Der AWESOME PEOPLE Podcast bietet ne explosive Mischung aus erprobten Business Strategien und direkt umsetzbaren Best Practices aus der Welt des Unternehmertums sowie meinen schonungslos authentischen Real Life Case Studies. Ich zeige Dir 100% authentisch, wie Business funktioniert: Online Marketing, Social Media, Personal Branding, Positionierung, Business Konzepte, Instagram, Facebook, Podcasting, Community Building und vieles vieles mehr! Its gonna be awesome!
GERMAN AUDIOBOOK | Die Hüter der Erde - Eine neue Menschheit entsteht
19/05/2024 Duration: 04h09minWir leben in einem persönlichen und kollektiven Chaos. Durch unzureichende Behandlung als Kinder bleibt ein Loch in uns zurück, an der Stelle, wo sich ein tiefes Vertrauen ins Leben hätte entwickeln können. Also suchen wir nach Liebe in äußeren Dingen: Shopping, Arbeit, Essen, soziale Medien, Drogen diverser Art. Und der einzige Weg, 8 Milliarden Süchtige mit ihrem nächsten Kick zu versorgen, ist die Ausbeutung der Natur. Aber die Tragfähigkeit der Erde ist fast erschöpft. Und unsere auch. Das Leben kann so nicht weitergehen. Aber was, wenn es gerade vor der Morgendämmerung am dunkelsten ist? Was, wenn die notwendige Veränderung bereits im Gange ist? Was, wenn diese turbulenten Zeiten eine neue Art von Mensch hervorbringen? Eine weisere und liebevollere Version. Körperlich stark und spirituell verbunden. Tief besorgt um jedes Lebewesen, das die Oberfläche der Erde bewohnt. Mit offenem Herzen und scharfem Verstand. Ich nenne sie Custodians. Hüter, Bewahrer, Beschützer von Gaia, dem gesamten Ökosystem auf die
FULL AUDIOBOOK | Gaia's Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human
08/05/2024 Duration: 04h20minWe are living in a personal and collective mess. Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, sex, social media, all kinds of drugs. And the only way to supply 8 billion addicts with their next fix is the exploitation of nature. But Earth’s carrying capacity is almost exhausted. And ours, too. Life cannot continue this way. But what if it’s the darkest right before dawn? What if the change that’s necessary is already unfolding? What if these turbulent times call forth a novel kind of human? A wiser and more loving version. Physically strong and spiritually connected. Deeply caring about each and every living being walking the surface of Earth. With an open heart and a sharp mind. I call them Custodians. Caretakers, stewards, protectors of Gaia, the whole ecosystem on this beautiful planet. They are making decisions aware of their consequences instead of blindly following t
Embodying the 4 essential archetypes & becoming truly effective change agents | Gaia’s Custodians 05
29/04/2024 Duration: 01h14minDownload my new book “Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human”. It’s a gift. CUSTODIA - The incubator for birthing the more beautiful world: Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth - Buckminster Fuller: Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu: Gaia’s Custodians Podcast about our broken coaching industry & a possible gift economy: Most humans are too one-dimensional. Out there, you see the fitness freaks, the artists, the spiritual seekers, the entrepreneurs. Each one of them has found "their thing," their holy grail. As a result, they get really good at this one-dimensional game but lack essential qualities that are found in other areas, areas that they don't even look at. But in order to become truly effective agents of change and contribute to the birthing of the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible in a substantial way, we need to cult
Our broken coaching industry & how we might fix it for clients and coaches | Gaia’s Custodians 04
23/04/2024 Duration: 01h19minCoaches bragging on Instagram about the millions they are making and clients who are getting more and more disillusioned about the value they are receiving for the high ticket investments they made. But the 5-figure and 6-figure months don’t come without a toll: Endless hours spent making stories, building funnels, writing newsletters, hiring marketing agencies, doing sales calls, etc. And for all coaches just starting out things often look even more dire: they carry the burden of these endless tasks that hopefully someday will bring them to the point where they are able to actually start their real job - working with clients and creating value. The current state of the coaching industry is working for no one. Let’s bring it back to order. With two simple measurements that I explored in the newest episode of my Gaia’s Custodians Podcast. Enjoy! And yes, I’ve been in both scenarios. None of them were really fun - compared to how I’m serving my clients now. Apply for CUSTODIA: Download my b
The end of history as we know it, navigating emotions, the new humans arising | Gaia’s Custodians 03
17/04/2024 Duration: 01h12minDownload my book „Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human“. It's a gift. We are living in a personal and collective mess.Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, sex, social media, all kinds of drugs. And the only way to supply 8 billion addicts with their next fix is the exploitation of nature. But Earth’s carrying capacity is almost exhausted. And ours, too. Life cannot continue this way. But what if it’s the darkest right before dawn? What if the change that’s necessary is already unfolding? What if these turbulent times call forth a novel kind of human? A wiser and more loving version. Physically strong and spiritually connected. Deeply caring about each and every living being walking the surface of Earth. With an open heart and a sharp mind. I call them Custodians. Caretakers, stewards, protectors of Gai
Living in the gift, quitting business, stepping into service & being free | Gaia’s Custodians 02
05/04/2024 Duration: 01h37minIt’s time for a radical step. A step that my heart asks me to make since I stumbled over the idea of the gift economy four years ago. The possibility of being able to share my gifts freely with the world and receive a constant inflow of gifts in return, given out of deepest gratitude for the valuable work I’m doing, touched me deeply. A quantum leap from the traditional business world as we know it. Where manipulative sales tactics, cold harsh transactions and a replaceability of the individual reign. An approach that created the mess we’re living in collectively in the first place. That’s why I made the decision to not do business anymore. Instead everything I put out there will be a gift to the world. Without fixed price tags and crazy paywalls. Stepping into service fully. Releasing the desire of control and surrendering to the infinite wisdom of life. A step that scares me deeply while simultaneously setting my heart on fire tremendously. It just feels right. What that concretely means, how the gift econo
Expanding consciousness, materialistic shamans, urgency & Spiral Dynamics | Gaia’s Custodians 01
29/03/2024 Duration: 01h35minThe first episode of the Gaia's Custodians Podcast explores the evolution of human consciousness, how we might support the awakening of the world, why urgency is not a good companion on this journey and what the durian has to do with all of that. Enjoy this beautiful piece of art! Pre-order my book “Gaia’s Custodians - Embracing who we are meant to be”: Follow me on Instagram: Spiral Dynamics: Joshua Hasselblatt: Newtopia: Ontological Design: Fairphone: The Social Dilemma: The more beautiful world our hearts know is possible - Charles Eisenstein: --- Send in a voice message:
Embracing who we are meant to be - Gaia’s Custodians | TRUTH. 16
12/02/2024 Duration: 33minPre-order my book “Gaia’s Custodians”: Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, sex, social media, all kinds of drugs. And the only way to supply 8 billion addicts with their next fix is the exploitation of nature. Technology equips our bodies with god-like power - from paleolithic stone axes to our modern day computers. But we misuse this power, treating all other beings, our fellow humans included, as resources to be exploited, as raw material out of which the temporary remedies to our inner emptiness are manufactured. With great power comes great responsibility. What if humanity would put its capabilities to collective use? What if we see ourselves as the custodians, the stewards and caretakers, Gaia, our loving Mother Earth, asks us to be? Only by embracing who we are meant to be are we able to create paradise. For us & eve
Taking time for what truly matters | TRUTH. 15
17/12/2023 Duration: 43minThe past two months I didn't create any social media content. No Instagram, no YouTube, no podcast. I didn’t feel inspired to feed the hungry, voracious attention monster. I perceived a deep longing for substance, for depth, for profoundness. Creating something that truly matters. Something that impacts peoples lives on a level no entertaining reel or inspiring podcast interview can. I was longing for an outlet where I can put everything in that’s inside my heart and my head. With all the complexity and all the beauty.So I created such an outlet.It’s a real pleasure to be able to share with you that I’m currently working on my first book. It will be released soon. In the meantime I want to invite you to dive into the reading sample I created for you. Download the reading sample for free here: Apply as a multitalented allrounder or design wizard: I have one vacant slot for 1:1 aligned business coaching:
We need interdependent multi-generational communities I TRUTH. 14
13/10/2023 Duration: 01h29minThrough constantly striving for greater and greater freedom we created a reality where we don’t need each other anymore.Independence leads to disconnection and loneliness. When we are able to fulfill all our needs through money and the technical device in our pocket, human beings become replaceable. But no fancy food that we ordered via an app will taste as good as a home-cooked meal cooked by a dear friend who knocks on our door after we had a busy day. No amount of tinder dates can replace true love. And dropping our little ones at a day care with paid professionals can’t compete with loving neighbors inviting all the children of the village to an exciting treasure hunt. Interdependence invites community. We need to let go of our artificial separation and have the courage to put ourselves in circumstances where we actually need other people again. And let them need us. This is the antithesis to the modern world in which everybody needs to be everything. Or earn a lot of money to pay others while holding up
The uncomfortable truth | TRUTH. 13
21/09/2023 Duration: 01h14minEach one of us faces adversity. Losing a loved one. Getting divorced. Going out of business. Or a bad disease. This is part of life. While everybody would suffer tremendously in situations like these, they are really opportunities for purification. Practicing surrender. Or as Winston Churchill said: „never waste a good crisis“. Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years for his activism. And this enabled him to later become the remarkable president of South Africa that he was. I believe we need to rethink our relationship with discomfort. Optimizing everything for coziness and comfort won’t lead to a life well lived. It’s discomfort that shows us our true path. It’s an indicator for where we are not living in full alignment. Where we are still holding on to something that doesn’t serve us. I‘m experiencing discomfort in so many areas of my life right now. And I‘m grateful for that. I can see all that for what it truly is: an invitation to step even more into alignment. Into truth. If this is something that con
I moved into a tent in the middle of nowhere | TRUTH. 12
12/09/2023 Duration: 01h30minLast week my minimalism journey was catapulted onto a completely different level. On Wednesday I had a stressful, transformative and at the same time beautifully liberating evening where Lionel killed everything and everybody around him with his overflowing energy. He was crushing the whole setting like the whirlwind he is. And where it would have been easy to blame him for the mess he created I was able to look deeper and realize that he - once again - shows me how the artificial settings that were birthed out of our civilized minds are just not in alignment. Neither for him, nor for me. Actually not for anybody. But most people don’t realize that. So over the upcoming days I rented out my house, sold many of my belongings and moved into a tent in the middle of nowhere. A true paradise where Lionel is able to safely roam around and explore the natural environment - without any danger of cars or things that he might break. A true yes space, as Montessori would call it. The minute I arrived at my new (temporar
Embodying the new paradigm - w/ Alex Lamber | TRUTH. 11
31/08/2023 Duration: 02h15sAfter ten solo episodes here my first TRUTH. conversation with another human being. A human being that I just met a week before through some crazy coincidences. Surrender, you know. As Alex Lamber and I got to know each other we quickly discovered how much we are on the same life path. Two raw vegan brothers serving the new earth. Feels like the beginning of a really beautiful friendship. In our podcast episode we dove into the question "how to embody the new paradigm?". On every level: nutrition, mindset, relationships, parenting and much more. And of course we tackled the big topic of my previous podcast as well: living on prana, without food. Could this lead to us human beings living for hundreds, if not thousands of years? Very insightful what Alex shared about this fascinating field. What is this? TRUTH. - a podcast about what really matters. Your host Robert Gladitz invites you to dive deep and to explore potential answers to the biggest questions of our time. A courageous leap into the unk
Bursting with energy 24/7 | TRUTH. 10
24/08/2023 Duration: 01h46minWhat if eating was a learned habit and our bodies would not need food in order to thrive? That is the claim of Professor Hilton Hotema, whose work I studied a lot lately. He explains in great lengths why the removal of eating not only heals but awakens our true life force energy. As far as my experiences with various fasting methods reach I can confirm that. Every time I stopped eating my energy shot through the roof. Currently I‘m eating very lightly. Lots of juices and fruits. Fully raw vegan. Nothing processed. Almost entirely mono meals. And my vibration is INTENSE. I can barely sit still in meditation because I have so much energy. Sure I‘m still far away from eating nothing at all but I can definitely perceive a strong correlation between energy level and eating lightly. Super curious what will emerge in the future… This inspired me to dedicate a full podcast episode to the question „what are the prerequisites for living a highly energetic life bubbling over with life force?“ We dove into the topic of n
Facing humanity's likely extinction - AI | TRUTH. 09
19/08/2023 Duration: 01h46minThis might be the most important content piece I‘ve ever put out. I recently watched Eliezer Judkowsky’s interview on the Bankless podcast in which he as one of the worlds leading experts on the topic of artificial intelligence expressed his belief that AI will kill us. According to him we as humanity are facing extinction. And there is nothing we can do about. Maybe in 3 years, maybe in 15, but very likely sooner than later. Wow… The interviewers were definitely not prepared to receive a message like this. It spiraled them into an existential crisis. And still I’m sitting here and I’m not worried. For real. Full acceptance and peace. Why that is the case I want to share with you in the newest episode of my TRUTH. podcast. We will explore how we as humanity could arrive at a place that we voluntarily created something like artificial intelligence which might ultimately be our death sentence. And I’m sharing with you why hearing all of that doesn’t freak me out. We will talk about death. And our collective and
Reuniting with mother earth | TRUTH. 08
15/08/2023 Duration: 01h48minOur lives have become more and more artificial. We as a civilization are spending our days mostly indoors, in a seated position, glued to technical devices, eating highly processed food. The result is an easily controllable and exploitable population. The dominant forces on our planet - call them Empire, the matrix, the system or however you‘d like to - have an easy time selling you things you don’t really need and leaving you in a constant craving of more. Even in our „consciousness bubble“: more money, more followers, more freedom, more enlightenment. And all this begins at birth. Immediately after we are born we are separated from our mother - to get cleaned, measured, weighed and neatly and tidily implemented into the current control-based structure of reality. And then we are living lifes mostly disconnected from nature, our collective mother. Mother earth. Possessing the same unconditionally nourishing attribute as our physical mothers. As a result there is a deeply felt vacuum inside ourselves. A v
Quitting social media | TRUTH. 07
10/08/2023 Duration: 01h31minIn the past 10 years I created 2500+ Instagram posts, 1300+ YouTube videos and a lot more content on facebook, Snapchat, TikTok and a bunch of other social media platforms.You could said that social media content creation is a significant part of my identity.But over the past months I developed a much more critical attitude towards the whole industry and its effect not only on the consumers but on the creators as well. And you probably noticed that my amount of output slowly but gradually decreased.With many weeks this year of not being present on social media at all. And to be honest, this is one of the best decisions I made recently. Social media is eating our lives. Literally. We need to have a conversation about that. Now. In my newest episode of the TRUTH. podcast I dove deeply into the harmful effects for our society as a whole and each one of us individually.And I tried to propose a better alternative. An alternative that could involve quitting social media altogether (but doesn’t necessarily need to).
Beyond raw vegan - the quest for ideal human nourishment | TRUTH. 06
06/08/2023 Duration: 01h41min13 years ago, in May 2010, I embarked on an experiment. Changing my diet from pizza and cheeseburgers to exclusively raw fruits, veggies and nuts. One week of trying a raw vegan diet. At the time I was 20 years old, in good health and lived a very active lifestyle. I didn’t need to do this and tried eating raw vegan only after seeing the tremendous effects this had on my mum. She lost dozens of kilos, was able to get rid of all her antidepressants and embodied an energy level I have never seen in her before. One day somebody even thought of her as my girlfriend. Wow… So yeah, I couldn’t not try it. Astonishingly I noticed similar effects after only a couple of days. My energy level shot through the roof and doors opened up inside myself I didn’t even know existed. This moment marked the beginning of my now 13 year long journey of studying and experimenting in search for the ideal human diet. How do we nourish our bodies ideally?This question intrigues me a lot.And I‘m very excited to share my current answers
The great purification | TRUTH. 05
31/07/2023 Duration: 01h47minOver the past weeks I cultivated a profound peace inside myself. Coming into acceptance on a very deep level with everything that’s taking place in my life these days. If you have been following my journey over the past years you witnessed that this year is something completely different than the previous ones. By far the most challenging year of my life so far. While in the beginning of 2023 I was in resistance to failure, disappointment and negativity I now understand that everything that happened is an invitation for purification. The only thing I need to do is actually let it purify me. From what I no longer am and never have been. Everything that is taking place in our lives is here to purify us - as long as we are not pushing it away from us. The result of this process is an inner peace at a very deep level. Infinite gratitude for the wisdom of life. And just appreciation to be able to experience all this. Without judging. Phew… What a journey. What is this? TRUTH. - a podcast about what really matters.
Children teach us everything we need to know about life | TRUTH. 04
25/07/2023 Duration: 02h19minMy greatest teacher is my son Lionel. He not only invites me to adjust my life so that it’s in full alignment with my essence - he demands it. These precious little beings are still so pure, so connected with source that their internal compass is still calibrated correctly. It tells them immediately when something is out of order. And our task as adults is simply to listen to them and act accordingly. Since I held the positive pregnancy test in my hands I changed almost everything in my life. Where I live, how I live, how I work, how I spend my days, my priorities, my relationships, everything. The past two years were a beautiful journey back to myself. And at the same time it challenged me a lot. I‘m beyond grateful for the tremendous effect Lionel and his presence had on my life and feel a strong urge to share our journey. May it inspire you to rethink and redesign the central pillars of your life. The next generation shows us the path. Very clearly. We just need to listen. What is this? TRUTH. - a podcast