How To Get Healthy And Get Pregnant

Overview of Male Fertility



Today, we’re going to talk about male fertility because guess what, it still takes two-to-tango, and you need a sperm and an egg to get pregnant. Male fertility sometimes gets overlooked.  And I don’t know if it’s something deeper but when a couple is having trouble conceiving, the woman is the presumed person with the problem.  But here is the scary thing,  male fertility issues now account for 40% of all infertility cases.   So in this episode, I’m going to give you an overview of male fertility, from a western point of view and from a chinese medicine perspective.  When it comes to male fertility,  the nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement requirements are slightly different than female fertility.  We’re going to get to all that eventually in upcoming episodes, but today we’re just going to be looking at the bigger picture of male fertility.   I also get a lot of questions about how to read semen analysis results so I’m going to go over that as well.   I firmly believe that the more information you have, th