Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Creating your style as a busy mom: Amber Sandberg: 302



Do you feel like the thought of finding your own style overwhelms you? Today, I want to talk about finding your style as a busy mom.  You may find yourself thinking " I don't know where to start" or maybe you feel like it's not a priority as a mom. I talk about how it's important to do things that are sustainable and that you can be consistent with.  Also, many people think style means fashion and trends but truly style can be anywhere from clothes, hair, makeup, our living space, to shoes.  Don't feel like you need a major overhaul, focus on one area and build from there.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. I am going to invite you to set up a free 30 minute style consult with me, we can talk through what you want your style to look like, what is holding you back, you can show me some ideas and we can brainstorm so that when you get off you will be able to have a clear vision on what your next step should be. Just go to and grab that spot