Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

I used to be a better friend part 2: Jennifer Thompson: 295



Are you in a season of life that it's hard to be the friend that you used to be? Today I have Jennifer Thompson back on the show to talk about friendship in this 2 part episode, so make sure to check last week's if you haven't listened to that one yet.  Jennifer is sharing with us her personal story on how she is feeling like she isn't the friend she once was. We talk about how different seasons of life as a mom can make it challenging to be the friend that we hope to be. Jennifer shares with us that it's so important to show our friends grace during these different phases of life. We also talk about some fun ideas that could help you feel connected with your friends when you are finding it hard to connect on a normal basis. Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you didn't catch part 1 with Jennifer from last week make sure to click the link here to go listen to that one first: Do