Obstacle Course

Getting in Alignment



Here’s more information on the annual Goldstream Salmon Run. There’s so much beauty and wonder in nature. Get outside people! There’s beauty around every corner.Nature is a great charging station! Leave your phone in the car and experience it distraction-free. Even if you don’t Insta your experience, it still counts!We are thrilled to have physiotherapist, author and speaker Wendy Bowen as our guest today.If you’ve been looking for a way to launch your business or product, consider joining BNI. There are local chapters in cities all over the world.There is no competition on Obstacle Course. We are all connected and united by our shared obstacles both big and small.“You can’t separate the body from the mind, spirit or soul.” -WBDo we repeat or do we evolve? – Robert Ohotto.Caroline Myss – She’s Wendy’s No BS Spiritual Director. She wrote the book on Why People Don’t Heal.We often learn through pain. It’s often our higher self trying to get our attention.“The body talks to us all the time.” – WBIt’s possible in