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Embracing who we are meant to be - Gaia’s Custodians | TRUTH. 16



Pre-order my book “Gaia’s Custodians”: Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, sex, social media, all kinds of drugs. And the only way to supply 8 billion addicts with their next fix is the exploitation of nature. Technology equips our bodies with god-like power - from paleolithic stone axes to our modern day computers. But we misuse this power, treating all other beings, our fellow humans included, as resources to be exploited, as raw material out of which the temporary remedies to our inner emptiness are manufactured. With great power comes great responsibility. What if humanity would put its capabilities to collective use? What if we see ourselves as the custodians, the stewards and caretakers, Gaia, our loving Mother Earth, asks us to be? Only by embracing who we are meant to be are we able to create paradise. For us & eve