Awesome People Podcast Der No Bullsh!t Business Podcast 100% Authentizit\3

I moved into a tent in the middle of nowhere | TRUTH. 12



Last week my minimalism journey was catapulted onto a completely different level. On Wednesday I had a stressful, transformative and at the same time beautifully liberating evening where Lionel killed everything and everybody around him with his overflowing energy. He was crushing the whole setting like the whirlwind he is. And where it would have been easy to blame him for the mess he created I was able to look deeper and realize that he - once again - shows me how the artificial settings that were birthed out of our civilized minds are just not in alignment. Neither for him, nor for me. Actually not for anybody. But most people don’t realize that. So over the upcoming days I rented out my house, sold many of my belongings and moved into a tent in the middle of nowhere. A true paradise where Lionel is able to safely roam around and explore the natural environment - without any danger of cars or things that he might break. A true yes space, as Montessori would call it. The minute I arrived at my new (temporar