Devon Baeza. You may have seen her around inside our FB group. She has been through it all. The emotional rollercoaster from dealing with endometriosis, to being told the embryo is not good enough only for it to become a beautiful little girl, to being in debt and paying off IVF and additional 50,000. She knows her stuff about money. What’s really interesting though is that Devon always says to me that when we’re stressed about money, it’s never about the money. So you’re going to hear us first talk about: the stigma about talking about money why money brings so mu
Could a Keto Diet Help With Fertility With Carrie Jackson, RD, MS
31/08/2018 Duration: 39minThis is episode a lot of you have been waiting for. Keto diet is all the rage right now. Everyday, I receive many emails from women who are trying-to-conceive and wondering if the Keto diet is the right diet for them. I want to you to meet Carrie Jackson, Registered Dietician and MS of Nutrition. I invited Carrie on the show because she's a nutrition expert first and foremost. And I want to discuss the keto diet because I think there are misconceptions about the diet, its purpose, and also its benefits and risks. Let's dive into the conversation with Carrie Jackson on the Keto diet.
How To Intentionally Get Pregnant with Jane Ritz
23/08/2018 Duration: 01h13minYou know how I'm always talking about the trifecta to getting pregnant? Nutrition, lifestyle and mindset? So many of you ask me for tips and tricks on how to improve your body physically, but no one ever asks me for advice on how to get into the right mindset. Yet, mindset is ⅓ of the pie, a crucial piece of the getting pregnant pie. But how do you get into the right mindset? Is it simply practicing gratitude and meditation? Is it simply just think positively? If you’ve followed me long enough you would know that the answer to that last question is a "no." So today, I have brought a very special guest to the show to talk about getting into the right frame of mind through being present, setting intentions and meditating. Meet Jane Ritz, other wise known as Jane the guide. Jane is an energy healer and sonic meditation expert. Now don’t make the mistake of turning away from this episode and thinking that it’s way too esoteric and "woo woo." There is nothing "woo woo" about this episode because we’re goi
You're a Perfectionist, me too!
16/08/2018 Duration: 13minThis topic is an especially hard one to talk about because it has to do with my perfectionism because, I like to be perfect all the time. In fact I feel like I have to be perfect all the time. I want to really highlight this today because It’s taking me a super long time to realize that my perfectionism could be standing in the way of my own success. And perhaps you’ll resonate with some of the things that I’m going to talk about so bear with me. And I always say that self awareness is the first step. If you’re not self aware then it’s going to be hard to take action. So I think this episode will apply to a lot of you if not all of you who are listening out there. Links Mentioned: Free Mini-Course: Your Complete Blueprint to Getting Pregnant
How Each Human Emotion According to Chinese Medicine, Can Affect Your Fertility
09/08/2018 Duration: 22minIt doesn’t seem fair but we all know someone who was so frustrated, then says screw it all, I’m going to party like a rockstar this month, eat what I want, do what I want...and they end up getting pregnant. So is there some truth to just relax and it’ll happen? I know so many of you love the tips and tricks but I keep noticing over and over again inside the private group that a lot of you are stuck on the mindset piece. So this is not going to be an episode where I tell you that you can’t feel a certain way because that’s not how I do things. But what’s really interesting is that in Chinese medicine, each emotion is tied to a certain organ system. And each emotion can absolutely have an impact on the functions of each organ system, and ultimately fertility. Links mentioned: Private FB Community Episodes mentioned: Episode 47 Episode 52
Shopping sprees, blood work and diagnostics ... Which are worth it and which are NOT!
05/07/2018 Duration: 19minToday’s podcast episode is all about money- or rather deciding which blood work panels and diagnostics are TRULY WORTH the financial investments that come with them. Today’s episode kicks off a new mini-series I’m doing called, “Where Should I Spend My Money?” For today, we’ll talk about: ----> The standard tests you should ALWAYS ask for… ----> The test to get if you haven’t had your period in 3+ months… ----> When a uterine biopsy makes sense… and when it doesn’t. ----> What tests your partner should be getting... ----> And you’ll get my thoughts on the HSG test, sonograms, laparoscopies… Listen, I know it’s overwhelming just to read that list above… and depending on your insurance or the type of test, you’re probably seeing $$$ all over the place. But this is important- and with new advice, information and “internet experts” coming from all aspects of your life- I promise this episode will help break it down CLEARLY and CONCISELY so you spend money on the right things at the right time.
You Officially Have My Permission To Stop Worrying About These 4 Things
28/06/2018 Duration: 12minIt’s hard to let things go sometimes- especially when we’re looking for answers. You’re not getting pregnant so CLEARLY it’s something you’re doing wrong, right? Well… no, not always. Sometimes it simply is just the timing... and has absolutely nothing to do with what flavor tea you’re drinking. Yes, you do need to pay attention to lifestyle habits… Yes, you do need to cut certain things from your diet… And HECK YES, you do need to understand your cycle… But still, there are just some things that you can officially toss in the “WHO CARES BUCKET!” And that’s what we’re going to gab about today! On today’s episode I’m going to: ----> Break down the top 4 things I hear people worrying about most… ----> Explain why they aren’t worth becoming a worry-wart over… ----> And there’s a little bonus “ah ha” moment about spleen energy and digestion I think you’re going to like… Quit pulling your hair out over every little thing and join me to catch a breather. TTC is exhausting
Everything You Need To Know About Fertility Massage With Angie Allison, LMBT
21/06/2018 Duration: 41minAngie and I met over 10 years ago when we shared a mutual working space. Basically, as a fertility acupuncturist I helped women get pregnant and then as a massage therapist- with a focus on fertility and prenatal care- Angie helped them through their pregnancies.f She was like the PB to my Jelly All things massages: how it works for fertility, why to get them while pregnant, and how to find a massage therapist who specializes in them near you. ---> Castor Oil… and how to use it most effectively. ---> And of course more #selfcare hacks so you can take care of your body before, during and after baby! Links mentioned: Bellies and Babies Private Facebook Group
Five Steps To Overcome The Disappointment of a BFN
14/06/2018 Duration: 18minThere’s nothing worse. Like literally… nothing. Here you are doing EVERYTHING you’re supposed to be doing: eating healthy, tracking your cycle, keeping your stress as low as possible and reading- or listening- up on #AllTheThings… and yet, there it is AGAIN! So much for that stress. It’s almost like it’s mocking you- telling you you’re not worthy I’m going to open up about some of my own struggles in life and how I overcame those moments of being ready to quit… ---> And I have a freebie to help you outline the emotions you go through to help you walk through to the other side quicker and more effectively than letting it continue to build up and break you down. Will the BFN ever get easier? Unfortunately not- but that doesn’t mean we give up our dream of starting a family, right? Links mentions: Private FB Group Episode 74 Freebie
Truth or Fertility Urban Legend: Popular Beliefs Debunked
31/05/2018 Duration: 30minMy guest today is Jocey Rodriguez, my right hand person. She has been on show multiple times and if you’re part of our private Facebook group, you certainly have benefited from her expertise. A couple of weeks ago, Jocey and I were discussing cases, and we got on the topic of fertility urban legends that people believe to be true and how we wish these urban legends didn’t spread like wildfire. And you know what I’m talking about. “Eat pineapple and drink pomegranate juice.” “Use Robitussin to thin the cervical mucus.” Listen we totally get it, when nothing is happening the way you envisioned, you want answers and you want to know what you can do today to fix it all. I asked Jocey to be on the show today because 1) It gets lonely sometimes flying solo and 2) I wanted a little extra help to debunk some of the popular fertility legends that are out there. These urban legends, while none of them are harmful, and in fact they might help some people, they are not the best way to approach your fertility. OK,
How to Take Care of Yourself During Pregnancy and Post-Partum to Preserve Future Fertility
24/05/2018 Duration: 24minIf you’re not pregnant right now I still want you to listen to this episode because here is the thing, setting a solid foundation for a healthy pregnancy and also post-partum, directly impacts your abilities to get pregnant in the future. We have a lot of mamas in the private group that are trying for a second or third child. And while they didn’t have any problems the first time, this time around seems harder. Well, that’s because the kidney energy is a bit more depleted. So while we can’t replenish the kidney energy, we can preserve it better. And how you take care of yourself during pregnancy and post- partum can affect how well you preserve that energy. I will go over in detail: Considerations for diet, exercise and self-care throughout all three trimesters of pregnancy. How to induce labor naturally. The one mistake most women make post-partum and the most important thing you need to do to take care of yourself. Remember, we inherit a limited amount of Kidney energy from our parents. So, the healt
Everything You Need to Know About an Acupuncture Session
17/05/2018 Duration: 22minI’m going to talk about something I love dearly, and that is acupuncture. I talked about how specifically you should go about looking for an acupuncturist before, but there are still lots of misconceptions surround acupuncture itself. So in this episode, I want to go into detail and: clear up some misconceptions talk about about what a typical acupuncture treatment should look like from beginning to end what you can expect to feel during the treatment and after the treatment. I hope to ease your fears about acupuncture because it is such a powerful tool to help you get pregnant. I don’t want you to stop treatment or have your fears get in the way because of misconceptions, or because someone didn’t take the time to talk to you about what to expect. Links mentioned: Private Facebook Community
Is Infertility Part of Your Identity?
26/04/2018 Duration: 08minThis week is National Infertility Awareness Week. I know a lot of organizations are raising awareness this week about this with activities and inspirational stories, and we’re doing the same at the office. But one thing I refuse to do is to use the word infertility and call this a disease. It’s not a disease. Just saying infertility makes me cringe because I do not like that word at all. I avoid it at all cost, like a plague. Every woman is practically fertile, period. But infertility has become an identity for so many women. What you don’t know is that our identify drives the stories that we’re telling ourselves. An identity is created based on some type of experience that we encounter, and we interpret the experience and ultimately form a belief around the experience. Then we craft stories based on this belief that become our identify, and our identity fuels our stories. It’s a loop that goes round and round and round. And it is exactly why in this loop, a lot of self sabotage happens. Links men
Plant-Base Nutrition for Vegetarians with Sarah Kaminski
19/04/2018 Duration: 34minIn today’s episode, I interview Sarah Kaminski. You may remember her from an honor coaching call episode #61. I coached Sarah on how to recover from her most recent miscarriage. And most recently when we talked, I’m happy to report that her hormones levels have improved dramatically I’m just so excited for her because I truly feel pregnancy is just around corner for her. But today, I specifically wanted Sarah to come on the show because Sarah is Certified health coach with a passion for plant-based diet. And today, we’re going to talk all about plant based diet for those of you who are trying to conceive and are vegetarians. Although you’ve heard my spiel about animal protein vs. plant based protein in episode #46, I never try to force or persuade anyone to ditch their vegetarians diets because I’m respectful of the reasons why someone might choose not to eat meat, whether it’s ethical reasons or whatever. But what I’m finding is that a lot of vegetarians, especially those who are trying to conceive do
What You Need to Know About Blocked Tubes
12/04/2018 Duration: 18minRemember the “Now What Series” way back when, I went through the popular conditions and what you can do if you were diagnosed with PCOS, unexplained infertility, endometriosis, High FSH. But I have talked about this one condition. There comes a time on every woman’s fertility journey when you start to get discouraged because nothing you’re doing is working. Many of you will eventually consult a medical doctor, hopefully a Reproductive Endocrinologist. The doctor will run a standard set of bloodwork and do an HSG. HSG is what’s known as the dye test, or hydrosalpingogram. This procedure is useful to look at the uterus and tubes to see if they’re healthy and connected. Many women discover that there are blockages in their tubes after the HSG. So on one hand, it’s a relief to know that there’s an answer as to why things are not happening. But on the other hand, it can feel like your fate is sealed...if the tubes aren’t open, how is the sperm going to get through. Everyone’s situation is different. At t
How Stress is Damaging Your Fertility - HPA Axis Dysregulation
29/03/2018 Duration: 20minIn our private group, I get this general feeling that there’s so much information out there and it’s hard to figure out who to listen to or what applies to you. But a common theme that I’m sensing is that many people are putting stress on their bodies without even realizing it. If you remember from a previous episode, we went over the idea of the kidney energy reservoir and how genetics, lifestyle choices can seriously impact how quickly we use up the energy in the reservoir. Even though I think people get this concept that if you withdraw from a savings bank without depositing back in, you’ll end up with a deficit...I don’t think the message really hit home because Chinese medicine concepts can be a little abstract. So today I want to approach this from a functional medicine perspective and talk about stress, the different types of stress, and how it seriously damages your HPA axis and therefore can affect your chances of getting pregnant. In this episode, I will: Explain the concept of hypothalamic-p
[On-Air Coaching Call] I help Sarah Create Her Pathway to Pregnancy™
15/03/2018 Duration: 49minSo today, I want you to meet Sarah. Sarah is a mom to a beautiful little boy and she is trying to conceive for the second time but unfortunately suffered two miscarriages back to back. In this episode, we talk a lot about nutrition because Sarah is a vegetarian and has been for many years. Even though animal protein is my preferred source for proteins, I never ever force anyone to stop being a vegetarian. So don’t worry, I do not try to convince Sarah to switch her eating habits. But I give Sarah a few pointers on how to adjust her diet to boost her fertility. Sarah is super inquisitive. She asked a bunch of great questions that I think you’re going to love hearing the answers to. Some of these questions I see coming up over and over again in our private group, so it’s going to provide clarity for those of you who are confused about certain concepts. Links mentioned: How to Get Healthy and Get Pregnant
How to Start Difficult Conversations With Your Spouse - With Kasandra Wheeler
08/03/2018 Duration: 40minIt sounds familiar right? You're doing everything possible to improve your health and get pregnant, but your husband or partner doesn't seem to understand or willing to pull their fair share of the weight...especially when sperm quality issues are the reasons standing between you and your growing family. In today's episode, I interview licensed counselor Kasandra Wheeler to get her top tips on how to start these difficult conversations with our S.O. without getting into a screaming match. Kasandra shares her tips on what to do when: 1. Your husband doesn't seem to understand the emotional impact of the BFN. 2. He has poor sperm quality but is unwilling to make the lifestyle changes. 3. He is unwilling to explore other treatment options such as IVF, IUI, or alternative therapies. Kasandra also shares her "Worry-Period" technique for reducing overall anxiety and depression. Links mentioned: Episodes mentioned: #58 - The One Thing I'm Scared to Tell You