Healthy Diet | Nutrition | Alternative Health | Health Information | Healthy Living | Life Enthusiast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 144:17:06
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We have reduced the Principles of Wellness to this:Cleanse stop ingesting toxins, and get rid of the ones you already have.Nourish make sure your body receives all necessary nutrients.Exercise stretch and strengthen under load we are meant to be active.Balance sleep is required, and so is spiritual practice.Each week we discuss how you can improve your health and vitality. Join us.


  • Deadly Chlorine | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #223

    14/04/2011 Duration: 27min

    Chloramine is even more insidious than chlorine. Beware of this toxin and remove it from your life! This Water Converter removes/reduces Chloramine that causes dry, itchy, flaky skin, brittle hair, eye, lung and sinus irritation. Leaves your skin smooth & supple, and your hair soft, silky & manageable. Your sinks and showers will stay cleaner longer because it reduces dirt & sediment, lime scale, mold & mildew deposits and odors. And it helps to soften your water naturally without salt! Remove Chloramine in your House, For Drinking, Bathing and Laundry, Your RV and Gardens Hoses Too! It is vital to have a pure clean water supply to ensure our continued health, and when you consider that we are essentially made up of 70% water ourselves, you can see how the quality directly impacts on our health. Twilight America Water Converter Chloramine: Twilight America Water Converter Chlorine:

  • Japanese Health Hazards | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #222

    09/04/2011 Duration: 33min

    Zeolite is a natural mineral that has a cage like structure and is negatively charged by nature. The negative charge acts like a magnet to attract toxins and heavy metals into its cage structure and carry them out of the body. It also balances the pH in the body which doesn't allow foreign cells to grow. Return your body to the pre-industrial pure function and restore health by removing toxins. Destroxin contains the amazing natural mineral Zeolite with a unique formula that has been proven to absorb toxins, free radicals and heavy metals from your body, as well as boost your immune system. This mineral has also been shown to balance your body's pH, creating an environment where foreign cells can not grow. Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) said the radioactive material, which is used in nuclear bombs, was traced in soil at five locations at the

  • Scalar energy and Your Health | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #221

    01/04/2011 Duration: 27min

    Scalar Pendant is a simple, durable vibrational energy tool made from natural minerals that are bonded into a sturdy piece that produces scalar energy to enhance the body’s biofield. Scalar-Pendant promotes positive flow of energy and helps to maintain energy balance. It helps to restore energy that has become weak in the body. By restoring the energy balance in the body this pendant helps one to maintain health and well-being. Latest Research on cell Phone Safety In the latest test, researchers placed Samsung Knack flip phones on both ears of 47 participants. The one on the right ear was switched on with the sound muted. The one on the left ear was left off. Researchers say much more glucose gathered on the right side of the brain. Volkow's team chose the Samsung phone because it was widely used when they started their survey in 2008. Today's smartphones emit substantially more radiation. Several

  • Japan's Iodine Issue| Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #220

    24/03/2011 Duration: 33min

    Potassium Iodine is in high demand due to the radioactive iodine release. Find out more here: There is growing evidence that Americans would have better health and a lower incidence of cancer and fibrocystic disease of the breast if they consumed more iodine. A decrease in iodine intake coupled with an increased consumption of competing halogens, fluoride and bromide, has created an epidemic of iodine deficiency in America. People in the US consume an average 240 micrograms (µg) of iodine a day. In contrast, people in Japan consume more than 12 milligrams (mg) of iodine a day (12,000 µg), a 50-fold greater amount. T hey eat seaweed, which include brown algae (kelp), red algae (nori sheets, with sushi), and green algae (chlorella). Compared to terrestrial plants, which contain only trace amounts of iodine (0.001 mg/g), these marine plants have high concentrations of this nutrient (0.5-8.0 mg/g). But more important than radioactive

  • Radiation and Iodine | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #219

    21/03/2011 Duration: 22min

    The nuclear crisis underway in 2011 at one of the Japan's power plants is frightening people as far away as Manitoba. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan told reporters Friday that the situation at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is "very grave" and several reactors remain at risk of melting down. In Japan, the earthquake and tsunami have claimed the lives of nearly 7,000 people in the last week and 10,000 people more are missing. In Manitoba, some people are concerned about radiation blowing over here. While the panic isn't widespread, many health food stores have been selling out of pills that can help protect people from radiation. Daniel Madrid, owner of Thrive Nutrition and Wellness said he has sold out of potassium iodide, or iodine pills, which can reduce the risk of thyroid cancer in people who are exposed to radiation. Iodine supplementation is extremely important. Iodine is required for normal thyroid function is displaced or deactivated by other halogens - Bromine, Chlorine and Fluoride. Natural

  • Healthy, Wealthy Silver | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #218

    19/03/2011 Duration: 27min

    Without Side Effects! Colloidal Silver was the antibiotic treatment used by thousands of medical doctors, prior to 1938. It was the only effective tool to kill infections. Silver has been known for its germ-killing properties for centuries. Hypocrites, the "Father of Medicine" used Silver for wound healing. Ancient Greeks and Romans used Silver to kill bodily infections and prevent food spoilage. The King of Persia used Silver containers to carry water to prevent contamination. After antibiotic drugs were discovered, Colloidal Silver was pushed aside. Failing Antibiotics Antibiotics have been overused and misused for flu and other viral infections that don't respond to antibiotics. They're also abused on farms to keep crowded animals from infections and to gain weight faster. Now after decades of overuse, antibiotics are losing their effectiveness. "Superbugs" are growing fast. Big pharmaceutical companies have shifted their research and development to more profitable drugs. Some germs are resistant to al

  • As Within so Without: Do YOU have Control of Your Life? Yes! | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #217

    03/03/2011 Duration: 36min

    The evolutionary transition from unicellular life forms to multicellular (communal) life forms represented an intellectually and technically profound high point in the creation of the biosphere. In the world of unicellular protozoa, each cell is an innately intelligent, independent being, adjusting its biology to its own perception of the environment. However, when cells join together to form multicellular "communities," it required that the cells establish a complex social intercourse. Through sheer will power and intent, consciousness can attempt to over-ride a subconscious tape. Usually such efforts are met with varying degrees of resistance, since the cells are obligated to adhere to the subconscious program. In some cases the tensions between conscious will power and subconscious programs can result in serious neurological disorders. For example, consider the fate of Australian concert pianist David Helfgott whose story was presente

  • Healthy Cells - Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #216

    24/02/2011 Duration: 29min

    How cells work and why we get sick. Lymplex Lymplex capsules can be used to support your body in maintaining a healthy immune response at the first sign of a sore throat or general malaise, or as part of a complete detox program. Lymplex capsules contain a blend of 10 organic and wildcrafted herbs designed to strengthen and tighten the lymph nodes and junctions as well as cleanse and flush out the 45 pints of fluid in our lymphatic system. The lymph system, which includes the 1,00,000+ nodes as well as specialized organs, such as the spleen, tonsils, thymus and appendix, is responsible for proper immune function, as well as the direct drainage and detoxification of the blood and interstitial fluids. Ellagica Ellagica capsules contain ellagic acid and other plant compounds to support the body in resolving infections and other pathological processes. Ellagic acid inhibits the enzyme gyrase, which many viruses use to enter our cells

  • Are You Addicted to Your Food? | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #215

    22/02/2011 Duration: 31min

    UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS, EVERYONE WOULD BE BORN PERFECT and without flaws. In reality, we all carry genetic and metabolic weaknesses and are constantly bombarded and attacked by potentially harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and industrial toxins. I'm convinced that we all have predetermined weaknesses in our bodies. Mine was the gut, but yours may be the lungs, the cardiovascular system, the blood, or the kidneys. If we eat unhealthy foods and adopt unwise lifestyles, we may well see these predetermined weaknesses present themselves as devastating symptoms. Unfortunately, many of us exist in a state of subclinical illness (often unawares). That means we can't afford to go through life without taking certain precautions. It's a common refrain: "I'm addicted to sugar." Now a study by Princeton University psychologists suggests that such urges really may be a form of addiction, sharing some of the physiological characteristics of drug dependence. Although the term "sugar addiction" often appears in magazines an

  • Vitality from the Bottom Up | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #214

    18/02/2011 Duration: 32min

    Xeneplex Xeneplex suppositories contain organic coffee and reduced glutathione to support your body in removing toxins such as pesticides, petrochemicals, plasticizers, solvents, metals, artificial flavors and colors and mold and fungal aflotoxins. Provides all the benefits of a coffee enema and a glutathione IV in a suppository form, and is well suited for those suffering from chemical sensitivities. While Xeneplex will remove metals as well as chemicals, we suggest that Medicardium be used together with Xeneplex. In this way, toxic metals are chelated out with EDTA and the glutatione in the Xeneplex can focus on the removal of the toxic chemical burden. Glytamins Glytamins suppositories replace the kidney and gall bladder flushes with amino acids and herbs to support the body in dissolving and passing gallstones, bile sludge and kidney stones. Unlike the older olive oil, lemon juice and epsom salt

  • Testosterone Triumphant | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #213

    12/02/2011 Duration: 28min

    Immune Support While most people believe that a stronger immune system is a better immune system, the truth is that what we really want is a strong and balanced immune system. A person suffering from allergies has an unbalanced immune system as does a person suffering from an autoimmune disease. Increasing the strength of the immune system without first balancing it can make symptoms worse than before. Beta sitosterol has been shown to both support an increase in immune function and balance immune function at the same time. While saw palmetto is well known for its beneficial effects on the prostate, it also has a long history of being used for female disorders. Herbalists have used saw palmetto to support women's bodies in resolving issues associated fertility, milk flow, libido, menstrual irregularities, fluid retention and pelvic inflammatory conditions for centuries. Learn more about restoring testosterone Internal cleanse Saw Palmetto Native American Indians used saw palmetto as an overall strengt

  • Endosterol | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #212

    06/02/2011 Duration: 33min

    Are you dealling with the symptoms or the underlying causes of your illness? Is your Chi flowing? Have you dealt with nutritional deficiencies? Toxins in your body? Repressed negative emotions? Are you dealing with the tip of the iceberg? or the whole iceberg? Many men suffer needlessly from the gradual biochemical feminization that happens with age as testosterone starts to convert into estrogen. If you want the energy levels, prostate and sexual function you had when you were a younger man, try Endosterol. Endosterol suppositories contain high amounts of four different phytosterols and six other herbs to support the body in suppressing the conversion of testosterone to DHT and estrogen, thus supporting proper prostate function, hair density and testosterone levels. Women have also reported greater health of their sexual organs and easier menses using Endosterol. Prostate Health Endosterol suppositories offer state of the art prostate support. Endosterol contains beta-sitosterol, s

  • Are you Acidic or Alkanine? | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #211

    31/01/2011 Duration: 35min

    Research shows that unless the body fluids pH level is slightly alkaline (pH>7.2), it is susceptible to illness and decay. No matter what method of healing you choose, it won't be effective until the pH level is right. If your body's pH is off, you cannot effectively assimilate nutrients including vitamins, minerals and food supplements.

  • Metabolic Types Teleclass Part 1 | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #209

    25/01/2011 Duration: 32min

    Join Martin and Scott in their teleclass: What Metabolic Type are You?

  • Metabolic Types Teleclass Part 2 | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #210

    25/01/2011 Duration: 31min

    Join Martin and Scott in Part two of their teleclass on Metabolic Types. Discover how you may be doing the exact opposite of what your body needs to be healthy.

  • Metabolic Types | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #208

    14/01/2011 Duration: 37min

    Some foods, such as meat or sweet and acid foods, are good for certain people - and for these are not 'problem' foods - while on others their effects are adverse. In order to gain a better understanding of this phenomenon and a deeper insight into the food-related causes of diseases, it is helpful to take a closer look at our metabolism. Our Metabolism Our metabolism is the total of all the millions of biochemic enzyme reactions that take place in our body at any given time. Some reactions use energy to build more complex structures from assimilated nutrients (anabolism), while others release energy by breaking down more complex molecules (catabolism). While there are additional factors and overlapping influences, we may say quite generally that our basic metabolic pathways are most strongly influenced by our nutrition, the glandular system is mainly affected by our emotions and the nervous system responds primarily to brain and mental activity. All three factors - nutrition, glandular system and nervous sy

  • Heathly Pregnancy | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #207

    06/01/2011 Duration: 31min

    There is growing evidence that Americans would have better health and a lower incidence of cancer and fibrocystic disease of the breast if they consumed more iodine. A decrease in iodine intake coupled with an increased consumption of competing halogens, fluoride and bromide, has created an epidemic of iodine deficiency in America. Iodine Oxidative stress: when you have greater demand on metabolic performance, you produce free radicals. Vitamin C especially, but all of them are important. There are many anti-oxidants available. The best I know of are MegaHydrate and ASEA. Oxidative Stress Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on over 25 years in study, health consultations and market research in the field of holistic and alternative medicine. We deliver solid time tested expertise. We are in this business not for the money, but for the passion, we have for sharing with others what we had to learn the hard way, through ex

  • Health Tips and Tricks | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #206

    14/12/2010 Duration: 36min

    Discover how to start the day out right. Are you craving sweets or salty foods at night? What happens when you eat fermented veggies? How to tell if your thyroid is working at optimal levels. All this and more in today's show. Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on over 25 years in study, health consultations and market research in the field of holistic and alternative medicine. We deliver solid time tested expertise. We are in this business not for the money, but for the passion, we have for sharing with others what we had to learn the hard way, through experience. We focus on high quality, innovative holistic solutions. Length: 25:27 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Life Enthusiast Reviews and 5 star ratings If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO A FRIEND” At The Bottom Of This Podcast…. COPY THE DATA An

  • Proper eating | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #205

    01/12/2010 Duration: 33min

    Proper eating and your metabolism. Eat fewer empty calories. Excess calories create inflammation. The body makes more Insulin, which stores the energy as fat. The body creates more cholesterol to repair the damage which brings us back to high blood pressure, heart attacks and arterial plaque. Arterial Plaque It is important to know that both good and bad cholesterol (high density lipoprotein or HDL and low density lipoprotein or LDL) must remain in careful balance to prolong optimal health. Managing blood cholesterol levels can be difficult. Simply eating right and staying fit may not be enough to control cholesterol levels. According to the American Heart Association, about 106 million American adults have elevated total blood cholesterol values. Of these, an estimated 38 million American adults have total values of 240 mg/dL or higher, and are considered to be at high risk. These are sobering numbers. Cholesticol is the most effective, all natural cholesterol support product available. Learn more. Y

  • Hypertension Relief | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #204

    27/11/2010 Duration: 36min

    We can help to free you from poor heart and circulation health that can cause pains and a debilitating lifestyle. Your body strives for health at all costs: it is self-cleansing, self-healing and self-maintaining. When given adequate nutrients and supplements, all your internal systems will function in harmony. Recent medical research shows that proper dietary supplementation is essential for health. Natural solutions for regaining and maintaining vibrant health are conveniently and economically available to you here, for anyone desiring natural, higher levels of health and longevity. Read more here Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on over 25 years in study, health consultations and market research in the field of holistic and alternative medicine. We deliver solid time tested expertise. We are in this business not for the money, but for the passion, we have for sharing with others what we had to learn the hard way, thr

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