
Box Office Poison: Episode 7



BOP returns for its first episode of 2011! Oddly enough, though, all of their movies are from 2010. Jonny, Karl, Mike and Stan discuss 127 Hours, True Grit, TRON Legacy and even get into the practicality of Superman '79. Then, during the Movie of the Month segment, the crew shares their opnions on Monsoon Wedding, a flick that could probably best be described as a darker, Indian Love Actually. Come back next month when our movie will be Terry Zwigoff's documentary Crumb. As always, if you have any thoughts, concerns or queries, send 'em on over to us via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the website. Thanks for listening, folks. How to Liberal came in a little late this week, so it'll actually be going up tomorrow. See you then!