Obstacle Course

Dropping the Act and Getting Real



Welcome...... to the Podcast! :) And happy 2020!We're thankful to Jim for meeting both of our needs in this episode! :)Jim first appeared on episode 40- Small Business Big Day!Andrew's right, Rusell did throw a phone! The hotel employee was not entertained."We got our bibs on.?!!?!" Nice one Andrew.Ryan Holiday's newest book is incredible. John has managed to "listen" to half of it..on audio...while doing something else.. He also bought it for Andrew as a Christmas present.Oxford Blues folks. Check it out."I never do well when people say I can't do anything." JGJim was a "weak asthmatic kid" who shouldn't have been able to run 3 miles and take up rowing. We are stronger than we think. And we can change our identity.Do you have a safety net? It's a sign of strength because it allows us to soar even higher knowing the fall won't be fatal.Rudy!! Incredibly inspiring and the #1 movie that men cry in."I'm not going to let Asthma control my life anymore." JGWhat is currently controlling your life that you need to l