How To Get Healthy And Get Pregnant

[On-Air Coaching Call] I help Sarah Create Her Pathway to Pregnancy™



So today, I want you to meet Sarah. Sarah is a mom to a beautiful little boy and she is trying to conceive for the second time but unfortunately suffered two miscarriages back to back.   In this episode, we talk a lot about nutrition because Sarah is a vegetarian and has been for many years. Even though animal protein is my preferred source for proteins, I never ever force anyone to stop being a vegetarian.  So don’t worry, I do not try to convince Sarah to switch her eating habits.  But I give Sarah a few pointers on how to adjust her diet to boost her fertility. Sarah is super inquisitive.  She asked a bunch of great questions that I think you’re going to love hearing the answers to.  Some of these questions I see coming up over and over again in our private group, so it’s going to provide clarity for those of you who are confused about certain concepts. Links mentioned: How to Get Healthy and Get Pregnant