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Radiation and Iodine | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #219



The nuclear crisis underway in 2011 at one of the Japan's power plants is frightening people as far away as Manitoba. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan told reporters Friday that the situation at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is "very grave" and several reactors remain at risk of melting down. In Japan, the earthquake and tsunami have claimed the lives of nearly 7,000 people in the last week and 10,000 people more are missing. In Manitoba, some people are concerned about radiation blowing over here. While the panic isn't widespread, many health food stores have been selling out of pills that can help protect people from radiation. Daniel Madrid, owner of Thrive Nutrition and Wellness said he has sold out of potassium iodide, or iodine pills, which can reduce the risk of thyroid cancer in people who are exposed to radiation. Iodine supplementation is extremely important. Iodine is required for normal thyroid function is displaced or deactivated by other halogens - Bromine, Chlorine and Fluoride. Natural