Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Having style while going after your goals: Germaine Foley: 303



Do you feel like you have to stop having style while chasing your goals? Today I have Germaine Foley back on the show and we talk about having style even if you are not at your ideal size or if you are saving for your money goals. Germaine shares with us that even when she was paying off all her debt she made it a point to set money aside to buy things that made her feel good without compromising her goals. We talk about how this doesn't have to be an all or nothing kind of thing that it's about taking small steps to becoming the person you have always pictured yourself to be if that be your clothing, makeup, hair or your house. Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. I am going to invite you to set up a free 30 minute style consult with me, we can talk through what you want your style to look like, what is holding you back, you can show me some ideas and we can brainstorm so that when you get off you will be able to have a clear vision on what your next step should be. Just go to