Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts



Weekend messages from Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer, Oregon.


  • The Gift | Part 1 | Someone Finally Understands Me | Chris Voigt

    13/12/2022 Duration: 29min

    Someone Finally Understands Me The Gift December11, 2022  The Amazon, UPS, USPS, and FedEx drivers are working around the clock this time of year making holiday deliveries. And if the traffic in and out of Keizer Station on the weekends is any indication, there’s a whole lot of people who are still working on their Christmas shopping. Gifts – both giving and receiving them – seem to be the centerpiece of the holiday season in our culture. But in a way, I think that’s appropriate. After all, the story of Christmas is all about the greatest gift ever given to mankind. Over the next three weeks, we will be taking a look at the gifts the wise men brought to the Christ Child in a new series called The Gift. Sometimes, I think familiarity with the Christmas story causes us to just read right past those three baby gifts without really thinking about them. I can’t imagine Mary putting those items on her Amazon wish list! Have you ever stopped to wonder why the wise men gave the things they did? How are gold, franki

  • Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are | Part 8 | Becoming Victorious | Chris Voigt

    07/12/2022 Duration: 45min

    Becoming Victorious Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are December 4, 2022 Almost every Wednesday our staff spends time together praying for our Dayspring family. This week, as we reviewed the list of requests and shared concerns for family and friends, someone commented that it is definitely ‘sick season.’ Various versions of ‘the crud’ are going around – be it colds, the flu, covid, or whatever – lots of people are down with some sort of bug!   When we get sick, there is a battle raging in our bodies. Though we can’t see it, we definitely feel the effects. Coughs, sore throats, body aches, fevers and other assorted symptoms alert us to the fact that something is amiss within. We respond by doing whatever we can to help our bodies fight off the offending invader. We rest, drink fluids, take medication, slurp chicken noodle soup and ginger ale... all in an effort to conquer the virus that’s trying to take us out. If good habits like exercise, drinking water, and a healthy diet are part of our everyday lives, we ar

  • Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are | Part 7 | Becoming Imitators | Chris Voigt

    30/11/2022 Duration: 48min

    Becoming Imitators Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are November 27, 2022 It has been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The idea behind this proverb has been around for centuries, but it was first popularized by English author Charles Caleb Colton who included it in a book of axioms and essays published in 1820. The word imitate means to follow or endeavor to follow as a model or example; to mimic or resemble.   I’m not much of an outdoorsy kind of guy. But let’s think about the sport of fly fishing for a minute. I do understand enough about it to know that the goal of the fisherman is to actually catch fish, not just whip his line back and forth on the river all day.  According to the ‘experts’ at Wikipedia, a successful fly imitates something that the fisherman’s target species preys on. All successful fly patterns must imitate something to attract the fish to strike. So, to return to our proverb, the fly has been sufficiently flattered, enough to convince the fish to bite!   I’m Chris Voig

  • Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are | Part 6 | Becoming Righteous | Chris Voigt

    23/11/2022 Duration: 36min

    Becoming Righteous Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are November 20, 2022 In March of 2020 the world turned upside down and inside out. ‘Normal’ was redefined and daily rhythms reworked as we figured out how to do school from home, order groceries online, attend church via livestream, and of course, attempt to work remotely, surrounded by all the chaos. One thing that quickly became a part of our “new normal” was the Zoom call... the virtual meeting space where we could see and communicate with our people... family, classmates, friends and co-workers. The bulk of our personal interactions moved from in-person to online. Having the technology to maintain our connections while navigating the challenges of the pandemic was an incredible benefit. But occasionally, the Zoom window into our personal worlds allowed people to see a little more than they bargained for! For most of us, who we are and how we dress (or don’t, as the case may be) in the privacy of our homes is just a bit different than who we are with the who

  • Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are | Part 5 | Becoming United | Michelle Snook

    16/11/2022 Duration: 48min

    Becoming United Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are November 13, 2022 I love a good musical. My favorite is probably Singin’ In the Rain... or Seven Brides For Seven Brothers... or... My Fair Lady (which I get to see in Portland with my daughter next Spring!) ...there are just so many good ones! Another that would land in my top ten would be The Music Man... the classic with Robert Preston and Shirley Jones. I’ve worked with enough young interns to know that I can’t take anything for granted when it comes to the musical education of the younger generations. So, for those of you who have not yet seen this classic film, allow me to enlighten you.   “Professor” Harold Hill arrives in River City, Iowa, posing as an organizer and leader of a boys' band. In reality, he’s a just a slick con man. He convinces the naïve townspeople to purchase band uniforms and instruments from him, while promising to train the young band members. But his real intentions are to skip town with their money.   As you might expect, nothing go

  • Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are | Part 4 | Becoming Rooted | Chris Voigt

    08/11/2022 Duration: 40min

    Becoming Rooted Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are November 6, 2022 If you’ve been around here very long, you know that I’m a sunshine and blue skies kind of guy. Summer is my favorite time of year. I am thankful that, for the most part, our typical rainy fall weather didn’t kick in until the end of October this year. Which made for a beautiful fall. We were treated to a gorgeous display of autumn glory as the leaves turned colors, creating a tapestry of vibrant red, yellow, and orange throughout our city.   The changes we see in the trees as the seasons turn are pretty spectacular. But what is even more amazing is what is going on beneath the surface, where we can’t see!   The root systems of trees are really just beginning to be understood by scientists. An online article published in Smithsonian Magazine by journalist Richard Grant outlines new discoveries about the incredible things that take place within the “wood-wide-web” beneath the forest floor, as groves of trees “communicate” with one another; sharin

  • Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are | Part 3 | Becoming One | Chris Voigt

    31/10/2022 Duration: 47min

    Becoming One Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are October 30, 2022 September 1938. Tension as thick as the London fog hung heavy over the city. Less than one generation away from the horrors of World War One, Britain teetered on the edge of yet another war. Six months earlier, Hitler had annexed Austria, laying claim to everyone and everything that could fuel his ruthless march toward the creation of a greater Germany. Now, he vowed to invade Czechoslovakia on October 1.   Two days before Hitler’s promised invasion date, he agreed to meet with British Prime minister Neville Chamberlain, as well as Italy’s Mussolini and French leader Daladier. The negotiations resulted in an agreement, known as the Munich Pact, which ceded part of Czechoslovakia to Hitler’s control, as well as establishing a non-aggression pact between Germany and Britain.   Returning to London, Chamberlain declared, “Peace for our time!” And for a brief moment, Londoners breathed easier. But five months later, in March of ’39, Hitler annexed the r

  • Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are | Part 2 | Becoming Alive | Jon Sprouse

    27/10/2022 Duration: 42min

    Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are October 23, 2022 Tony Merida, in his commentary on the book of Ephesians. recounts the story of eclectic English philosopher Jeremy Bentham, who lived from 1748-1832. Merida writes, “He was an interesting figure in more ways than one. In Bentham’s will he apparently left a fortune to a London hospital. But there was one condition: Bentham was to be present at every board meeting. Reportedly, for more than 100 years, the remains of Jeremy Bentham were wheeled into the boardroom every month and placed at the head of the table. His skeleton was dressed with seventeenth-century garb, along with a hat, which sat on his wax head. In the minutes of every board meeting, a line read, “Mr. Jeremy Bentham, present but not voting.” Of course, he never voted because he had been dead since 1832!”   I’m Chris Voigt, Lead Pastor at Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer, Oregon. We are in the second week of our new series Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are. This week, we’re unpacking the truth of what it

  • Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are | Part 1 | Becoming Secure | Michelle Snook

    21/10/2022 Duration: 46min

    Becoming Secure Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are October 16, 2022 I would wager to guess that just about everyone watching this video has looked in a mirror at least once today. Imagine if you crawled out of bed one morning and, after making your way to bathroom, looked in the mirror and discovered that your reflection was distorted – like the image you might see in a funhouse mirror. Perhaps your nose looks too big, or your forehead too narrow, or your eyes too round. Would you wonder what was wrong with the mirror? Or would you wonder what had happened to yourself?   We’re launching a new sermon series this weekend on the book of Ephesians; a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the church in the city of Ephesus. The series is titled: Becoming Who You Are. The book of Ephesians deals with topics that are at the very core of what it means to be a Christian; on who we are in Christ and what it should look like to live out our identity as a follower of Jesus; to not just be a believer – knowing truth – but a f

  • Wired: Brain Science & Spiritual Growth | Part 5 | Healthy Correction | Chris Voigt

    10/10/2022 Duration: 41min

    Healthy Correction: Stop Being So Nice Wired: Brain Science & Spiritual Growth October 9, 2022 In Lewis Carroll’s classic children’s novel, Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, Alice asks the Cheshire Cat, “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” The cat replies, “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.” Good point. But to Alice’s credit, at least she was willing to ask for some input!   An article on the ABC News website states that according to research from AAA, people older than 55 generally have the best sense of direction, getting lost just 26 times a year, on average. Which is surprisingly better than the satellite-navigation generation -- drivers younger than 25 got lost, on average, 37 times a year.   Sooner or later, we all need input as we navigate the challenges of life. Having the benefit of another’s perspective can help us figure out which way to go, what step to take, what correction to make, if we’re willing to listen.   We are wrapping up our series, Wir

  • Wired: Brain Science & Spiritual Growth | Part 4 | Group Identity | Chris Voigt

    05/10/2022 Duration: 42min

    Group Identity: What Kind Of People Are We? Wired: Brain Science & Spiritual Growth October 2, 2022 If you’ve ever driven Interstate 5 on an autumn Saturday in the Willamette Valley, you know that the freeways are often filled with vehicles decked out in the colors of the Oregon State Beavers or the Mighty Oregon Ducks.   Beaver fans in black and orange, with flags, signs, and pompoms head for Reser Stadium. If you’re a Beaver fan, I commend you. You’re incredibly resilient. Being resilient takes practice, and you’ve had plenty of opportunities to develop yours over the years! And Beaver fans are loyal, which is another admirable trait. Lose or lose, you hang in there, cheering your team on. You know what it means to be a Beaver Believer and you are all in. Way to go. All kidding aside, the Beavs are off to a great start this season and I’m rooting for you...really... at least until November 26.   If you’re an Oregon Duck fan, your entire fall wardrobe is green and gold; you might wear black, but only wi

  • Wired: Brain Science & Spiritual Growth | Part 3 | Hesed | Chris Voigt

    28/09/2022 Duration: 40min

    Hesed: Our Relational Glue Wired: Brain Science & Spiritual Growth September 25, 2022 It was invented by accident in 1942. Working with a team of researchers, Dr. Harry Coover was experimenting with chemicals known as cyanoacrylates. They were working to create a clear plastic that could be used for precision gunsights by soldiers in WW II. As they worked, they discovered that the chemicals were exceptionally sticky, which made them very difficult to work with! They stuck to absolutely everything! The cyanoacrylates were rejected as a workable substance for the project, so researchers moved on to other options.   It wasn’t until 1951, while working for Kodak’s chemical division, that Coover rediscovered cyanoacrylates and realized these sticky adhesives had some unique properties; specifically, they bonded without any need for heat or pressure. He and his team tried the substance with a variety of items; and every time, the items became permanently bonded together.   In 1958 this ultra-sticky stuff was r

  • Wired: Brain Science & Spiritual Growth | Part 2 | Joy | Chris Voigt

    22/09/2022 Duration: 44min

    Joy Wired: Brain Science & Spiritual Growth September 18, 2022 Joy. Oh joy. Joy is what brings us together today. I’ve got joy. Joy, joy, joy, joy... down in my heart. Waaaaay down in my heart. That’s where I keep it. I’m saving it for a rainy day. It’s tucked away, safe and sound. You never know when you might need it and I don’t want to run out.   Ok... that was hard! I’m Chris Voigt, Lead Pastor at Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer, OR. And those of you who know me, know that I’m a lot more like Tigger than Eeyore! But for all the talk and singing and scripture about joy that is deeply embedded in our faith, a lot of Christ followers have neglected to let it show on their faces!   Organization guru, Marie Kondo is known for asking “Does it spark joy?” when helping people decide how to declutter their home or work environment. The implication is that our joy is fueled by the things around us, the stuff we’ve acquired. When it no longer sparks joy, get rid of it and find something new. And if you look at th

  • Wired: Brain Science & Spiritual Growth | Part 1 | How Do People Grow? | Chris Voigt

    15/09/2022 Duration: 40min

    How Do People Grow? Wired: Brain Science & Spiritual Growth September 11, 2022 Gardening season in our area is coming to a close. The skies have been a little dusty lately as farmers across the Willamette Valley have been harvesting crops and mowing fields. The local fruit stands are filled with late summer produce; and for those who enjoy preserving the season’s bounty, this is a busy time of canning, freezing, and drying all sorts of deliciousness from the garden. Raise your hand if you enjoy gardening. Oh... well, I guess that doesn’t work as well online as it does in person. How about comment below if you enjoy gardening and tell us what your garden has produced this year!   Gardening would not be on my list of favorite ways to spend my free time. It’s just not my thing. I do have a few strawberry plants in the backyard, though that’s mostly so I can enjoy them with my granddaughter, Avery. But I’m certainly thankful for the people in my life who bless me with the literal fruits of their gardening lab

  • Harnessing the Power of Words | Part 5 | Final Words | Chris Voigt

    07/09/2022 Duration: 37min

    Final Words Harnessing the Power of Words September 4, 2022 If the search engine results on ‘Famous Last Words’ are any indication, there is an enormous fascination with the final utterances of those who have died. So, what’s the big deal with last words? We spend all day, every day, speaking, thinking, and listening to words. From meaningless chatter, observations about the weather, and bad jokes, to friendly banter, productive dialog, and words of encouragement, we are constantly communicating, in one way or another. Why would last words be so significant?   What would you say if you had the luxury of knowing the next words you speak would be your last? And maybe that’s it... it would be a luxury, because, often, there’s no way to know.   In 1776, Revolutionary War spy Nathan Hale was hanged by the British after he was captured during a failed espionage mission in Long Island. He had a pretty good idea that his end was coming. His famous last words were, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for m

  • Harnessing the Power of Words | Part 4 | Can We Talk? | Chris Voigt

    31/08/2022 Duration: 50min

    Can We Talk? Harnessing the Power of Words August 28, 2022 Imagine with me for a moment...   You’re short on time. You’re leaving, parting ways, it’s hasta la vista, baby.   Could be that you’re just headed to bed or taking off on a weekend road trip;   maybe you’re moving to another part of the country or a different one altogether;   or perhaps you know that you’re coming to the end of your life (as all of us will, sooner or later).   Every night, before I go to sleep, I say, “I love you,” to DeeDee. I know it’s kind of a gruesome thought; but, if she were to die in her sleep, she would die knowing I loved her; and if I died in my sleep, those would be the last words seared into her memory…haunting her for the rest of her days.   In every “leaving” scenario, there are words that should be said; it might be instructions to give, cautions to share, values to communicate, or a relationship to mend. What things would be most important for you to say to the people in your life if you were leaving them behind, wh

  • Harnessing the Power of Words | Part 3 | Close the Gap | Chris Voigt

    24/08/2022 Duration: 46min

    Close The Gap Harnessing the Power of Words August 21, 2022 The purpose of a bridge is to allow people or cargo easy passage over an obstacle by providing a route that would otherwise be incredibly difficult or impossible.   The obstacle might be small, like a creek or stream, or it could be something larger; a deep canyon like the Royal Gorge in Colorado, or a mighty river like the Columbia here in Oregon. The obstacle creates a chasm or gap that separates one side from the other. In order to cross, we need a bridge.   I’m Chris Voigt, Lead Pastor at Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer, Oregon. We are in week 3 of our series Harnessing the Power of Words.   Much like the landscapes of our world, our relationships can be scarred by obstacles that create gaps in communication and understanding between people. Which can turn into distance or even disconnection from people we love. If the gaps are small, we might be able to bridge over them easily. But if the span between people has grown and the distance is signific

  • Harnessing the Power of Words | Part 2 | Careless Words | Chris Voigt

    17/08/2022 Duration: 40min

    Careless Words Harnessing the Power of Words August 14, 2022 I think I’m pretty good with words. I’m an avid reader, which has helped me develop a good vocabulary. But recently I ran across an article from Reader’s Digest titled 100 Funny Words You Probably Don’t Know. Ok... challenge accepted. Let’s see if you know any of these...   Octothorpe. You may not know what it means, but I bet you know what it is. You probably call this symbol a pound sign or a hashtag—but its “official” name is an octothorpe!   Collywobbles. This word is used to describe nausea and bellyaches. Next time you want to show off your repertoire of amazing words, tell your boss that you’ve got a case of the collywobbles and can’t come to work tomorrow.   Or how about smicker? This word is like if “ogle” had an affectionate and innocent counterpart. To smicker at something means you are admiring a person, and it’s visible from your expression.   Crapulence is a lack of self-restraint, especially when drinking. Next time you’re on a night

  • Harnessing the Power of Words | Part 1 | You Don’t Say | Chris Voigt

    10/08/2022 Duration: 38min

    You Don't Say Harnessing the Power of Words August 7, 2022 Fifty years ago this month, the Disney classic Bambi was released. In the movie, Thumper, Bambi’s little rabbit sidekick, says a line that’s become rather famous. In fact, it’s actually called The Thumper Rule. I’m sure you’ve heard it, even if you didn’t see the movie! Maybe your mom said it when you were squabbling with your siblings. “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.” Not bad advice, for a bunny!   But a 2005 study by Robert Schrauf, an anthropologist and professor of applied linguistics at Penn State, revealed that regardless of age or culture, people have far more words in their vocabulary that express negative rather than positive emotions. In his study, Schrauf says, "Half – 50 percent – of all the words that people produce from their working vocabulary to express emotion are negative... only 30 percent are positive and 20 percent are neutral." Apparently, though we’ve all heard The Thumper Rule, we haven’t figured out

  • Love, Dates & Heartbreaks | Part 5 | When Dreams Can’t Come True | Chris Voigt

    03/08/2022 Duration: 41min

    When Dreams Can't Come True Love, Dates & Heartbreaks July 31, 2022 I’ve never met a kid who didn’t have a dream or two, or twelve, for their future. Even if they can’t put it into words; even if their answer to the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is “I don’t know,” at some level they DO know that they want what every child wants... to belong. To someone, somewhere. We all want to be wanted.   When our daughter, Lexi, was little, she loved to dress up as a princess, playing, pretending and dreaming about her future prince. No kid dreams about growing up and being alone. Because we all want to be wanted.   But childhood dreams don’t always come true. And even if, eventually, you found your prince or princess, it probably didn’t happen without some heartbreak along the way. And we all know that even healthy relationships have their fair share of heartache.   I’m Chris Voigt, Lead Pastor at Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer, Oregon. We are wrapping up our series, Love, Dates & Heartbrea

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