This fertility podcast helps you to cut through the noise on the topics of women's health and fertility, zones in on the useful and practical tips that can help to boost your fertility. The show will provide fresh perspectives for someone who is trying to conceive by integrating Western medicine with Chinese medicine. The show's host, Adrienne Wei is a fertility expert with a background in Chinese medicine.
The One Thing I'm Afraid to Tell You
22/02/2018 Duration: 13minThis past Monday, I did something scary and felt really vulnerable. In the special episode, I talked about how I’m restructuring all my programs hoping to serve you better and help you get pregnant. But if I can be honest with you, it was kind of an emotional episode for me to record. Before I hit publish for that episode, I went through a range of emotions. I was scared of being judged. In my head I was playing out what other people would say, like “oh there she goes again, wishy-washy, always changing things up.” Or “that was one huge sales pitch and she’s just using this as an opportunity to promote her program.” I also felt like I’ve let other people down. It felt like I had pulled the rug from underneath all the people that were perhaps thinking about joining the membership site. Also I felt like I’ve let myself down, like a failure that after two years here I am back at square one and still figuring things out. Over the years, somehow I got it in my head that my self-worth is tied to how oth
The One Hormone That Really Matters for Fertility (Hint: it's not estrogen)
15/02/2018 Duration: 23minToday, we’re going to be talking about a healthy diet vs a fertile diet and I’m going to shock you by talking about one hormone that’s the most crucial for fertility (hint: it’s not estrogen.) Anytime I post anything about nutrition or diet, the posts always generate the most responses. I think this an area that most people struggle with. Food across all cultures bring up emotions for everyone, whether it’s joy, sadness, anger, fear, whatever. Humans have such deep emotional connection to food because we have to eat to live. But what I find is that there are lots of misconceptions around nutrition and what’s healthy what’s not. I have a dramatically different viewpoint on nutrition than a lot of other practitioners and coaches. I don’t believe a healthy diet is necessarily a fertile diet, but type in fertiles diets in google, and your eyes might pop out from the number of results and also the different people telling you different things. So the purpose of this episode is not to convince you that wha
How to Regain Motivation When You Feel Defeated
08/02/2018 Duration: 19minI don’t know if this sounds like you...but, in my ten years of coaching women on how to get pregnant, I’ve seen this plenty of times. At some point of your journey, you’re going to get to a point where you feel defeated because nothing you’re doing is working. At times you may even question your own will power, maybe I’m just not cut out for this. This happens so frequently, and it’s not your fault. So in today’s episode, I want to talk about how to regain your motivation when you feel defeated. I want to help you to get back to when you first started trying-to-conceive, to that level of excitement you had before any of the heartaches and disappointments started to take over. I know how hard it can be to keep charging forward when you feel like the odds are stacked up against you, when you feel alone, when you feel sad and depressed. There is no magic pill that you can take to go from” one minute laying on the floor crying” to “the next minute you’re ready to conquer the world.” But I’m going to sha
Overview of Male Fertility
01/02/2018 Duration: 18minToday, we’re going to talk about male fertility because guess what, it still takes two-to-tango, and you need a sperm and an egg to get pregnant. Male fertility sometimes gets overlooked. And I don’t know if it’s something deeper but when a couple is having trouble conceiving, the woman is the presumed person with the problem. But here is the scary thing, male fertility issues now account for 40% of all infertility cases. So in this episode, I’m going to give you an overview of male fertility, from a western point of view and from a chinese medicine perspective. When it comes to male fertility, the nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement requirements are slightly different than female fertility. We’re going to get to all that eventually in upcoming episodes, but today we’re just going to be looking at the bigger picture of male fertility. I also get a lot of questions about how to read semen analysis results so I’m going to go over that as well. I firmly believe that the more information you have, th
[Honor Coaching Call] I Coach Hilary on How to Prepare for Her FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)
25/01/2018 Duration: 50minToday’s guest is Hilary, a member of the Practically Fertile™ Club. Hilary reached out to me on one of our group coaching calls, and I decided to offer her the honor coaching opportunity because I needed more information about her situation to be able to answer her questions. I also thought it might be helpful to some of you who are in the same situation. Hilary has been trying-to-conceive for 5 years. She’s currently in between IVF cycles and her major challenge is getting the uterine lining to the optimal thickness for a frozen embryo transfer. In this coaching call, I help Hilary make tweaks to her nutrition plan and exercise plan to boost the amount of blood flow to the uterus. Keep in mind that even though everyone is different and Hilary’s plan isn’t necessarily the right plan for you, you’re still going to gain new understanding and learn tips and tricks whether you’re on the IVF journey or you’re trying to conceive naturally. Let’s dive into my live 1-on-1 honor coaching call with Hilary. Links me
What It Means to "Accept" Your Fertility Challenges: An Interview With Shannon Schultz-Wooten
28/12/2017 Duration: 39minI’m so excited for 2018 because there are just so many things to look forward to. This episode is a facebook live interview that I conducted with Shannon Schultz-Wooten. Many of you are familiar with Shannon. She is a life coach with a speciality in helping others with fertility challenges move the blocks out of the way that are preventing them from moving forward and achieving future goals. She is also the author of “Infertility sucks, you don’t.” Shannon was my guest for episode #29 where we talked about how the fertility journey has so many similarities with the five stages of grief. I thought the facebook live interview I did with Shannon would be the perfect episode to round out the year 2017. As we head into 2018 and as many of you reflect on the year 2017, you might be feeling a bit down on yourself if you didn’t get pregnant this year. You may feel like a failure. I don’t want you to head into 2018 with this type of mindset. As mentioned before, Shannon is known for taking the 5 stages of g
How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs That Are Preventing You From Pregnancy (Part 2)
14/12/2017 Duration: 19minToday’s episode is part 2 of How to overcome limiting beliefs that are preventing you from pregnancy. To quickly review, limiting beliefs are show stoppers. They stop us in our tracks and prevent us from moving forward. Just by having these beliefs, we do not think, do or say the things that the beliefs prevent us from thinking, doing or saying and we totally sabotage ourselves. Limiting beliefs can be “I am not very good at this,” “this is too hard,” “I can never do this,” “I’m never going to get pregnant,” “ I’m that annoying person,” “people are going to laugh at me.” And the ways we come up with these limiting beliefs is through life experiences, what others have said, our fears, and our assumptions that we know what others will do, think or say . So in today’s episode, we’re going to talk about how to actually overcome limiting beliefs whatever they might be. Let’s dive right in. Links mentioned in this episode: Episodes mentioned: Episode 49: How To Overcome Limiting B
How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs That Are Preventing You From Pregnancy (Part I)
30/11/2017 Duration: 13minDo you ever find yourself saying things like “I’m infertile,” “I don’t have the willpower,” “people think I’m annoying,””I can’t do this,” “this is too hard.” We probably all have said something similar. These are what we call limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are show stoppers. They stop us in our tracks and prevent us from moving forward. Just by having these beliefs, we do not think, do or say the things that the beliefs prevent us from thinking, doing or saying. And we end up totally sabotage ourselves. Having a fertile mindset is as important as having a fertile cycle and a fertile lifestyle. Today's episode is part 1 of a two part series on how to overcome limiting beliefs that are preventing you from getting pregnant. We learn what limiting beliefs are and where they comes from. Let's dive in. Links mentioned:
[Chinese Medicine Series] The Four Substances and How They Affect Your Body
02/11/2017 Duration: 12minI touched on the core principle of Chinese medicine in episode #43. In that episode I talked about how the guiding principle of Chinese medicine is to always strive for balance. But specifically what do we try to balance? You hear me tossing around the terms qi stagnation, qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency, what do these all mean? In today’s episode, we are going to talk about the four substances, Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang. These four substances power your body by working together. When one of them is out of whack, it will affect the rest. Let’s dive in and find out why they’re important and how they affect your balance. Episodes mentioned: #43 - The Core Principle of Chinese Medicine #40 - Why Was It Easy For Her, But Not Me Link mentioned: How To Get Healthy and Get Pregnant Facebook Group
Gut Health and Fertility
05/10/2017 Duration: 15minToday, I actually want to revisit an old topic that we’ve talked about a lot this past year. And that is gut health. I want to revisit gut health because since episode 3 aired, the responses and questions have been overwhelming because it’s a new way of looking at nutrition, and how specifically it affects fertility. In the US, salads are the go to "health" foods. And most people grew up drinking milk. So cutting out dairy and ditching the smoothies and salads for most people, presents a huge lifestyle change. Through working with clients and talking to women in our private Facebook group, I see three main obstacles that people are encountering when they make this shift to no raw foods and no dairy. So let's dive in and talk about how to overcome these obstacles. Links mentioned in this episode: Podcast episodes mentioned: Episode 3 - Why Gut Health is So Important for Fertility
From No Period to Becoming Pregnant - A Practically Fertile™ Success Story
21/09/2017 Duration: 42minWhat if you’ve never had a natural cycle for almost 10 years? What if you were bouncing around from doctor to doctor looking for answers and the best advice they can give is to take medicine? Meet Susie... This is the incredible story of Susie who was diagnosed with hypothalamic amenorrhea and PCOS. She went from feeling hopeless to getting pregnant. You’ll hear from her talk about: Her journey to restart her cycle three years after coming off the birth control pill What finally made a difference for her How she overcame emotional challenges of seeing others get pregnant and wondering it it was ever going to be her I hope Susie’s story will leave you feeling a bit more inspired, a bit more hopeful knowing that you too can overcome your obstacles because there is no such thing as infertility. Susie mentioned working with me 1-on-1, but you also have the option to join the Practically Fertile Club, a membership site where you can get courses, workshops advice and support to help you get pregnant. I’
The Core Principle of Chinese Medicine
31/08/2017 Duration: 16minI always talk about how Chinese medicine is really different than Western medicine. Because one medical system looks for the root cause of diseases and the other is about putting out fire and treating the symptom. But yet, these two medical systems have a lot of similarities. I mentioned last week that I really want to break down the information into bite sized pieces so it’s easier to understand and grasp the concepts. Especially when it comes to Chinese medicine. To many of you it’s a fairly new way of looking at the human body. In today’s episode, I’m going to start with the very, very basic and talk about the core principle of Chinese medicine and its approach to wellness, which is to always strive for balance. Links mentioned in this episode:
9 Ways To Stay Positive and Stay Sane During the Two-Week-Wait
03/08/2017 Duration: 19minAhhhhh, yes, the Two-Week-Wait, or 2WW... The Two-Week-Wait is the time between ovulation and when you test for pregnancy. You’ve done everything you could up until this point. You tracked ovulation and you did the baby dance and now….you wait. You find yourself “symptom checking.” Ohhhh, is that an implantation cramp? Do I feel slight nausea? Did my boobs get bigger? You also can’t help it but hop onto fertility blogs and forums to see if anyone else out there is feeling the same way. Does any of this sound familiar to you? The two weeks wait feels like an eternity, it feels like two years instead of two weeks. This anguish and anxiety comes from the unknown and the fact that you’ve done everything you could up to this point, and there’s little you can do now except just waiting and waiting. Many people will tell you don’t stress...yeah right. That’s the worst advice ever. It’s important for you to understand that you’re not a crazy person, you’re not over-analyzing, what you’re feeling is complete
The Answer To Your Burning Question: "Why was it so easy for her, but not for me?"
27/07/2017 Duration: 15minI received a personal message yesterday after a long day at work. And it’s my favorite type of message - a pregnancy success story. One of my listeners wanted to let me know that she has been following me for a few months and she incorporated my diet advice as part her daily routine. She is now pregnant and planning her gender reveal party. It was so amazing to receive this message. First, she took the time out of her day to write me a note, and secondly, I’m so happy that I was able to make a difference on her journey. For many of you, hearing about success stories is a double edged sword. It can certain give you a ray of hope, that “if she can do it, I can too.” But it can also cause the comparison blues “Why is it so easy for her, but not me?” Sure the FOMO Syndrome might be partly to blame here. We see Facebook and Instagram posts of cute pregnancy selfies, baby bump pictures and baby nursery decor. It’s hard not to feel like we’re missing out on all of those things. But today, I want to actua
How to Avoid FOMO and Be Happier
13/07/2017 Duration: 16minToday’s episode is going to be on FOMO, have you ever heard of that word? FOMO, fear of missing out. That grass is always greener feeling, and there’s always something better out there. Have you ever had this uneasy and anxious feeling that everyone else’s life is better than yours? Are you the type of read at least 10 reviews before buying a toaster just to make sure that there’s nothing better than this one toaster you’re thinking about getting? Or how about this, you’ve heard about this big party, and you’re not really sure if you want to go but at the same time you’re thinking well what it’s super fun, you don’t want to miss out, but you really would rather stay home and watch a movie. FOMO actually made it into the Oxford dictionary in 2013, and by definition it mean the uneasy and sometimes all-consuming feeling that you’re missing out – that your peers are doing, in the know about, or in possession of more or something better than you. Suffering from FOMO has real consequences. My goal for this e
Are you Attracting or Repelling Fertile Energy - With Kelly Jones, Feng Shui Expert
29/06/2017 Duration: 59minIn Chinese medicine we talk about energy flow and how important it is for your energy to flow properly. If it gets stuck, you’ll have problems. But what about the energy flow of your environment? What if you’re living in a super cluttered space, what if you’re working with a toxic person every day? Have you ever wondered why some plants keep dying in certain places, why you walk into a room and the air just seems stuffy? You’re not crazy, it’s not in your head. It’s all about Feng Shui. If you have heard of feng shui before you kinda know a little bit about what I’m talking about. You might start thinking arrange furniture a certain way, placing good luck charm in certain place, and using certain colors to bring in good energy and good luck. If this is the first time you’ve heard the words feng shui, you are not alone. Feng shui is an art and science. It’s more than just energy placement, it’s about creating a harmonious environment where your health, your relationship, your finances will all flo
How To Know If You're Ready For IUI or IVF
15/06/2017 Duration: 16minIn this episode, we’re going to talk about how to know if you’re ready for medical intervention. I love the fact that reproductive medicine has advanced so much now because 30 years ago, IVF wasn’t even an option. And now many women are able to get pregnant and become mothers because of it. But I think because IUI or IVF is a readily available option, many people are jumping into these procedures pre-maturely, at least in my opinion. I totally get it, it’s so disheartening to get that big fat negative every single month, and when everyone around you is getting pregnant except you, of course if there’s an easier way, why not? But today I want to specifically talk to you about why even if you’re considering IUI, IVF you need to make sure that your body is ready because guess what, IVF is only a 46% success rate. I’m going to talk about the steps you need to take before you even think about IUI or IVF. And for some of you who are on the fence about IUI or IVF, this episode is going to also help you make th
Infertility Sucks, But You Don't... An Interview With Shannon Wooten On How To Rediscover Your Self-Worth And Get Your Groove Back!
27/04/2017 Duration: 01h07minSo, you have this life plan that you’ve mapped out that by a certain age, you’ll be married and have two kids, a dog, and a cat, maybe a hamster. You then meet the right guy and you thought your plan would start to unfold like it should. When that doesn’t happen, you realize that it wasn’t as easy as you thought it was going to be. After years of searching for answers, you are handed a diagnosis of infertility. Your whole world is now turned upside down, your plan seems impossible to execute. Where do you go from here? What will happen if you try everything and pregnancy is still impossible? Who would you then become? Would you still be you? Would you feel like a failure? These are all the little voices inside of you that are nagging you constantly. I want you to meet Shannon Wooten, my guest for today’s show. Shannon is an author, speaker and life coach. Her passion is to help women struggling to conceive to shift their mindset and find their self-value amidst a diagnosis such as infertility that
Ask This One Question If You Feel Defeated
30/03/2017 Duration: 11minSo often, we make up stories for ourselves because we all hate to fail and hate to be disappointed. But the stories trap us and prevents us from taking action. In today's episode (a shorter one than usual,) I talk about the one question you should be asking yourself when you feel defeated and unmotivated, and finding yourself derailed. This question is something that people don't think about but it's exactly this questions that's going to set you up for success when times get tough.
Interview with Fertility & Mindfulness Counselor Johanna Hyland, LCSW
02/03/2017 Duration: 31minHappy Thursday! I've been working hard on Practically Fertile, my online fertility-boosting program. I have an entire module dedicated to emotional well-being in what I call the Happiness Formula. I give you techniques on how to overcome some challenges such as self-sabotaging and repeated negative behavior patterns as part of the formula. I’m not a psychotherapist so my techniques are based on taking action to reprogram and reframe your way of thinking. But, I’ve been noticing that over and over again in my practice and the private facebook group, that many people are struggling with things such as, how to say no to a baby shower, how to handle pregnancy announcements, how to create you own support system, how to deal with people who tell you “relax and it’ll happen,” How to deal with negativity from others without spiraling into a depression with them, and how to deal with all the emotions that come after a miscarriage. And I thought these are real struggles people have, many people get into a funk or a d