Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Creating summer goals for the family: Amber Sandberg: 290



Do you find that you take your foot off the gas in the summer regarding your goals? Today I am talking about why it's so tempting to not go after our goals in the summer. From unstructured days, later bed times, vacations, and different schedules it's easy to just throw our hard work out the window for a few months. I want to encourage you to resist putting your foot on the brakes of your goals and be intentional this summer. Not only with your own goals but also to help your kids set goals.  Summer is great because it can give us more breathing room, but with the lack of structure kids can easily get bored. If we help them set goals, they can can work toward something when they are feeling unmotivated. In this episode I discuss how to set up the goals, how to help guide your kids without deciding for them what their goals should be and some fun categories to consider as your goals.  Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting cal