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An Apple A Day and Your Liver | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #195



The master chemist portion of the liver metabolizes proteins, fats and carbohydrates providing energy and nutrients for the other systems of the body. It creates bile to help emulsify fats making them easier to break down into their fatty-acid components, works to maintain electrolyte (magnesium/calcium and potassium/sodium) levels, is involved in the formation and breakdown of blood and helps to maintain water balance by producing serum proteins. As a supply office, the liver will provide extra blood on demand in case of a critical situation. It also stores fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. As a fuel storage facility, it stores B vitamins, minerals and sugars. The latter are stored as a reserve sugar called glycogen which is meant to be released when blood stores of available glucose become low due to exercise, stress or delayed eating. Functioning as the major detoxifying organ of the body, the liver is responsible for filtering the blood and removing harmful bacteria and chemicals including the breakd