Awesome People Podcast Der No Bullsh!t Business Podcast 100% Authentizit\3

The uncomfortable truth | TRUTH. 13



Each one of us faces adversity. Losing a loved one. Getting divorced. Going out of business. Or a bad disease. This is part of life. While everybody would suffer tremendously in situations like these, they are really opportunities for purification. Practicing surrender. Or as Winston Churchill said: „never waste a good crisis“. Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years for his activism. And this enabled him to later become the remarkable president of South Africa that he was. I believe we need to rethink our relationship with discomfort. Optimizing everything for coziness and comfort won’t lead to a life well lived. It’s discomfort that shows us our true path. It’s an indicator for where we are not living in full alignment. Where we are still holding on to something that doesn’t serve us. I‘m experiencing discomfort in so many areas of my life right now. And I‘m grateful for that. I can see all that for what it truly is: an invitation to step even more into alignment. Into truth. If this is something that con