
Crosstawk Sports: Episode 5



The boys of Crosstawk Sports are back in the same room to give you the latest and greatest in the world on the field! In their first episode of 2011, Spencer, Ben and Jesse get down and dirty with their post-BCS thoughts. A few too many may have been inbibed, so just keep that in mind. Also on this episode: NFL, NBA and MLB talk. If you aren't already aware, Crosstawk Sports is now on Twitter (@crosstawksports)! Be sure to follow them for daily updates. As always, if you have any thoughts/queries/concerns for Crosstawk Sports, you can send them to us via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. And if you haven't yet, get yourself over to iTunes and leave us a review - we could always use more. With all of that being said, we'll see you on Friday for a brand new Rough Draught!