How To Get Healthy And Get Pregnant

[Honor Coaching Call] I Coach Hilary on How to Prepare for Her FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)



Today’s guest is Hilary, a member of the Practically Fertile™ Club. Hilary reached out to me on one of our group coaching calls, and I decided to offer her the honor coaching opportunity because I needed more information about her situation to be able to answer her questions.  I also thought it might be helpful to some of you who are in the same situation. Hilary has been trying-to-conceive for 5 years.  She’s currently in between IVF cycles and her major challenge is getting the uterine lining to the optimal thickness for a frozen embryo transfer. In this coaching call, I help Hilary make tweaks to her nutrition plan and exercise plan to boost the amount of blood flow to the uterus. Keep in mind that even though everyone is different and Hilary’s plan isn’t necessarily the right plan for you, you’re still going to gain new understanding and learn tips and tricks whether you’re on the IVF journey or you’re trying to conceive naturally. Let’s dive into my live 1-on-1 honor coaching call with Hilary.   Links me