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Embodying the new paradigm - w/ Alex Lamber | TRUTH. 11



After ten solo episodes here my first TRUTH. conversation with another human being. A human being that I just met a week before through some crazy coincidences. Surrender, you know. As Alex Lamber and I got to know each other we quickly discovered how much we are on the same life path. Two raw vegan brothers serving the new earth. Feels like the beginning of a really beautiful friendship. In our podcast episode we dove into the question "how to embody the new paradigm?". On every level: nutrition, mindset, relationships, parenting and much more. And of course we tackled the big topic of my previous podcast as well: living on prana, without food. Could this lead to us human beings living for hundreds, if not thousands of years? Very insightful what Alex shared about this fascinating field. What is this? TRUTH. - a podcast about what really matters. Your host Robert Gladitz invites you to dive deep and to explore potential answers to the biggest questions of our time. A courageous leap into the unk