Obstacle Course

Feeling Light When Things Are Heavy



A special thanks to Alexa Close for not being too mad at her Dad. More like under 8 hrs Andrew! Bam. #committedIf you want to cringe, check out our Corona comments in the intro of this episode.Andrew's fantastic mobile bartending business is Twist of Fate Craft Cocktails.You can find John's writings here!Nick's fantastic episode about getting past worry, anxiety and negative self talk can be found here.Worry feels better than helplessness but both are poor habits.Brene Brown is a powerful voice in these times. Highly recommended.Middle of the night anxiety? Find an anchor! Just don't wake the anchor up... :PHere's a great new book on Winston Churchill! Highly recommended by John.George Brewster was a WWII pilot and has the gift of gab. His excellent Remembrance Day episode can be found here. Hi Mom!!Use this time in isolation to be creative and make the world a better place. Educate yourself. edXWhat will we do with the time that we've been given?Here's Heather's excellent episode on grief. If we can come tog