Obstacle Course



Join Andrew and John as they learn how to build the habit of resilience by embracing challenges and interviewing everyday bad-asses who have overcome adversity. Discover how the obstacle you've been dreading could be the path to greater fulfillment and meaning in your life!


  • Chiz: The Encore

    05/06/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Curious where Andrew and John go for lunch every week? The Fig!Three cheers for Ian "Chiz" Chisolm for showing boldness by asking to come on the Podcast again. If you missed his first appearance, your can check it out here. Pixar rules. Inside Out At press time, it looks like the NHL will award a Stanley Cup in 2020! Go Oilers! Here's Ian's excellent interview with Chek News."Emotions are like kids in the car. Don't let them drive but also don't lock them in the trunk." We can react (emotions are in charge) or respond (we are in charge of our emotions). Dr Bonnie Henry is steady without being emotionless. People trust leaders who can show appropriate emotion. She had led British Columbia through the worst crisis in decades.COVID has been a massive resilience test for this current generation. We are built for challenge. Resilience is our birthright!We need to have a appetite for adversity. Leadership is example. What does our fear tell us about who we are?Hope and positivity can be unhelpful if we use them as

  • Life After Debt

    27/05/2020 Duration: 01h07min

    Leave your cell phones alone, folks. 4 Pillars focuses exclusively on helping people get out of debt fast. They do this by helping people put together a plan to reduce their debt, reduce their payments, and help them to rebuild their credit and their financial life. They represent the person in debt only. Not the bank. A Creditor is someone you owe money to.An Entrepreneur can't NOT do what they're doing. It's an itch they have to scratch. You know you're on your own path when you're bushwhacking. Resilience training helps build our courage muscle so we can take larger risks or leaps.Benjy's passion for surfing and snow boarding has familiarized him with pain and risk. Fail Forward Fast!The NINJA Loan. Arrested Development is probably the greatest comedy of all time. :) Benjy's financial reversal was a horrible slow bleed. Like a tooth extraction without an anesthetic. Robbing/Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and they both go broke. The most painful part is the stress of going backwards and giving up your sta

  • Getting Curious When Life Crumbles

    20/05/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    Here's the video of Joseph and John's powerful speeches from The Connection Project.Here's the episode we recorded LIVE at The Connection Project.Curious about the history behind the Connection Project? Check out our amazing interview with Emily Olson, the creator and heart behind it. Vulnerability is essential to making long lasting connections. Podcasters don't fly first class. Except for maybe Joe Rogan."I'm fucking fucked." But he wasn't. We all need a break from our false self. Creativity and Curiosity saved Joseph's life. They are an antidote to hopelessness. Stagnancy and remaining static could be the beginning of the end. We must avoid both like the plague. Stay with it. Change is coming. Our perception is severely limited. "Curiosity is my guiding principle." Joseph 

  • Dancing With Ourselves

    13/05/2020 Duration: 01h07min

    Witch path are you on? This is what most of us think of when we hear the word witch. Man Up: Stifling emotions since the beginning of time.Let's ditch the man up and inspire to the divine union! - AndrewDance helps me unwind knots in my psyche and digest life. -ChristyWho could forget mixed tapes? Don't listen to this song by Peter Cetera or Richard MarxI love yoga but I wanted to break from the structure. So I found Kundalini Dance. - ChristyHeyyyyyy Macarena. How does the body want to move vs. How does the mind want to move the body. When we are rigid, we struggle to dance. When Zoom lags a bit it's easy to interrupt. Sorry Christy!!!Dance with whatever is real without putting on masks. Andrew lies. I can't dance.How does our body want to move in response to how we feel? We need to let our bodies dance with whatever is. Shake Phrase: BrwarwaraarawThe rose teaches us how to have a sharp pointy no so we can blossom into our yes.There's no natural remedy for Andrew's aphid joke.Christy's kickass Quantum Physic

  • Loving Past Our Fears

    06/05/2020 Duration: 52min

    How do we talk about stuff we don't talk about? We talk about it. Just don't avoid it.Want to feel emboldened like John. Get over yourself and connect with someone else."It's always been in my nature to care for people so once I found out what a funeral director does, I dove in." ToniSix Feet Under is an excellent/ spectacularly depressing HBO TV show that follows a family of funeral directors.Toni started Trans Death Care after his first week of school for funeral directing. He saw a need and filled it. Funeral Boss Inc!You can connect and follow Toni on his very active Instagram Page."It's not a box, it's more of a spectrum." Toni.Toni's family minimized his transition saying things like.."you'll always be our little girl." They also insinuated that he was doing it for attention. Toni's courage is connected to his values. The key is caring more about the needs of others then our own fear.     

  • Conversations in Courage!

    20/04/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Jim is our first, third time guest!! Actually we were his guests. But still, 3x with Jim! Boom! Here's Jim' fantastic episode if you missed it. Jim's Facebook page is a wealth of wit, wisdom and yes, professional lip syncing. Jim is a fantastic business coach with Leapzone Strategies and all around great guy. The video of this conversation can be found on our brand new Obstacle Course Community. Not a member? It's as easy as clicking on the big blue visit Visit Group button on our Facebook page. John's rap skills are on point. There's no place for the twin extremes of panic or denial anywhere, but especially in leadership. JCIf we hope to be effective leaders, we must start with leading ourselves. ALIf you're feeling the panic, cold water is a very effective and instant treatment!! :) A mind that is consumed by crisis will undoubtedly be in crisis. ALSuzanne Venuta is a incredible example of courage in action. Her episode is a must listen!  Netflix might get you through evening but it can't get you through th

  • Modern Mind Control

    15/04/2020 Duration: 01h18min

    Andrew and John. Because I like to put Andrew first... sometimes.....Scott's newest book The Wedge is incredible. Give it a read. As is his book about Wim Hof, What Doesn't Kill Us.Besides being a best selling author, Scott is an investigative journalist, TED speaker and anthropologist. If life is a song and it ends in a minor key, why not take risks!! SCWe've lost, we're gonna die. So why not live an amazing life!!As human beings, we're not really using all of the tools we've been given. The Wedge is about learning how to separate the stimulus (stressor) from our response (stress). You have choice in every situation.Scott's early book The Enlightenment Trap explores the dangers of meditation. Anxiety is your sympathetic nervous system getting you ready to act! Fight or Flight!Our Limbic Librarian has an incredible memory but sucks at context. Our brain simply pulls up past reactions and then inserts it into our present experience. If we're not careful, we'll be repeating past reactions and fears and never li

  • The Future of Business

    08/04/2020 Duration: 57min

    Mike Miler is the CEO and Founder of Abstract DevelopmentsMike bought his first house as a 19 year old at 10.5% interest. "If you're getting into business to make money, you're going about it the wrong way. If you're getting into business because you're passionate about something, you want to help shape your future and you want to be part of something bigger than yourself and make your mark in the world, that will fuel you." Mike Miller"Fake it until you make it. I had a napkin." Mike Miller."I loved what I was doing and it wasn't about the money." Mike Miller""When you're knee deep in shit, know that you're in shit and breathe through it because this too shall pass." Mike MillerHere's another great interview Mike gave with CBRE. Prioritizing is crucial when going through tough times.  Mike and Shellie GudgeonMike and Shellie Gudgeon are the proud owner's of one of Victoria's best restaurants - Il Terrazzo.In the beginning, Mike and Shellie opened 5 restaurants in 5 years. Mike's strength was fiscal responsib

  • Getting To Sleep

    01/04/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    It's all about the downloads baby!!It's worth sticking around to the end folks.  "Dainty but sharp." The worst kind of sharp. John has a scissor fetish. Deal with it. Also, you should buy one of Angie's scarfs. John also has a Jalapeño Havariti cheese fetish. "Fool me once. Strike one. Fool me twice. Strike 3." - Michael ScottDaniel Erichsen - Insomnia InsightIt's CBT not CBD folks. One letter. Big difference. Not everyone needs 8 hrs of sleep. Listen to your body.The only way to get past insomnia is to stop fighting it. Embrace it. Be ok with it. Anxiety works the same way."You have to be willing to have insomnia to get past it." Nick Wignall.Train your brain to not see sleeplessness as the enemy.Sometimes sleep aides backfire as they convince our brain that sleeplessness is an adversary to be conquered which then puts us in a fight mode. Anxiety is not far away.Let it be! Let it go! You may need a professional to help guide you through.Be gentle with yourself. It's completely normal to lose sleep over COVID

  • Starting A Riot

    25/03/2020 Duration: 01h24min

    Our incredible original introduction has now been lost to the world. John hasn't taken a drink since December. Had he know that a pandemic was coming, he may have chosen something...like... no vegetables?If John wants to give birth, why stand in his way?If you missed our first conversation with Ralf and Aly, you check it out here. Ralf and Aly's Golden/Shit Ideas of Finding InvestorsKnow the laws before asking people for moneySeek a relationship first and make strong connections.Know your industry wellRalf and Aly spent seven years building relationships and raising enough capital. Tenacity in action.Initially, Ralf and Aly were fuelled by spite to prove their detractors wrong. Over time, the love for their community took over. It's human nature to see the underdog becomes victorious. If Ralf and Aly hadn't asked for help and shared their business failures, they would have never had the ability to come back. Remaining true to self and sticking to their values is the secret to Riot's and every business success

  • Feeling Light When Things Are Heavy

    19/03/2020 Duration: 44min

    A special thanks to Alexa Close for not being too mad at her Dad. More like under 8 hrs Andrew! Bam. #committedIf you want to cringe, check out our Corona comments in the intro of this episode.Andrew's fantastic mobile bartending business is Twist of Fate Craft Cocktails.You can find John's writings here!Nick's fantastic episode about getting past worry, anxiety and negative self talk can be found here.Worry feels better than helplessness but both are poor habits.Brene Brown is a powerful voice in these times. Highly recommended.Middle of the night anxiety? Find an anchor! Just don't wake the anchor up... :PHere's a great new book on Winston Churchill! Highly recommended by John.George Brewster was a WWII pilot and has the gift of gab. His excellent Remembrance Day episode can be found here. Hi Mom!!Use this time in isolation to be creative and make the world a better place. Educate yourself. edXWhat will we do with the time that we've been given?Here's Heather's excellent episode on grief. If we can come tog

  • It's All In Your Head

    11/03/2020 Duration: 01h13min

    John is both shit at being gentle and positive self talk.Many of John's morning writings can be found here.Beach Body On Demand folks! Exercise made easy. Well, not really. Also, there's actually over 1300 workouts. Something for everyone.Shaun T made me want to exercise again."That is a Beach Body that is NOT on demand." - Andrew Langford. Line of the year? Probably.Do you over-rate and under-rate your meditation? You're in good company. So does Andrew.Check out Nick's incredible writing on Medium or his very informative website.Writing is a fantastic way to confront how murky your thoughts are and thus make sense of what you believe.Nick was drawn to clinical psychology because of his fascination with deep conversation and problem solving. Great Parenting Book! The Gardener and the Carpenter. Great Mentors plant seeds. Why Worrying is Like Eating Junkfood.Worrying is not something that just happens to us. It's a choice we make and a habit we cultivate. NWWe worry because it gives us something to do and it m

  • Round Table: Are You Paying Attention?

    04/03/2020 Duration: 01h20min

    Well done Sarah! We're loving the Roundtables. If you missed the first one, check it out here! For this conversation, we brought back three great guests! Wade Smith, Maeve Maguire and Mike Reilly! Wade SmithSuffering comes from trying to control an uncontrollable world and being attached to an outcome.Don't ask, "What's the worst that can happen?" Ask.. "What's the best possible thing that can happen?" If you're unclear about the big picture, it's easy to get distracted and lose your attention."When I compromise my values, I'm out of integrity." WSYour values are a light that you can follow. Look out for the equal and opposite darkness.Maeve MaguireMaeve likes comedians. I guess that's why she likes us.Our kids are watching what we do more than they are listening to what we say.Are cell phones the new smoking?We're not even interested in the distractions.Maeve's favourite time of the day is when the phones are put away and she can just be with her partner and kids.For the record, Maeve has 4 working limbs but

  • Conversations on Cannabis

    26/02/2020 Duration: 01h28min

    It's true. John was a man of the cloth. He talked about his career as a minister and subsequent break from faith in an earlier episode. He also spoke about the toll this took on his mental health. I swear Andrew was going to say, "numb your nuts." In fact, I stand by my claim.John shared the charming story of when he tried Cannabis for the first time at the Empress - in the introduction of Jana's amazing episode. Spoiler Alert: John lost all motor functions and ended up naked and afraid. :) Escape can be an excellent form of self care. Just don't let escape become a lifestyle.Adam's excellent episode/ doughnut metaphor can be found here. Zoom's audio is still not that great. That said, the sound did have to travel clear across Canada so it's possible I still don't understand how sound works...GAFF is Fabian and Juliane's Charity and it stands for Global Alliance Foundation Fund / Give a Fuck FactorGAFF's 4 Pillars of HealingTreat the Symptom with the proper band-aidTreat the injury/trauma with a medical profe

  • Not all who wander are lost

    19/02/2020 Duration: 01h38min

    For accurate information on the Coronavirus, check out the very informative WHO website. Here's where Andrew and Sarah went on vacation. Here's more info on John Gardener Pass where Andrew/Sarah almost died on the mountain.Actual footage of Sarah and Andrew on the mountain - the moment the snow storm hit. "You get the journey you're ready for." Joseph CampbellLike Jason Storie who continued to go caving after being trapped underground for the night, Andrew and Sarah plan to head back to the mountain.Life Truth: You have to leave the tent!!Memory Marker: A memorable experience that helps time fly by."We'd choose being on the top of a mountain in a snow storm over sitting down and watching TV and letting our lives escape us." AndrewSpeaking of adventure, The Endurance is likely the greatest adventure story of all time. Shackleton is a legend for a reason. If you can't relax here, you'll struggle to relax there. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." "Concern happens in my head and anxiety happens in my che

  • Wild Spirituality and the Beautiful Unknown

    12/02/2020 Duration: 01h45min

    Yet another episode that begins with Andrew dropping an F-bomb. Explicit Content it is."Squirrels shouldn't be that large." ALJana was initially invited to appear on our Spirituality Roundtable but we quickly realized her experiences warranted a full episode.Psychedelics are growing in popularity for their notable benefits with mental health. Check out Michael Pollan's fascinating new book on his experiences with psychedelics and what they taught him about life and death.For a great night of memories, check out Victoria's Empress hotel.While Hugh Grant was great in Notting Hill, Sense and Sensibility and Bridget Jones, About a Boy is probably his best work. Music and Lyrics was tone deaf.Best to not offer John any stimulants, chemicals, candy, anything really. Herbal tea only please."I did want a memorable night and I had envisioned that I might end up naked in bed with my wife. But not quite like this." - JCLook for more Roundtable conversations this Spring. Next up... Why Is Sleep so Challenging?Conversatio

  • Getting in Alignment

    05/02/2020 Duration: 01h32min

    Here’s more information on the annual Goldstream Salmon Run. There’s so much beauty and wonder in nature. Get outside people! There’s beauty around every corner.Nature is a great charging station! Leave your phone in the car and experience it distraction-free. Even if you don’t Insta your experience, it still counts!We are thrilled to have physiotherapist, author and speaker Wendy Bowen as our guest today.If you’ve been looking for a way to launch your business or product, consider joining BNI. There are local chapters in cities all over the world.There is no competition on Obstacle Course. We are all connected and united by our shared obstacles both big and small.“You can’t separate the body from the mind, spirit or soul.” -WBDo we repeat or do we evolve? – Robert Ohotto.Caroline Myss – She’s Wendy’s No BS Spiritual Director. She wrote the book on Why People Don’t Heal.We often learn through pain. It’s often our higher self trying to get our attention.“The body talks to us all the time.” – WBIt’s possible in

  • Leadership Lessons and Personal Mastery

    29/01/2020 Duration: 01h50min

    While detail-oriented, Judy is not sentimental. Phew.Fuckups happen folks. Embrace them.Andrew and Ian own Star Wars costumes. #sexappealJohn's Mentor Test: Look in the mirror.A great mentor doesn't help you become more like them, they help you become more like yourself.Our gear reminded Ian of Mash. Boom.Yet another thanks to Jason Dorland for connecting us with another fantastic guest.Ian / Chiz, is a founding Partner of Roy Group which was named after his Grandfather. A fantastic mentor and leader.Mastery is the conservation of effort. ICRobert Henderson's 4 discipline's of leadership: Reflection, Inquiry, Pausing, Action. Action is the final thing.Great leadership: Nothing more and nothing less than what's required.The Obstacle Course and the Hero's journey never ends. We don't arrive. It becomes our life's work.John's golden-bubbling metaphor was adorable and preceded his bubbling stomach - equally adorable.We all need to be more self centred - centred in our true self.The myth of the lone ranger, sleep

  • Gut Check

    22/01/2020 Duration: 01h25min

    Intro:If you think John's voice sounds..fuller.. it only took 40 episodes for him to learn how to speak directly into the microphone. #fastlearnerPoor Andrew. He coughed and hacked like a 70 year old chain smoker. He survived though and we sure didn't let that stop us from recording.We obviously loved saying the phrase, "knows her shit."3 cheers to Andrew's vulnerability in this episode. It's not easy for a grown man to talk about his tummy ache. #ohburn.Too much salt and sugar can be breeding grounds for anxiety. Be mindful. Start a food bullet journal.Just because you've eaten something every day for the past 20 years doesn't mean you should.Episode NotesGiddyup!Good question: Why did I stop doing that?When are you at your best? Know your circadian rhythm and plan accordingly.Sacrificing sleep is not brave, bad ass or a sign of a good entrepreneur. It makes you less effective.Next Roundtable Discussion Topic: The Science of Sleep. Look for it this spring.What's your night-time habit? Stay away from blue lig

  • Dropping the Act and Getting Real

    15/01/2020 Duration: 01h57min

    Welcome...... to the Podcast! :) And happy 2020!We're thankful to Jim for meeting both of our needs in this episode! :)Jim first appeared on episode 40- Small Business Big Day!Andrew's right, Rusell did throw a phone! The hotel employee was not entertained."We got our bibs on.?!!?!" Nice one Andrew.Ryan Holiday's newest book is incredible. John has managed to "listen" to half of it..on audio...while doing something else.. He also bought it for Andrew as a Christmas present.Oxford Blues folks. Check it out."I never do well when people say I can't do anything." JGJim was a "weak asthmatic kid" who shouldn't have been able to run 3 miles and take up rowing. We are stronger than we think. And we can change our identity.Do you have a safety net? It's a sign of strength because it allows us to soar even higher knowing the fall won't be fatal.Rudy!! Incredibly inspiring and the #1 movie that men cry in."I'm not going to let Asthma control my life anymore." JGWhat is currently controlling your life that you need to l

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