
Hardcore Nerdography: Episode 3



Mike, Amanda and Dante return for more Hardcore! On today's episode, the gang gets into sex ed in the South, Carl Sagan (who would've guessed?), some listener feedback, beer elitism and a whole lot more. There might even be some talk of lilly pads that look like vaginas - you'll just have to listen in for yourself to find out. Also during the show, there's an open call put out to the ladies (and perhaps interested men) of the world - do you want a magical evening of sarcasm and cynicism? If so, email and put in the subject header: "I Want to Date Dante." You can also email whatever else you'd like, but I'll be damned if I'm not looking forward to reading those letters. You can also let us know what you think via Twitter (@crosstawk) and in the comments section of the website. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out Jonathan Rind's new recap series, Path of the Raging Boll, available only on! Another week in the can, folks! 2011's started in style, but we're only just beginni