Obstacle Course



Join Andrew and John as they learn how to build the habit of resilience by embracing challenges and interviewing everyday bad-asses who have overcome adversity. Discover how the obstacle you've been dreading could be the path to greater fulfillment and meaning in your life!


  • Stories of Mental Health

    08/01/2020 Duration: 57min

    Please watch this Video before listening to this episode! Trust us, this episode will make little sense until you do :)Somehow, we forgot to welcome you to the podcast! Sorry about that :) Enjoy the music I guess?Here's the website for the event!While we weren't able to sit down with all of the speakers and organizers, we're extremely grateful for those who we were able to speak with. Thank you everyone! :) Jessica Williamson - MC, Promotional Team Lead Organizer, and Youth Representative.Although Jessica wasn't ready to share her story she still wished to be a champion for other people's stories of mental health. This is a great reminder that we can all give something even if we aren't ready to give everything . Focus on what you can give.Stuck in yourself? Get into someone else. JEN VERSCHEURE - Jen was the first speaker of the night and we spoke with her about the honour and responsibility she felt to start the night off right and about her struggles with depression and the shame surrounding it. JOSEPH EDW

  • Christmas, Consumerism and Kindness (plus our favourite food and films)

    18/12/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    Welcome to our first annual Christmas Episode! John LOVES Christmas, Andrew has some bitterness about it. This should be fun.Festivus! Celebrated on December 23, it's an alternative to the commercialization of Christmas, as only the cast of Seinfeld could pull off.Black Friday has led to the Dark side of Christmas.Christmas is both light and dark. Sad and Happy. Family and Loneliness. It's important we are sensitive to this.Here's the latest Hallmark controversy.Here's the Top Christmas movies we mentioned:Home AloneHere's the Netflix Documentary about Home Alone and other classic movies. Highly recommended and super interesting!Yes, Macaulay Culkin did have a drug problem which he discusses along with many other things in his excellent appearance on The Joe Rogan Podcast.Bunnyears.com. Macaulay's lifestyle website. Very funny and informative.John cried in this. Somehow. The ending is very touching if you don't have a heart of stone like Andrew.2. National Lampoon's Christmas VacationChevy Chase, while fantas

  • The Courage to Comeback from Abuse

    11/12/2019 Duration: 01h37min

    If you plan to refer to someone as, "an enigma," maybe don't. Also, here's what it means.If you'd like more information on Cum Town, here it is!Lush Holiday Lighting!Here's Suzanne's website where you can read her wisdom and follow her adventures.Watch this incredible video from The Courage to Comeback Awards!Here's the Women's group, Women Welcome Women, that Suzanne mentioned and connected with on her travels.Inishmore Island folks! Go to there!"You cannot escape your past, it catches up to you." SVFor more information on Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), here's a good place to start.Suzanne's moving story of a teacher placing a loving hand on her shoulder is yet another reminder of the power of small acts of kindness."I've been to Hell so many times I should get Airmiles." SV"Whatever you are going through and whatever you may go through, you are not the only one!" SVTerminal Uniqueness is the mistaken belief that the situation the individual is facing is unlike anything faced by other people. This is

  • Let's Get Spiritual: Roundtable Edition

    04/12/2019 Duration: 01h27min

    Note: Spirituality is a topic of great interest for many people, including John and Andrew. This episode is merely the perspective of 3 people. It is not meant to be the final word on this topic by any means and in fact we'll likely have more roundtable conversations on this topic and other topics in the future. Hope you enjoy it!Stillness provides room for Spirit. Seek it out. Also, read Ryan Holiday's great new book!We were honoured to interview 3 fantastic people.Jill Lawrence- Welcome back Jill! Jill shared her story of the power of intuition way back in episode 7!- Jill values synchronicity as a way to understand life's experiences and believes that our thoughts and perspectives influence our experience.- Jill doesn't believe, "everything happens for a reason." She prefers to believe, "everything is happening exactly as it was meant to happen."-Having a positive mindset is a spiritual choice!Allen Close-Allen is John's MUCH older brother. God, he's old. So old. His American accent is spot on though. Well

  • Small Business, Big Day!

    27/11/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    30 years ago, Bobby McFerrin won a Grammy award for his extremely catchy song Don't Worry Be Happy. As of today, over 162 million people have watched his video on YouTube.What John lacks in musical ability he makes up for in a nice full beard.This episode was recorded LIVE at the Ramada Inn in Duncan, BC. We were capturing the event chatter as well as interviewing some local business owners and presenters. A big thanks to the Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce and Alec Wheeler for including us in their event plans!The big 5 letter word that can ruin us all is....worry!Thanks to Rick's James St Cafe for the tasty sandwiches. His grilled chicken bacon mozza melt is to die for! John likes the classic egg salad on white.Andrew and John are both successful entrepreneurs which has allowed them to pour a few days a week in this podcast. That said, they wouldn't say no to a potential sponsorship opportunity. :)We LOVE doing events!! If you're looking for an X Factor, we'd like to be it. We can capture the chatter an

  • Breast Cancer, Brazil and Real Beauty

    20/11/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    Wanna join our Skywatch party? December baby.Here's a great resource to help with your breast self examination.Here's another great resource about the importance of Prostate exams.Andrew's right. Death is super inconvenient. Do the exams people.Alyne is our first Brazilian guest! John trying to learn to speak Portuguese on command was adorably awkward.It was refreshing to hear Alyne talk about her love for Canada and it reminded us of how lucky we are to be Canadian and live on Vancouver Island!Interested in immigrating to Canada? Here's a great place to start.Canada is a country of immigrants which is likely why it's such a friendly country to immigrate to. Shared empathy is a powerful thing!Once again, we're thankful to Trevor Botkin for connecting us with Alyne. Trevor's incredible episode should be required listening for everyone. Check it out! Thanks again Trevor :)Here is Alyne's CTV storyJason learned how to "force hope" when he was stuck in the Cave back in episode 3.Learning to live and love in the m

  • We Will Remember Them

    09/11/2019 Duration: 01h28min

    At 96, George is our oldest guest. At 11, Roman is our youngest. Maeve is younger than George and older than Roman. Hi Maeve. :)Enjoy the chiming of George's clock in this episode."We need to sacrifice ourselves. Not just in big things but in little things every day." - George Brewster"I'm continually trying to become a better person and I intend to do so until the end of my days." - George BrewsterGeorge was honoured along with his fellow Veterans at the BC Lions last home game. Here's some footage from that great day!"I'm just an ordinary man trying to do some things which are sometimes more than I'm capable of." - George BrewsterGeorge made friends with some of the German pilots after the war. (Luftwaffe)."The ordinary people did extraordinary things. The heroism I saw all around me astonished me. It has lasted me a life time." - George BrewsterHere's the book George referred to, A Higher Call.George's dramatic story of taking out a moving train loaded with troops while under fire and losing his Wingman is

  • The Big Blue House: A Place to Call Home

    06/11/2019 Duration: 01h45min

    Intro:Mirror Mirror on the wall, John's obviously the fairest of them all.We're considering taking Obstacle Course to YouTube. Thoughts?Would you say the same things to others that you say to yourself?Do you have the mind flu? Take action!In his Episode, Andrew opened up about his struggle with self worth. If you haven't listened to it yet, do it!!When the adventure stops, the number goes down!!Justin Noa!! Love ya buddy :)Andrew owes John at least $20. As of press time, the Edmonton Oilers are Top 5 in the League and well over .500. Eat shit Andrew. Sucka. Episode Notes:A huge thanks to Trevor Botkin for connecting us with today's guest, Terry Edison Brown. Trevor's remarkable episode should be required listening for all human beings. We tackle addiction head on. Give it a listen!Anawim House Victoria is a house for the homeless. Going beyond shelter, it helps people learn to live again. It's doing remarkable life changing work and they are always looking for volunteers!Trauma is the #1 reason why someone be

  • Our Response Ability

    30/10/2019 Duration: 01h49min

    We are looking for Sponsors folks! If you are interested in discussing a mutually beneficial arrangement, hit us up!For the record, here's what the A&W and Darth Vader (The Imperial March) theme songs actually sound like.Here's the incredible Dateline Documentary about Adam and his crew's attempt to row across the Ocean from Africa to Florida. They capsized in the Bermuda Triangle."You have to pay the tax if you want to have these divine experiences." -AdamAdam's Stats: 2.5% (sublime) 2.5% (terror) 95% (Monotony/ Boredom)Adam's friend Markus Pukonen is currently circumnavigating the Globe without a motor... in a row boat! Follow him here! Routes for Change.Our discussion on poop was on point. And here's the point.Adam's excellent book, 'The Responsibility Ethic,' means we have the ability to choose our response.If you don't like the idea of stumbling down a mountain while chasing green ferries and waking up in a cardboard box, perhaps Absinthe isn't the drink for you.Adam's British accent was a surprising

  • Losing Yourself: John's Story.

    23/10/2019 Duration: 01h50min

    Intro:Amen is a common way to end a Christian prayer. John figured he’d change thousands of years of history just.. because.We do love you listeners! Thank you for everything.Episode:HUGE SPOILER ALERTS AHEAD: That part of the Podcast where John and Andrew spoil 3 perfectly good movies for no reason.Ghost is a real movie with a REALLY cheesy sex scene. Patrick is very much alive and Whoopi is not the Ghost but a Pychic who later channels Patrick’s Ghost after he tragically dies. For the record, Andrew and John did NOT recreate this scene although would consider it if a potential sponsorship was in play.Bruce Willis was dead, he just didn’t know it. Turns out, neither did anyone else.The Usual Suspects has one of the best endings in Cinema history“Dashing and often meandering.” 2 words that best describe John Close. Monopolize and Dominate may be close seconds.John’s blog can be found here.Sara Gross’s excellent episode can be found here.The Oxygen advantage is an excellent book that can increase your health a

  • Bringing Leadership to Life

    16/10/2019 Duration: 01h46min

    John #almost made it through an Introduction without being.. John...No, we're not including Peter's home address in the show notes. Nice try listeners. :)Yo-Yo Ma is not slang for something. He is a world class Cellist.We talk a lot about flow on the podcast. We loved Peter's description: "Flow is breathless, meditative, effortless, everything is bathed in light and connects everyone in an experience of community that is wondrous." - Peter McCoppin"When you're in your head, you're dead." - Tony Robbins"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act but a habit.""When we're doing something well, we become invisible.""Why are people afraid? Because they think they may not be good enough and maybe they won't be loved.""Everything you need to know about leadership is already within you. You can't teach anyone anything they didn't already know for that would be as to give sight to blind eyes." - Plato"The image is already in the stone, I just take away the excess." Michaelangelo"Leadership is not position,

  • Exploring Financial Independence and the Great Outdoors

    09/10/2019 Duration: 01h29min

    IntroductionMount Prevost has a fantastic walking/running trail that starts across the entrance from Bings Creek on Drinkwater Rd. Just follow the ribbons all the way to the top! Give yourself a solid 4 hrs round trip or less if you run it. Since the injury 2 weeks ago, John's been back up several times although he claims he's more cautious. Do we believe him?For the record, John was given Propofol in the ER NOT Propanol. Turns out, there's a huge difference. This experience helped John discover a strength he never knew he had. Pain and trauma can be great teachers if we have the strength to listen.Episode NotesNote: The sounds of nature in this episode are incredible.Andrew mentioned this episode is about a giant Leap Chris took. Shoutout to John's website.Mindfulness is a lifestyle and a code of conduct. It's the way we think, act, breathe and believe. It helps us not react but experience.Sam Harris has written a great book and has a fantastic meditation app called Waking Up.Strathcona is an incredible park

  • The Meaning of Money

    02/10/2019 Duration: 01h44min

    Introduction NotesThe Boom's back baby!For the record, Andrew has ONLY dealt in the legal intoxicants.John's a story machine.Andrew was right. It's Ukraine NOT The Ukraine.Schwans was literally just bought out by another Company. Perhaps they didn't want their profits to melt away.The fact is Andrew was never dead and he resents the accusation.John said honk 21 times. We didn't feel the need to edit...apparently.Would you like to know more about Hermits?---------------------------------------------------------------------------Episode Notes:Mike Reilly does play in the CFL just not THIS Mike Reilly.Mike made an appearance on the podcast in the spring when we recorded Live at the Your Entrepreneur Summit. We're happy to have him back!Here are all the places Mike Reilly volunteers his time at:President of Westshore Chamber of CommerceRotary Club of WestshoreJunior AchievementBoard of AdvocisBoard of 100 Men Who Care VictoriaHere's Karina's excellent episode where she shared how volunteerism helped her in the mi

  • Sonia: Political Connections and Protecting Democracy *Remastered*

    25/09/2019 Duration: 01h32min

    Just in case you struggle with this word too, Dictionary.Com is your friend.Bonjour French listeners! Sonia says hello..Speaking of saying hello, Maeve Maguire, our very first guest interview way back in Episode 2, is in the studio today. Enjoy her frequent laughs and muffled words of wisdom.Sonia learned at a young age the importance of active citizenship and protecting democracy. Decades later when she would enter the political arena, these formative experiences would serve as guides.Andrew's Mark Twain quote, "history doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes," likely wasn't Mark Twain -yet, it remains a great quote and we laud Andrew's courage in trying to sound smart. He redeemed himself with the next "light" question.Anyone can tear down. It takes a gifted leader to rebuild.John's Einstein quote was actually Einstein but John butchered the quote. The quote is actually, "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious."For more information on the Overton Window, here's a great article written b

  • The Nature of Fear

    18/09/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    If John always gets lost, does that make him a loser?John's anxiety flows from a hyper brain. Rock Climbing and Mountain Runs make all the difference.John is a late bloomer. Turns out, that's not necessarily a bad thing.Dee thinks we seem Legit. If you agree, please share your positive reviews with iTunes.Dee gave dozens of interviews, at times all in one day.James Hetfield not only called Dee but texted her a selfie shortly after."There's lots of Cougars at Metallica concerts." - Denise GallantAndrews Cougar Research:Cougars can leap 30ftThey can take down animals 4x their size e.g. MooseThey are dangerous beastsDee would have lost to the cougar in a fightPanic can set in quickly but will prevent us from having a clear presence of mind and we will make mistakes. Feel the panic, embrace the panic but don't give in to it. Resistance is futile.The fact that Dee has made a habit out of talking shit to dangerous animals who are stalking her still boggles our mind. That said, increasing our knowledge of animals an

  • It's About Time: Andrew's Story

    11/09/2019 Duration: 01h40min

    Intro NotesWe flipped the mic around today and the result was a challenge for both of us - yet - well worth the journey.Fact Check: We've done 29 episodes. not 30. We have no idea why we lied.Roman's episode came out last week! You can give this remarkable episode a listen here.You can listen to Blair's excellent episode right here! It was episode #12. John will be an upcoming guest on Blair's popular podcast Shipwreck over Safety, a podcast that discusses matters of faith, doubt and living according to your truth self. John's episode comes out September 25th.Here's the Cruise Ship John took with his family. Alaska was unforgettable.Hiking the Chilkoot Trail is on both of Andrew and John's bucket lists!We finally have a really fancy website! A HUGE shoutout to Jesse and his team at Stikky Media. If you're looking for a professional company to improve your look and help you get found on line, look no further then Stikky. They continue to take great care of us and we are extremely grateful!The purpose of our we

  • Different Abilities

    04/09/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    So apparently coding and app development is something kids do.. Sadly, Grandma Lees no longer exists in Weyburn. Apparently, John is the only person who calls Andy, Andrew. That said, he's sticking with Andrew. Immediately following the milk incident, Andrew's popularity plummeted to 2%. #nailedit Autism is NOT a disease JOHN. John and Andrew pretending like they understood Roman's coding talk remains some of the best acting of 2019. Duck Hunt! By "some people think it's a disability.".. Roman means John. haha. "If you've met one person with Autism, you've met one person with Autism." HURT people HURT people. This goes back to the classic advice we were raised with. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Here's Jill's excellent episode on how to follow your intutition and the importance of fighting to have your voice heard! To learn more about Autism, here are some fantastic resources handpicked by Shay and Roman. https://www.actcommunity.ca/ https://www2

  • Trials By Fiesty

    28/08/2019 Duration: 01h45min

    Here's Sara's much anticipated Wikipedia page! This is her blog, which makes for better reading and although it may be a little dated in Sara's eyes, it shines light into what it takes to be a champion in Ironman, and you can learn a lot more about her #50womentokona pursuit. Sara's awesome media company, Live Fiesty can be found here! There are two fantastic, maybe even award winning podcasts (fact checking required), Ironwomen and If We Were Riding. If you want to get more Sara, check out the latter podcast as that's the one she hosts. Here's an excerpt from a recent article from Sara's blog, wonderfully titled Tales From My Box: "I’m pretty sure that most triathletes and goal-oriented people in general, have trouble letting go and resting from time to time. But without it, you won’t be able to go all in when the time comes. Recovering doesn’t mean you stop moving, it just means you move more slowly, more mindfully."

  • Going to Battle and Becoming Deerheart

    21/08/2019 Duration: 01h44min

    Introduction Notes Nearly 25 years ago, Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people including 19 children, when he parked a rental van full of explosives in front of the Oklahoma Building, exited the vehicle then triggered the bomb as he walked away. At the time, it was the worst act of homegrown terroism in U.S. history. This was the same building where John had received his dual citizenship years earlier. Chesapeake Shores is Vancouver Island's Hallmark Darling. The Death Race! Doing Death Better! Our excellent episode with Shauna Janz and Linda Hunter We got into Shame today people! Guess who we brought up? If you would like to throw your lot in with Lorelai and Rory. check out Gilmore Girls on Netflix. Episode Notes An active volcano, climbing Mount Baker is no small thing. Also, it's over 10,000 feet tall. It's Indigeous name is Kulshan (Nooksack). Wade described himself as an "empath." This was the same term that was used in Blair's excellent episode. When Wade first looked in the mirror as a 12 yea

  • The Road to Miss Universe

    14/08/2019 Duration: 01h17min

    Our fact check has revealed the "hustle for worthiness" quote was Brene Brown. That said, John is sure Pema Chodron said it as well. Stormin Norm Jackson is the general manager and “head pro” at the Cowichan Golf and Country Club, Norm has also earned multiple industry awards with his team at the club’s Golf Shop, and has twice been honoured as the BC PGA Pro of the Year. He has also been an important mentor in Sara's Life. The Inner Game of Golf. Here are the 3 meditation apps we discussed and highly recommend Calm Headspace and Waking Up. Andrew is not Trump's biggest fan. Miss Universe Canada is Saturday, August 17th. Let's all tune in and cheer Sara on!! To learn more about Sara, here's her Miss Universe Canada page. If you'd like to connect with Sara, you can follow her on Instagram.

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