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Facing humanity's likely extinction - AI | TRUTH. 09



This might be the most important content piece I‘ve ever put out. I recently watched Eliezer Judkowsky’s interview on the Bankless podcast in which he as one of the worlds leading experts on the topic of artificial intelligence expressed his belief that AI will kill us. According to him we as humanity are facing extinction. And there is nothing we can do about. Maybe in 3 years, maybe in 15, but very likely sooner than later. Wow… The interviewers were definitely not prepared to receive a message like this. It spiraled them into an existential crisis. And still I’m sitting here and I’m not worried. For real. Full acceptance and peace. Why that is the case I want to share with you in the newest episode of my TRUTH. podcast. We will explore how we as humanity could arrive at a place that we voluntarily created something like artificial intelligence which might ultimately be our death sentence. And I’m sharing with you why hearing all of that doesn’t freak me out. We will talk about death. And our collective and