
Rough Draught: Episode 7



Folks, it's been a long while since TAWK-112 ended (close to two years, actually), and while we've had re-runs here and there, and even had Casper on the second episode of this very program, nothing has come close to matching the feel of the show that started it all. Well, Rough Draught: Episode 7 is about as close as it gets. Michael Casper guests this week to share some drunk tales, review some beers and make my editing life a living hell. The last fifteen minutes of this show can best be described as a beautiful trainwreck. Some of you will love it and others will hate it, but I doubt there'll be any middle-ground. At least I bleeped all of the names... But! There's still beer to drink, and this week we'll be tasting: Stone Levitation Ale, St. Peters IPA, Daleside Monkey Wrench, Coney Island Albino Python, Ommegang Rare Vos and, ultimately, we sort of skirt around Tommyknocker Butt Head Dopplebock. As always, if you've got any thoughts, questions or concerns (and I think there might be a few for this episo