How To Get Healthy And Get Pregnant

How Each Human Emotion According to Chinese Medicine, Can Affect Your Fertility



It doesn’t seem fair but we all know someone who was so frustrated, then says screw it all, I’m going to party like a rockstar this month, eat what I want, do what I want...and they end up getting pregnant. So is there some truth to just relax and it’ll happen? I know so many of you love the tips and tricks but  I keep noticing over and over again inside the private group that a lot of you are stuck on the mindset piece. So this is not going to be an episode where I tell you that you can’t feel a certain way because that’s not how I do things.  But what’s really interesting is that in Chinese medicine, each emotion is tied to a certain organ system.  And each emotion can absolutely have an impact on the functions of each organ system, and ultimately fertility. Links mentioned: Private FB Community Episodes mentioned: Episode 47 Episode 52