Healthy Diet | Nutrition | Alternative Health | Health Information | Healthy Living | Life Enthusiast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 144:17:06
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We have reduced the Principles of Wellness to this:Cleanse stop ingesting toxins, and get rid of the ones you already have.Nourish make sure your body receives all necessary nutrients.Exercise stretch and strengthen under load we are meant to be active.Balance sleep is required, and so is spiritual practice.Each week we discuss how you can improve your health and vitality. Join us.


  • Enlarged Prostate, Los of Sex Drive and Iodine| Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #199

    22/10/2010 Duration: 29min

    We first need to note that the body produces no iodine, and there is no organ other than the thyroid that can store large quantities of iodine. In some areas of the US, including mountain regions, the Mississippi River Valley, the Ohio River Valley, and the Great Lakes regions, the soil has always had a very low iodine content. But even in other areas of once iodine-rich soil, over farming has frequently depleted this iodine content. Hence, we no longer get adequate iodine via the plants we consume. To compensate for this, iodine was added to salt, bread, and milk. Today iodine is no longer added to bread or to milk, and the amount of iodine added to salt has steadily declined over the years. All of these factors contribute to the current prevalence of iodine deficiency in the United States. Learn more The main function of iodine in your body is to balance the endocrine system (especially the thyroid gland), resulting in greater ability to manage your emotional states. This is more obvious in women becau

  • Mercury Rising | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #198

    14/10/2010 Duration: 30min

    The British government plans to ban the sale of the less energy-efficient incandescent light bulbs after 2011, as part of an effort to curb the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. But according to health advocates including the Skin Care Campaign, Spectrum and even the British Association of Dermatologists, fluorescent light bulbs are known to worsen skin rashes in people with a variety of diseases and conditions including dermatitis, eczema, lupus, photosensitivity, porphyria and Xeroderma Pigmentosum. And what is a major component of these bulbs? Mercury.... More on fluorescent light bulbs The ADR-3 influences its surroundings, neutralizing and harmonizing energy forces. This leaves you with your energy flow returned and renewed. We are all exposed to negative energies from the earth (radiation of underground water, storm or sewage pipes, caves or mineral bodies), and human generated sources (electromagnetic fields in computers, appliances, cell phones, power lines, etc.). These neg

  • Blood Cleanse | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #197

    08/10/2010 Duration: 30min

    Blood is critical to your overall health. It not only supplies oxygen to your cells, it transports nutrients, helps eliminate wastes, controls your temperature, heals wounds and fights off infection. It, therefore, goes without saying that your blood must remain healthy and clean. Regularly cleansing the blood is recommended, especially when you begin to feel weak or sick. To do so involves a simple, three to five day cleansing program. Read more: How to Cleanse Blood The best juices for blood purification are lemon juice, beet juice, carrot juice, and the juices of all leafy greens. Leafy green juices are particularly important because they supply chlorophyll, an essential part of any blood purification therapy. Chlorophyll not only cleanses the blood of impurities, but also builds up the blood with important nutrients, promotes regularity, and inhibits cellular damage from radiation. This makes chlorophyll helpful in the treatment of many disorders. Wheatgrass, barley, and alfalfa juices are all rich in

  • Don't Kid Your Kidney | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #196

    29/09/2010 Duration: 40min

    Signs and symptoms of Kidney stones and poor kidney health Lower back pain, kidney pain, edema ("water holding"), like lungs edema, arms edema, legs edema, abdomen edema, blood in urine, ... It takes a lot of liquid to "wash" the inside of your body. Taking it in the form of juice or herbal teas can give you some extra benefits and extra enjoyment, if you learn to make them with variations - especially if you need to produce a gallon of urine a day! Any edema or "water holding", whether in lungs, arms, or abdomen, also requires strengthening of kidneys with kidney cleansing. Main symptom of kidney stones is a pain in the lower and middle back (kidney area, or spine), but as that pain can be excruciating, some people may feel the pain in different parts of their body. There are hundreds of herbal recipes, and many different homeopathic remedies used for cleansing kidney stones. More about Kidneys Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast C

  • An Apple A Day and Your Liver | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #195

    16/09/2010 Duration: 24min

    The master chemist portion of the liver metabolizes proteins, fats and carbohydrates providing energy and nutrients for the other systems of the body. It creates bile to help emulsify fats making them easier to break down into their fatty-acid components, works to maintain electrolyte (magnesium/calcium and potassium/sodium) levels, is involved in the formation and breakdown of blood and helps to maintain water balance by producing serum proteins. As a supply office, the liver will provide extra blood on demand in case of a critical situation. It also stores fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. As a fuel storage facility, it stores B vitamins, minerals and sugars. The latter are stored as a reserve sugar called glycogen which is meant to be released when blood stores of available glucose become low due to exercise, stress or delayed eating. Functioning as the major detoxifying organ of the body, the liver is responsible for filtering the blood and removing harmful bacteria and chemicals including the breakd

  • Clean Colon | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #194

    09/09/2010 Duration: 34min

    This is one of many, many ways to detoxify. This particular regime is promoted by Dr. Terry Hambrick and Gary Scott. An eight day detox eating regime given to us by our friend, Dr. Terry Hambrick. We felt so good we are going to do this once a month. Here is how the plan works. Always consult with your primary physician before making any drastic alterations in diet and lifestyle if you decide to give this a try. This is a simple 8-day plan to introduce you to a nutritive cleanse that also initiates and helps dietary detoxification. It is optimal to schedule this so that days four and five fall on a weekend or a time when you can rest more and be more contemplative. Read more: Colon Cleansing Hydrated Bentonite Clay Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on over 25 years in study, health consultations and market research in the field of holistic and alternative medicine. We deliver solid time tested expertise. We are in this

  • Assimilation and Elimination | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #193

    01/09/2010 Duration: 36min

    Each week Martin Pytela begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on over 25 years in study, health consultations and market research in the field of holistic and alternative medicine. We deliver solid time tested expertise. We are in this business not for the money, but for the passion, we have for sharing with others what we had to learn the hard way, through experience. We focus on high quality, innovative holistic solutions. Length: 25:27 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Life Enthusiast Reviews and 5 star ratings If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO A FRIEND” At The Bottom Of This Podcast…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYONE In Your ADDRESS BOOK…. FRIENDS Or ENEMIES! WANT TO BE NOTIFIED OF NEW EPISODES? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go To

  • Candida Cleanse | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #192

    30/08/2010 Duration: 32min

    If you've had a long standing problem (more than one year) then it will take some time to clear because the spores of Candida spread from your digestive system into all tissues of your body. Intestinal cleansing alone will not cleanse your lymph and tissues. The only way to completely clear Candida problems is to get the Candida into circulation in your body, where it can then be eliminated. But this takes time. The key point to remember is that you must provide your body with enough friendly microbes, over time, in order to outnumber the problem causing ones and repopulate their territory. Ultimately, without getting the dormant candida spores that are resting in your muscle and brain tissue, you will never clear the candida. This concept is greatly misunderstood by many. In fact most people will not go through the die-off stage because it can be very severe. However this detox is necessary to clear out your system. If you want a healthy and clean ecology, there will be disruption in order to strike the

  • New Items For Your Health | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #191

    27/08/2010 Duration: 34min

    Once inside your body, MegaH increases your energy and reduces pain, swelling & inflammation. The primordial antioxidant! As the original creators of Silica Hydride and Microcluster technology, Phi Sciences sets the benchmark for quality and effectiveness in antioxidant. Scientific studies validate that active hydrogen delivered into your bloodstream is the most powerful free radical scavenger available. It is the first product that delivers active hydrogen directly into the bloodstream using Dr. Flanangan's patented nanotechnology silica Microclusters. Phi Sciences MegaH Hydrating It's no secret that aging can be significantly slowed by proper cellular hydration. Without proper hydration, everything is affected (hair, skin, fingernails, even elimination). MegaHydrate helps fight the negative effects of alcohol, stress, and free radicals as part of aging. Many customers report immediate pain relief and increases in energy. MegaHydrate has the power of active hydrogen for health and longevity, providin

  • Migraine Mind Games | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #189

    25/08/2010 Duration: 28min

    "It's very likely that magnesium deficiency is a widespread cause of migraines, maintains Dr. Mansmann. Studies show that many people don't even come close to getting the Daily Value of magnesium, which is 400 milligrams. "On a daily basis, 30 to 40 percent of American people take less than 75 percent of the Daily Value of magnesium," says Dr. Mansmann. According to his records, Dr. Altura says that about 50 to 60 percent of his migraine patients have low magnesium levels. But once they begin treatment, he says, they often experience immediate relief. "We can say that 85 to 90 percent of these patients are successfully treated, and that's pretty miraculous," says Dr. Altura. Dr. Altura, people who have low magnesium and elevated calcium levels are among those who are most successfully treated with magnesium." MIgraines Each week Martin Pytela begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast Co-op is built on

  • The Secret to HOT Legs | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #190

    23/08/2010 Duration: 21min

    Light Legs Quickly provide maximum relief and freshness for tired and heavy legs, create a pleasant feeling of lightness and well being. Essential oils and plant extracts reduce swelling and increase circulation. Diminish tension and exhaustion from poor circulation, heat, sedentary activities, extra weight, pregnancy, varicose veins, etc. The same application also moisturizes and nourishes your skin, diminishes appearance of varicose veins and cellulite. * Organic Silica helps maintain flexible joints and promotes the creation of elastin and collagen * Horse Chestnut acts as an anti-inflammatory, promoting good vein health and diminish varicose veins. * Ruscus Aculeatus possess vascular constrictive properties and is an organic anti-cellulite. * Fucus Vesciulosus is a natural lipoclastic that favors the elimination of greasy accumulations. Silica and good looking legs G7 Sillicium Aloe Your blood and our general health are improved by the combined action of organic silicon and Aloe vera

  • Depression or Liver It Up! | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #188

    29/07/2010 Duration: 26min

    Depression is yet another of those problems that do not have a single point solution. Yes, the establishment offers the all-so-wonderful serotonin re-uptake inhibitors that apparently mess with the brain enough to give you the illusion that you are no longer depressed. The real solution for depression is to raise your level of joy so that the down moments become insignificant. A well body does not become depressed. A body that is standing proud (as opposed to shoulders slouched, shallow breathing, eyes downcast, with the Eyore voice tones) will not allow you to feel depressed. Due to the digestive qualities of lemon juice, symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching are relieved. By drinking lemon juice regularly, the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more efficiently thus controlling constipation and diarrhea. On page 659 of "Back to Eden", Mr. Kloss points out that, “The lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons, liquefies

  • How's Your Bowel?? | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #187

    26/07/2010 Duration: 15min

    Dr. Harvey Kellogg, M.D. of the Kellogg Sanitarium said, "Of the 22,000 operations that I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon, and of the 100,000 that were performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal." Dr. Kellogg said that he knew of many cases in which operations were prevented by cleansing and revitalizing the bowel. He maintained that 90% of the diseases of civilization are due to improper functioning of the colon. Discover the joy of a well-run bowel: Floracol. A properly functioning digestive system will reduce all potential health risks of today. Probiotic supplements are critical for optimizing your intestinal health. This gives you more energy, a stronger immune system, and better nutrient absorption. Floracol offers 29 different probiotic strains... - Restore health to your intestines, - Protect against pathogenic invaders, - Inhibit growth of harmful bacteria & yeast, - Regulate bowel movements, - Stimulate antibodies that fight infection, - Assist

  • Prostate Cancer | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #185

    08/07/2010 Duration: 29min

    The main function of iodine in your body is to balance the endocrine system (especially the thyroid gland), resulting in greater ability to manage your emotional states. This is more obvious in women because of different hormonal dynamics. Its secondary function is to regulate reproductive organs (ovaries & breasts in women, prostate in men). Adequate iodine intake will also result in much-improved muscular coordination, flexibility and strength, plus improved vision as the eye muscles loose their unwanted calcium that causes hardening and stiffness. Iodine supplementation can also induce long term remission of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Extended iodine deficiency contributes heavily to our recent epidemic cancers of breasts, ovaries, and prostate. Benefits of Sea-Odine * Increased Energy & Stamina * Reduced arthritic joint pains and muscle pains * Increased elasticity of muscles and tendons * Faster healing of wounds, injuries or trauma through activated stem cell system * Improved Imm

  • The End of Back Pain | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #184

    30/06/2010 Duration: 30min

    What causes back pain? Well that is a question for the ages, but we feel that we have moved one step closer to finding that answer. After reading "The History" under the "Amino Acids" section of our web site it was revealed that 9 out of 10 people are protein deficient. This deficiency is the cause for degeneration and infection through out the whole body. This condition may have been present for years before any injury has occurred. Because of this weakened state, the body struggles against itself depriving cells of the nutrients they need in order to protect and heal other areas of the body that might be fighting an infection or that is injured. As the body is continually weakened it is more prone to injury. Now some injury is not avoidable as in a car accident, but if the body is getting the proper nutrients it needs the healing process occurs at a much increased state. Pain is lessened and re-injury is less likely to occur. Back Pain relief Each week Martin Pytela begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     e

  • Back Health Sans Drugs | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #183

    24/06/2010 Duration: 31min

    The most common conventional treatment for pain relief is over the counter or prescription drugs for pain, inflammation and sleep. Long-term use of these can lead to many complications, and can actually exacerbate the symptoms. Some prescription medications can even cause bleeding of the stomach, which alone can be quite serious. Although alternative health supplementation may not completely eradicate the problem, it can alleviate a large portion of the symptoms, and greatly ease the inflammation & pain. These therapies have the added benefit of providing long term health and vitality. Learn more about Back Pain. Recovery is a safe & effective way to manage inflammatory conditions, and prevent & treat tissue damage (from disease, surgery and injury), pain and poor healing. Recovery strikes at the root of inflammation, provides potent protection for your connective tissue, and improves the repair of damaged cells. It handles the problem at its core, healing deep into tissue where all problems and symptom

  • Back Pain Relief Naturally | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #182

    17/06/2010 Duration: 20min

    Back pain can range from a mild, persistent ache to unbearable pain with the slightest movement. While there are many reasons for seeking back pain remedies, most episodes are associated with inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the spine. Inflammation is the body's natural response to being injured, which explains the need for lower back pain relief. Inflammation is characterized by redness, swelling, heat and pain. When your soft tissues become inflamed, you may experience any or all of these symptoms. Treatment for back pain usually involves strengthening the back through special exercises, and adjusting your lifestyle to avoid the stressors (physical and mental) that have contributed towards the injury. In the case of persistent, debilitating back pain, prescription or over-the-counter analgesics (painkillers) for low back pain relief may be used. Muscle relaxants may also be used as back pain remedies. Surgery is considered a last resort for continuing, debilitating back pain. Relax Sore & A

  • Taking the Pain Away The Right Way | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #181

    10/06/2010 Duration: 27min

    Acid-Base or pH balance of your fluids is still the bottom line in all the following determinations. It is not known why yet, in physiological terms, but some people just don't do well on alkalinizing diets. Metabolic typing provides a good answer to this question and many others. More Inflammation Information Here. Sooner or later each one of us will experience some type inflammation. Medical diagnosis of your problem will have an "itis" at the end. The four signs of inflammation - redness (Latin rubor), heat (calor), swelling (tumor), and pain (dolor) - were described in the 1st century AD by the Roman medical writer Aulus Cornelius Celsus. Typical encounters with inflammation will include otitis, or ear infection, pharyngitis, or sore throat, and common aches and pains of latter years such as arthritis and myositis (muscle aches), and finally in old age we deal with neuritis (brain inflammation or Alzheimer's) or carditis (heart disease). Inflammation cuts across traditional orthodox medicine bounda

  • Coconut Secrets Revealed | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #180

    29/05/2010 Duration: 25min

    "I would like to say that I have been on Virgin Coconut Oil for the past 2 months (4 tablespoons daily) and feel better than I have in a long time! My energy levels are up & my weight is down. I am never hungry anymore, & have incorporated a daily exercise routine & have lost 20 pounds." Paula (Coconut Diet Forums) The above quote is quite typical of what we are seeing from those who are switching to Virgin Coconut Oil in place of less healthy fats in their diet. Many people are reporting that consumption of Virgin Coconut Oil is bringing about increased energy levels, fewer cravings for carbs and sweets, and a more satisfied feeling of being “full” after meals. "Since beginning to use virgin coconut oil, about 8 months ago, I have: experienced a noticeable increase in my energy, rid myself of cravings for carbs, cleared up my complexion (which has always been a problem) gotten the silkiest, most glorious hair from using it internally AND lost 16 pounds. This oil does all that it promises, and more!"

  • Metabolic Syndrome X Marks the Spot | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #179

    26/05/2010 Duration: 35min

    In case you have not heard, America is now officially the most obese country in the world! We now have two out of three people overweight, and almost half of them officially obese. Obesity is not something to take lightly, pun intended. But you already know that. What I want to tell you is this: it is NOT your fault. Yes, you know the rules: if you take in more calories than what you use up, it will end up stored as fat. But why are you so compelled to eat more than you need to? So whose fault is it? I blame the industrial production methods that have been gradually taking over our food processing industry. It starts with government subsidized large scale farming of cereal plants - wheat, corn and soy - on overly fertilized but under-mineralized soils. The top prize goes to the packaged foods that are so rich in addictive flavors and stimulants, that you stand no chance to resist. Once you become addicted, it is nearly impossible to break free. Read more about Metabolic Syndrome X. Natural Weight Loss

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