The official podcasts of!
Discover Music Project: Episode 12
15/02/2011 Duration: 01h43minDMP returns as Jonny and Jen swap roles. This time, it's Jonny's pick: Robert Randolph. With noticeable classic country and gospel influences, there's a lot to like about Randolph, and I think you'll really enjoy it. As always, here's the set list: Joyful Sounds & Reprise (The Word)Without God (Sacred Steel Live)Going in the Right Direction (Unclassified)The March (Live at the Wetlands)Soul Refreshing (Unclassified) Love is the Only Way feat. Dave Matthews (Colorblind)Purple Haze (Bonnaroo 2004)Peekaboo (Bonnaroo 2002)Encore:I've Got a Feeling (Campbell Bros. w/ Denise Brown) - 7:40 Want to suggest an artist or band for DMP? Send us your thoughts via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. You can also follow Jonny directly now at @jonnymetts. Thanks for listening, folks, and we'll see you on Thursday for a new How to Liberal!
Rough Draught: Episode 8
11/02/2011 Duration: 01h10minRough Draught: The Beer Appreciation Show returns with five new brews to review. After last month's explosive last 10 minutes, we decided to take it easy for this episode. I'm not sure if we succeeded, however. In any case, our good buddy Rob is back after a month off the show! This month we'll be drinking Full Sail Session Premium Lager, Black Sheep Ale, Dogfish Head World Wide Stout, Wychwood Organic Pale Ale and St. Peter's Cream Stout. As always, if you've got questions, concerns or anything at all to tell us, you can hit us up via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. Thanks for listening, guys! Come back next week for Discover Music Project, How to Liberl and a brand new Box Office Poison!
Crosstawk Sports: Episode 7
08/02/2011 Duration: 48minThe Super Bowl may be over, but Crosstawk Sports continues! Jesse couldn't make recording this week, so producer Jon Rind steps in to assist Spencer and Ben in talking about the Packers' victory, some NBA news and close it out with a bit on MMA. If you have any questions for us here at Crosstawk, you can send 'em on over via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. Also make sure to head over to iTunes and leave us a review - we could always use more of those. Thanks for listening, guys - we'll see you on Friday for Rough Draught!
Hardcore Nerdography: Episode 4
04/02/2011 Duration: 01h01sFor most episodes here on the network of podcasts, I give the show a good listen, and if I don't have the chance before the show's deadline, I'll at least get a detailed description from the show's producer. But today, for Hardcore Nerdography: Episode 4, I have no idea you'll be hearing about. Perhaps the crew's found a way into El Dorado (the city, not the furniture store) or cured cancer or some such miracle. Or maybe Dante had a bad date. Maybe Mike and Amanda saw a movie? Maybe they were in purgatory the whole time, I dunno. The only way to find out is to listen. So do it. Dooooo eeeeeeet. And once you do (eeeeeeet), send us your thoughts, questions and concerns via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. Thanks for listening, guys! We'll see you on Tuesday for Crosstawk Sports!
How to Liberal: Episode 4
03/02/2011 Duration: 06minYou had to know it was coming guys. For the fourth episode of How to Liberal, Stan starts in on the Rag Tag Super-Patriot Fun Time Club, aka The Tea Party. Not one to be hasty, though, this first part deals primarily with where the TP gets its name. So enjoy a look back on the rich history of the Sons of Liberty and the OG Tea Party. You down with OGTP? As always, this episode of How to Liberal does not reflect the opinions of, its pundits or American History in general. If you've got beef, send it our way via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. Thanks for listening, everyone! See you tomorrow for a brand new Hardcore Nerdography!
Discover Music Project: Episode 11
01/02/2011 Duration: 01h33minDiscover Music Project returns! This week, Jonny's joined by his good buddy Jen for an in-depth look at The Ramones. You might think you've got the Queens-based punk band pinned down, but Jen's here to show you that there's more than meets the eye. As always, here's the set list: Easy for non-punk fans:1- I Wanna Be Sedated2- Sheena is a Punk RockerEarly music:3- Blitzkrieg Bop4- Judy is a PunkHarder music:5- Warthog6- Cretin Hop7- Iím Against ItPunk love song:8- I Wanna Be Your BoyfriendFreaks:9- PinheadFitting in, problems:10- I Wanna Live11- Psycho TherapyFamily, youth, NYC:12- Weíre a Happy Family13- Rockaway BeachPhil Spector era:14- Do You Remember Rock and Roll Radio?15- Outsider16- Rock and Roll High SchoolJen's Faves:17- Bonzo Goes to Bitburg18- The KKK Took My Baby AwayThe End:19- The CrusherEncore:Joey Ramone - What a Wonderful World Thanks for listening, guys. If you've got any questions, concerns or comments, send 'em on over to us via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the c
Crosstawk Comics: Episode 6
28/01/2011 Duration: 01h08minCrosstawk Comics returns! This time, Gus and Karl are joined by the NWR Newscast's (and NWR's newly-minted Director) Neal Ronaghan to discuss the DC Animated Universe. With so much to talk, about, though, we had to split it into two parts. This first one deals with Batman: The Animated Series and its Superman counterpart. Part 2 will deal with Batman Beyond, Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. What were your favorite parts of the DCAU? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. Thanks for listening, guys! We'll see you on Tuesday for a new episode of Discover Music Project!
Box Office Poison: The Top Movies of 2010
27/01/2011 Duration: 01h25minBox Office Poison returns with this special bonus episode all about our favorite flicks of 2010. Stan unfortunately couldn't participate, so we got our good buddy Jon Rind to step in for him. And with all four of us sharing our five favorite movies, not to mention a few honorable mentions, there are a whole lot of films covered. But to find out which, you'll just have to listen! What were your Top 5 for 2010? Send 'em on over to us via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. And while you're at it, head on over to iTunes and leave us a review - we could always use more of those. All right, guys, thanks for listening. See you tomorrow for a new episode of Crosstawk Comics guest starring Neal Ronaghan!
Crosstawk Sports: Episode 6
25/01/2011 Duration: 01h26minIt's Tuesday, January 25th, and that means a new episode of Crosstawk Sports, the latest and greatest in the world on the field! On this episode, Spencer, Ben and Jesse dive into some Super Bowl talk before getting pretty heated during a discussion on the NBA. We've also got a brand new feature on the show: Lost in the Shuffle, wherein Jesse opens a brand new pack of baseball cards. If you aren't already aware, Crosstawk Sports is now on Twitter (@crosstawksports)! Be sure to follow them for daily updates. You can also email the crew directly at! As always, if you have any thoughts/queries/concerns for Crosstawk in general, you can send them to us via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. And if you haven't yet, get yourself over to iTunes and leave us a review - we could always use more. All righty, folks, we'll see you on Thursday for a very special episode of Box Office Poison!
How to Liberal: Episode 3
24/01/2011 Duration: 07minStan returns for yet another episode of our mini mammoth, How to Liberal. This week, Stan takes on libertarians. So something something Ron Paul something something? Of course, the views and ideals expressed in this episode, as well as all of How to Liberal, do not reflect those of or its various pundits. So if you want to kill somebody, please, people, remember that I am FOR your crazy opinions, no matter their craziness (they're probably crazy). Did I say crazy enough times? If you have any thoughts or concerns, send them on over to us via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on our website. Thanks for listening, guys - see you tomorrow for a new episode of Crosstawk Sports!
Box Office Poison: Episode 7
21/01/2011 Duration: 01h43minBOP returns for its first episode of 2011! Oddly enough, though, all of their movies are from 2010. Jonny, Karl, Mike and Stan discuss 127 Hours, True Grit, TRON Legacy and even get into the practicality of Superman '79. Then, during the Movie of the Month segment, the crew shares their opnions on Monsoon Wedding, a flick that could probably best be described as a darker, Indian Love Actually. Come back next month when our movie will be Terry Zwigoff's documentary Crumb. As always, if you have any thoughts, concerns or queries, send 'em on over to us via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. Thanks for listening, folks. How to Liberal came in a little late this week, so it'll actually be going up tomorrow. See you then!
Discover Music Project: Episode 10
18/01/2011 Duration: 01h35minJonny and Jason return for another episode of Discover Music Project! For this week's DMP, the duo are going to be discussing Little Walter, the best harmonica player you've never heard of. Juke - 2:47 (instrumental blues dance hit)Roller Coaster - 2:56 (amazing intro; drums like a wooden track)Sad Hours - 3:15 (bottom of a well)Off the Wall - 2:52 (high notes near end)My Babe - 2:44 (best vocals, more R&B than blues)Too Late - 2:44Blues With A Feeling - 3:10 (stop blues near end)Key to the Highway - 2:49 (jangly guitar)Boom Boom Out Goes the Light - 2:54Mellow Down Easy - 2:46 (smoldering intensity)Walking Thru the Park (w/ Muddy Waters) - 2:45Hoochie Coochie Man (W/ Muddy Waters) - 2:45 (famous "Mannish Boy" riff)Rollin' and Tumblin' - 2:50 (acoustic harp with Muddy on slide)Encore:Paul Butterfield Blues Band - "Work Song" (East-West) - 7:56 As always, you can send your thoughts on over to us via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. Thanks for list
Rough Draught: Episode 7
15/01/2011 Duration: 01h25minFolks, it's been a long while since TAWK-112 ended (close to two years, actually), and while we've had re-runs here and there, and even had Casper on the second episode of this very program, nothing has come close to matching the feel of the show that started it all. Well, Rough Draught: Episode 7 is about as close as it gets. Michael Casper guests this week to share some drunk tales, review some beers and make my editing life a living hell. The last fifteen minutes of this show can best be described as a beautiful trainwreck. Some of you will love it and others will hate it, but I doubt there'll be any middle-ground. At least I bleeped all of the names... But! There's still beer to drink, and this week we'll be tasting: Stone Levitation Ale, St. Peters IPA, Daleside Monkey Wrench, Coney Island Albino Python, Ommegang Rare Vos and, ultimately, we sort of skirt around Tommyknocker Butt Head Dopplebock. As always, if you've got any thoughts, questions or concerns (and I think there might be a few for this episo
Crosstawk Sports: Episode 5
11/01/2011 Duration: 35minThe boys of Crosstawk Sports are back in the same room to give you the latest and greatest in the world on the field! In their first episode of 2011, Spencer, Ben and Jesse get down and dirty with their post-BCS thoughts. A few too many may have been inbibed, so just keep that in mind. Also on this episode: NFL, NBA and MLB talk. If you aren't already aware, Crosstawk Sports is now on Twitter (@crosstawksports)! Be sure to follow them for daily updates. As always, if you have any thoughts/queries/concerns for Crosstawk Sports, you can send them to us via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. And if you haven't yet, get yourself over to iTunes and leave us a review - we could always use more. With all of that being said, we'll see you on Friday for a brand new Rough Draught!
Hardcore Nerdography: Episode 3
07/01/2011 Duration: 51minMike, Amanda and Dante return for more Hardcore! On today's episode, the gang gets into sex ed in the South, Carl Sagan (who would've guessed?), some listener feedback, beer elitism and a whole lot more. There might even be some talk of lilly pads that look like vaginas - you'll just have to listen in for yourself to find out. Also during the show, there's an open call put out to the ladies (and perhaps interested men) of the world - do you want a magical evening of sarcasm and cynicism? If so, email and put in the subject header: "I Want to Date Dante." You can also email whatever else you'd like, but I'll be damned if I'm not looking forward to reading those letters. You can also let us know what you think via Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section of the website. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out Jonathan Rind's new recap series, Path of the Raging Boll, available only on! Another week in the can, folks! 2011's started in style, but we're only just beginni
How to Liberal: Episode 2
06/01/2011 Duration: 05minToday on How to Liberal, Stan takes on creationists! As always, the views expressed on HTL do not reflect those of or its pundits. If you're offended by something you hear, well, it was that other dude. The guy with the voice. You know the one. If you have non-death-threat things to say, you can send your thoughts/concerns/quieries to us via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or you can throw down in the comments section on the website. Okie doke, folks, be sure to come back tomorow for a fresh ep of Hardcore Nerdography.
Discover Music Project: Episode 9
04/01/2011 Duration: 01h35minIt's 2011, folks, so let's kick the year off with a bang! For our very first release, we've got a brand new episode of Discover Music Project, guest starring Jason Farmer. This time, Jonny and Jason are going to be discussing guitar virtuoso Joe Satriani (also known as Satch to his fans). And as always, here's your set list: 1. Summer Song2. Crushing Day3. Cool #94. Always With Me, Always With You5. Slow Down Blues6. Andalusia7. Midnight8. Baroque9. Solitude10. Borg Sex11. Foxey Lady (Live) As always, if you have any thoughts, questions or concerns in regards to DMP, you can send them on over via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. Thanks for listening, guys, and come back on Thursday for a new How to Liberal, and again on Friday for a new Hardcore Nerdography.
Crosstawk Comics: Episode 5
31/12/2010 Duration: 01h07minAs 2010 comes to a close, Crosstawk bids farewell to a year of amazing comics! Gus and Karl return with their Top 5 issues/series for 2010, including Amazing Spider-Man, Daytripper, Justice League: Generation Lost, Sweet Tooth and more! What were your favorite comics of 2010? You can let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. And with that, 2010 ends for! It was an incredible year, and I couldn't be happier with how the site and shows have grown. We've only just gotten started, though, and 2011 should prove even better!
Crosstawk Sports: Episode 4
29/12/2010 Duration: 48minThe Tallahassee crew returns for more of the latest and greatest in the world on the field in this brand new episode of Crosstawk Sports. With Jesse unable to record, Rob once again stepped in to fill the void along with Spencer and Ben. The show starts off with some basketball discussion before settling in to some great NFL talk. If you've got any suggestions for discussion topics, you can, as usual, send them on over to, alert us on Twitter (@crosstawk) or throw down in the comments section on the website. With that said, see you on Friday for Crosstawk Comics.
Box Office Poison: Episode 6
27/12/2010 Duration: 01h24minLate for the holidays but early for 2011! After a slight delay, we've got a fresh episode of Box Office Poison for you with talk about TRON Legacy, Cyrus, Monsters (Inc.), Friends of God, Star Trek: The Motion Picture and more! For our second segment, we dicussed our Movie of the Month: Synecdoche, New York. Some of us liked it, some of us didn't and a certin someone didn't even watch it (Señor Sklens)! As always, you can tell us your thoughts via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) and via the comments section. And that's that, folks! See you on Tuesday for a new Crosstawk Sports and again on Friday for Crosstawk Comics!