Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg



Every week on the Mom Inspired Show, Amber Sandberg and her guest delve into relevant topics for women including: pursuing passions, overcoming battles, and trouble shooting issues that women face. Amber loves to connect with women especially moms and encourages them in their authenticity because they are already good enough. Be uplifted and inspired. Join the village that seems to be missing in todays age at the Mom Inspired Show. Find out more at


  • Are your habits sustainable? Amber Sandberg: 272

    11/01/2022 Duration: 24min

    Are your habits sustainable or are they unrealistic? Today I am going to talk to you guys about setting goals that you can sustain for the long run.  With the start of the new year so many people get really motivated to start new habits, change up routines, and so on. The big problem with all these new changes is that most of the time people can't sustain these new habits. I want to encourage you to consider what habits do you want to implement into your life, and can you keep them up? If you have already started this year and feel overwhelmed or behind I want to ask you, how can you take your goals and make them something you can stick to? Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Hey, have you grabbed your free copy of  "Getting back into your routine" worksheet?  If not, make sure to do so! Head over to and get a copy that teaches you how to easily get back into your routine no matter if you have to lose weight or not. Sometimes we get off routine by tr

  • Best of: Are you living a life too small for you?: Amber Sandberg: 271

    04/01/2022 Duration: 24min

    Have you ever wondered if you are living your life to your fullest potential? Do you ever feel like you are playing too small? You see people out there doing big things and you know you have it in you to do something but you feel too scared? Today I am going to talk to you guys about figuring out your "second act"! Sometimes it's easy to over look what your talents are, and it can leave you feeling like you don't have anything special to offer. But if you can think about the things other people compliment you on or ask for your help with that will give you some insight to what you may be good at.  It's so much easier for others to see our talents then it is for us to really see them. Also 2021 was not as easy as most of us had hoped for.  You might feel like your progress got stalled or maybe you didn't even begin what you were hoping to start, maybe you feel like you even went backwards but I wanted to encourage you to think differently! What if we weren't "starting over", what if we were just picking bac

  • How to eat and afford anything you want: Germaine Foley: 270

    28/12/2021 Duration: 42min

    Do you feel like you have to be super restrictive to get to your goal for weight loss and money? Today I have Germaine Foley on the show and we break down how she got herself out of 200k of debt and how I lost over 50lbs.  Not only did we accomplish those things, we did it without being super restrictive.  So, today we wanted to share with you what we teach our coaching clients so that you can start your new year feeling hopeful. One big mistake people make is that they think whenever they reach their goal, it will be better then where they were. What we want to tell you, is that you can be happy now, no matter how much money you have or how much you weigh, you have the power to choose to be happy on your way to your goals.  Many people get stuck in this cycle that they can only be happy once they achieve their goals and until then life is better there vs. here.  Also, we share our experiences and how we didn't have to give up our life to go after what we wanted. Does this sound too good to be true?  Hear wh

  • Best of: Taking the stress out of the holidays: Jenny Stemmerman: 269

    21/12/2021 Duration: 49min

    Do you find that you get stressed out for the holidays vs. being excited for them? Today, Jenny Stemmerman from Your Life Rocks and I talk about how it can be so easy to get stressed out as moms when it comes to the holidays.   This episode is more of a conversation between friends that we wanted to include you in on and just share our experiences and most likely you will be able to relate to one of us if not both.  We discuss how we try to keep things simple but special and how we have similarities but also different approaches when it comes to the holidays and what that looks like.  One topic that stood out to me is how do we prioritize other family members and what they want for their holidays.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast.   Hey, have you grabbed your free copy of  "Getting back into your routine" worksheet?  If not, make sure to do so! Head over to and get a copy that teaches you how to easily get back into your routine no matter if y

  • Remembering what Christmas is all about: Norma Dougherty: 268

    14/12/2021 Duration: 37min

    Are you stressed out trying to make Christmas perfect and forgetting what Christmas is all about?   Today I have Norma Joyce Dougherty on the show and we talk about her faith and how it has changed her life.  In a season where it's so easy to get caught up in the commercial side of Christmas with parties, presents, eating yummy food, I want to steer it back to why we even celebrate Christmas.  Norma shares with us how at 44 she discovered the difference between religion and having a relationship with Christ and what a huge difference it is.  In a season where it's so normal to want to make everything perfect especially for moms, Norma talk about how relying on her faith helped her to escape perfectionism. So if you are feeling overwhelmed this Christmas season, forgetting why we even celebrate Christmas this episode is for you. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast.   If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I did with Ann Wilson on parents are not perfect: https:

  • Best of: How to feel good enough: Alison Robertson: 267

    08/12/2021 Duration: 38min

    Do you ever struggle with feeling not good enough? Today we have author and coach Alison Robertson on the show today.  Alison shares with us her journey of being an actress in L.A. to becoming a speaker, coach and now author.  We talk about the challenges that moms have when trying to figure out how to design the life they really want. We talk about how easy it is for moms to not feel like they are enough and they can be so hard on themselves.  I ask her about what does she recommend for those of us that feel paralyzed by fear and how to really go after what we really want.  One topic that really stood out to me is when Alison shared her thoughts on gifts vs. passions. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. Hey, have you grabbed your free copy of  "Getting back into your routine" worksheet?  If not, make sure to do so! Head over to and get a copy that teaches you how to easily get back into your routine no matter if you have to lose weight or not. Sometimes

  • Finishing the Year Strong: Amber Sandberg: 266

    30/11/2021 Duration: 25min

    Are you the type to just say "oh well, I will start Jan. 1?" Many times to get to our goals its challenging because we are so disconnected to the "end goal" because it feels so unattainable. Sometimes we need to work backwards when figuring out our goals.  So, I want to encourage you to use this December as part of your 2022 goals vs. wasting it and saying it's the last month of the year, oh well!   I want you to look back at this year and assess who you were and who you want to be?  Look for the wins, even if they are small. When did you show up the way you wanted too, when did you show up your like your future version of yourself?  I want you to look for progress even if it's  just a little bit.  Hear what I have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. Hey, have you grabbed your free copy of  "Getting back into your routine" worksheet?  If not, make sure to do so! Head over to and get a copy that teaches you how to easily get back into your routine no matter if you ha

  • How to get back into your routine: Amber Sandberg: 265

    09/11/2021 Duration: 23min

    Does this time of year throw you off your routine? It seems like every year starting at Halloween, one little candy turns into 10, turns into the whole bag. The next thing you know you are saying I will deal with this January 1st. I have heard so many moms say this every year, from the holidays to traveling, and let's not forget it starts to get dark and so it's very easy to let up on our routines and goals if we don't pay attention.  By no means am I perfect at this, I see myself slipping at times, letting up, and giving in to the darker colder days, but I have figured out some easy steps to get myself back track when I feel like that is happening. It doesn't have to be difficult, it doesn't have to be perfect, you just have to start taking steps and moving forward. So if you are sitting there thinking you are worried that this will be another year you put your goals to the side till the new year then make sure to listen to this episode. If you feel like you have already started to neglect your routines and

  • What it’s like to travel internationally right now: Amber Sandberg: 264

    02/11/2021 Duration: 24min

    Are you ready to travel internationally? Last week I traveled to Cabo for the second time and stayed at J.W. Marriott and it was truly amazing.  In today's episode I want to tell you about my Cabo experience as well as what it was like to travel internationally right now.  A few things I cover is this episode is, why it's critical to get insurance because if you get stuck you don't want to have to pay for everything out of pocket. Second, have expectations that things take longer than usual from filling out paperwork, uploading test results and delays especially if you have a layover. If you are traveling with kids make sure to leave extra time so you don't feel rushed.  Lastly, I share with you my experience at the J.W. Marriott property, a sunset cruise to the Arches of Los Cabos and some fun things to do while you are there. To hear about this topic and more listen to the podcast. Please feel free to DM me on IG at Mom Inspired Living  or email me at to talk about your n

  • How to eat on vacation without stress: Amber Sandberg: 263

    26/10/2021 Duration: 26min

    Who loves to travel but stresses out when it comes to eating while maintaining their weight loss or maintenance goals? So many women feel anxious and nervous when it comes to going on vacations. It often times steals the joy of enjoying the actual vacation. Many women don’t even believe it’s actually possible to not stress out over what you eat or don't eat, but I’m here to tell you it is possible.  Women feel like they either need to eat nothing or they say screw it and deal with everything when they get back home. I understand this thinking because I fell into this trap for so long. Many trips in the past I felt like all the self talk happening in my brain took away from my experience and prevented me from truly enjoying myself. As moms we deserve to enjoy our family vacations, to be able to focus on what is actually important because here is the thing, our kids will grow up and we won't always have a chance to take trips with them.  We can't turn back time and get those vacations back.  When I travel now

  • Why all or nothing thinking doesn’t help you lose weight: Amber Sandberg: 262

    19/10/2021 Duration: 20min

    Do you feel like in order to lose weight you have to be perfect? One of the most important things when you think about losing weight is to respect where you are and what is your reality.  You want to lose weight, you want stay on your plan, you want to start fresh tomorrow. You want to prove to yourself for the final time that you can create the changes in order to get the body and life that you truly want. These are all true. What is also true is that you like being able to eat when you want to eat, you don't want to pay attention to if you are hungry or full, you push things off till Monday or the beginning of the month, you want to keep doing what you are doing. You want to numb out with food so you don't have to feel the feelings that you are running from. You want to stay comfortable and not push yourself. These too are also true. A lot of times we have desires that are conflicting and that can often paralyze us. But if you can realize that even if you want the things that are keeping you where you ar

  • How to cope with grief during the holidays: Krista St-Germain: 261

    12/10/2021 Duration: 35min

    Are you nervous about the holidays coming up and grieving your loved one? Today we have grief expert and life coach for widowed moms Krista St-Germain on the show. Krista shares with us how to best support ourselves when grief grenades come up around the holidays. She talks about the challenges that come up when trying to figure out how to spend the holidays, if we should keep the old traditions or try to create new ones.  We also chat about how we can best support our kids with their grief around the holidays. Lastly, I asked Krista how we can best show up for loved ones that have lost someone. One topic that stood out to me is when Krista told us that she always thought the goal was to be happy in life when she was younger and then she realized that wasn't the case. Hear what she says on this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out one of the episode's I did on loneliness and grief with Heidi McLaughlin:

  • Is adrenal fatigue making your life harder? Jennifer Wheeler: 260

    05/10/2021 Duration: 49min

    Do you feel tired and have no idea why? Today we have functional medicine practitioner Jennifer Wheeler on the show talking all about our adrenals. Jennifer shares with us 5 Steps to Cure Adrenal Fatigue and Optimize Work Performance. We talk about circadian rhythm reset and some easy steps to do this.  She also shares with us how we need to be careful with what kind of workouts we do and how that impacts our adrenals. She also walks us through the importance of bioindividual nutrition and what that looks like as well as understanding our stress response and the role that plays in our lives. One topic that stood out to me is when she mentioned why it's crucial to ditch toxins and why that's crucial to our adrenals. Hear what she says on this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out one of the episode's I did on perimenopause and how your hormones could be impacting your energy:   Do you want a FREE min

  • How to save your marriage when your spouse doesn’t want to change? Beth Miller: 259

    28/09/2021 Duration: 38min

    Do you feel alone when it comes to fixing your marriage? Today we have Beth Miller on the show talking all about marriage.  With the pandemic it seems like more and more people are having issues with their marriage as they figure out new routines. Beth also shares with us why do our marriage struggles keep persisting even after countless attempts at counseling or reading marriage help books? She also talks about the major misconception that can block love and connection as well as an easy solution to end resentment and petty arguments. One topic that stood out to me is what she wished she had known before getting married. Hear what she says on this topic and more on the podcast.   Do you want a FREE mini coaching session with me? Keep reading... Hey are you sitting there worried that your life is too small for you,  you put yourself last and feel like you are not showing up in your life like you want too.  You're overwhelmed, you haven't lost the baby weight, you doubt yourself all the time and for once you

  • Stop feeling guilty for taking care of yourself: Alissa Harper: 258

    21/09/2021 Duration: 38min

    Are you working on the life you will be proud of in twenty years? Today I have Alissa Harper on the show and we talk all about why it's so important to take care of yourself so you can be the best mom. Alissa has two daughters and she wanted to model something different and be more intentional with her life. She shared with us how its important to invest in yourself so you can show up better for the people in her life. Alissa talks about what made her take the leap to start coaching with me and the impact it has had on her life.  She describes to us how it helps to have someone on the outside to process things and the tools that I have provided her during our one on one coaching has really helped her in her everyday life. One topic that stood out to me is when she told us that she didn't think she needed coaching and now she can't imagine not investing in the time to be coached. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I

  • Creating your dream business: Samie Roberts: 257

    14/09/2021 Duration: 30min

    Have you ever wondered what you are truly passionate about? Today I am talking with entrepreneur Samie Roberts all about figuring out your passion.  She shared with us how she got her feet wet with different careers to really hone in on what she truly loved doing.  Samie also discussed with us how she was able to find balance in regards to having a business and raising her daughter.  She mentioned that having her daughter actually helped with creating more balance because it created more structure.  I had asked her what tips does she have for moms that are working from home with kids and she said it is helpful if you can create a structure in your day and create goals.  Samie also shared with us what she has learned working with her husband and what makes things work.  One topic that stood out to me is when she said just put yourself out there or your product out there before it's even ready, don't wait for it to be perfect. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked thi

  • Losing weight and keeping it off for good: Amber Sandberg: 256

    07/09/2021 Duration: 14min

    Do you feel like you are in a rush to lose weight? Today I am talking about losing weight and keeping it off for good.  Sometimes what that entails is going slower then we would like. I realized that women can panic about getting the weight off and they want it off by a certain event, or vacation, etc. They get overwhelmed because they feel like they need to lose the weight fast.  Which then creates anxiousness and may cause you to make decisions you wouldn't pick for the long term.  What if you took your time to lose weight, would that make you feel more calm? How do you want to show up for this process, because how you show up to lose the weight is how you will keep it off.  How would you want to move your body, what kind of foods would you want to be eating, what kind of activities would you love to incorporate into your life these are the questions you want to be asking yourself.  Lastly, I talk about maintenance and how women get so terrified of gaining all the weight back because they didn't figure out

  • Does your heart feel heavy lately? Jenny Stemmerman: 255

    31/08/2021 Duration: 38min

    Are you feeling like life is super heavy lately? Today I am talking with fellow podcaster and friend Jenny Stemmerman all about being a mom during this challenging time in our world.  If you are looking for a casual conversation about the struggle we have as moms right now then you are in the right place.  We chatted about the kids going back to school and the stress that it is bringing up for moms with all the ups and downs and unknowns for this school year. We talked about what we are doing to keep our sanity when it feels like the world is on our shoulders.  If you are feeling this too or just feel numb to it all and feel alone I hope you find some hope in this episode, if anything I hope you can find some humor and laugh.  Hear what we have  to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I did about living a life too small for you, click Do you wan

  • Raising preteen and teenage daughters: Sarah Bragg: 254

    24/08/2021 Duration: 47min

    Are you raising daughters and wondering if you are doing it right? Today I am talking with author Sarah Bragg about raising preteen and teenage daughters.  We jump into the show talking about failure and how that is part of life and why it's important to teach our girls that it's ok to fail. Sarah also shared with us how it's critical to understand our children  developmentally, ideally before they get to that next stage. Make sure to check out the show notes with several website resources for learning about developmental stages. We also talk about body image that pertain to not only our daughters but to us and how to navigate that in the most healthy way. One topic that stood out to me is when Sarah told me about her eating disorder that she had as a child and how it stemmed from a comment regarding her weight from a kid at party. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast.   If you liked this episode make sure to check out my episode I did with Emily Ley about tween and and tee

  • Navigating perimenopause: Dyna Vink: 253

    17/08/2021 Duration: 48min

    Are you finding that you just don't feel like yourself lately? Today I am talking with Dyna Vink all about navigating hormones especially during perimenopause which can start as early as late 30s. Dyna shares with us her journey of going through perimenopause and how she wished she had known more information back then. She tells us why eating certain foods can help with any physical challenges you might be experiencing with hormonal fluctuations. That quality of sleep plays a huge role in weight loss and why women start having a hard time staying asleep during perimenopause. We chat about why not all exercises are good for perimenopause. That high impact workouts can sometimes be too stressful on the body and this stress can create cortisol which makes it easier to gain weight. One topic that stood out to me is when she told me about sugar and how it can cause inflammation in the brain and how that impacts our memory.  Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this epi

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