Obstacle Course

Modern Mind Control



Andrew and John. Because I like to put Andrew first... sometimes.....Scott's newest book The Wedge is incredible. Give it a read. As is his book about Wim Hof, What Doesn't Kill Us.Besides being a best selling author, Scott is an investigative journalist, TED speaker and anthropologist. If life is a song and it ends in a minor key, why not take risks!! SCWe've lost, we're gonna die. So why not live an amazing life!!As human beings, we're not really using all of the tools we've been given. The Wedge is about learning how to separate the stimulus (stressor) from our response (stress). You have choice in every situation.Scott's early book The Enlightenment Trap explores the dangers of meditation. Anxiety is your sympathetic nervous system getting you ready to act! Fight or Flight!Our Limbic Librarian has an incredible memory but sucks at context. Our brain simply pulls up past reactions and then inserts it into our present experience. If we're not careful, we'll be repeating past reactions and fears and never li