Obstacle Course

Dancing With Ourselves



Witch path are you on? This is what most of us think of when we hear the word witch. Man Up: Stifling emotions since the beginning of time.Let's ditch the man up and inspire to the divine union! - AndrewDance helps me unwind knots in my psyche and digest life. -ChristyWho could forget mixed tapes? Don't listen to this song by Peter Cetera or Richard MarxI love yoga but I wanted to break from the structure. So I found Kundalini Dance. - ChristyHeyyyyyy Macarena. How does the body want to move vs. How does the mind want to move the body. When we are rigid, we struggle to dance. When Zoom lags a bit it's easy to interrupt. Sorry Christy!!!Dance with whatever is real without putting on masks. Andrew lies. I can't dance.How does our body want to move in response to how we feel? We need to let our bodies dance with whatever is. Shake Phrase: BrwarwaraarawThe rose teaches us how to have a sharp pointy no so we can blossom into our yes.There's no natural remedy for Andrew's aphid joke.Christy's kickass Quantum Physic