How To Get Healthy And Get Pregnant

You Officially Have My Permission To Stop Worrying About These 4 Things



It’s hard to let things go sometimes- especially when we’re looking for answers. You’re not getting pregnant so CLEARLY it’s something you’re doing wrong, right? Well… no, not always. Sometimes it simply is just the timing... and has absolutely nothing to do with what flavor tea you’re drinking. Yes, you do need to pay attention to lifestyle habits… Yes, you do need to cut certain things from your diet… And HECK YES, you do need to understand your cycle… But still, there are just some things that you can officially toss in the “WHO CARES BUCKET!” And that’s what we’re going to gab about today! On today’s episode I’m going to: ----> Break down the top 4 things I hear people worrying about most… ----> Explain why they aren’t worth becoming a worry-wart over… ----> And there’s a little bonus “ah ha” moment about spleen energy and digestion I think you’re going to like… Quit pulling your hair out over every little thing and join me to catch a breather. TTC is exhausting