How To Get Healthy And Get Pregnant

What It Means to "Accept" Your Fertility Challenges: An Interview With Shannon Schultz-Wooten



I’m so excited for 2018 because there are just so many things to look forward to.   This episode is a facebook live interview that I conducted with Shannon Schultz-Wooten.  Many of you are familiar with Shannon. She is a life coach with a speciality in helping others with fertility challenges move the blocks out of the way that are preventing them from moving forward and achieving future goals.  She is also the author of “Infertility sucks, you don’t.”   Shannon was my guest for episode #29 where we talked about how the fertility journey has so many similarities with the five stages of grief.  I thought the facebook live interview I did with Shannon would be the perfect episode to round out the year 2017.  As we head into 2018 and as many of you reflect on the year 2017, you might be feeling a bit down on yourself if you didn’t get pregnant this year.  You may feel like a failure. I don’t want you to head into 2018 with this type of mindset.   As mentioned before, Shannon is known for taking the 5 stages of g