Obstacle Course

Life After Debt



Leave your cell phones alone, folks. 4 Pillars focuses exclusively on helping people get out of debt fast. They do this by helping people put together a plan to reduce their debt, reduce their payments, and help them to rebuild their credit and their financial life. They represent the person in debt only. Not the bank. A Creditor is someone you owe money to.An Entrepreneur can't NOT do what they're doing. It's an itch they have to scratch. You know you're on your own path when you're bushwhacking. Resilience training helps build our courage muscle so we can take larger risks or leaps.Benjy's passion for surfing and snow boarding has familiarized him with pain and risk. Fail Forward Fast!The NINJA Loan. Arrested Development is probably the greatest comedy of all time. :) Benjy's financial reversal was a horrible slow bleed. Like a tooth extraction without an anesthetic. Robbing/Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and they both go broke. The most painful part is the stress of going backwards and giving up your sta