Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Stuck | Part 4 | Risky Faith | Chris Voigt



Risky Faith Stuck: Get Back In the Race October 1, 2023 This week we are wrapping up our series, Stuck: Get Back in the Race. We’re going to unpack what it could or perhaps should look like for followers of Jesus to live out a faith that takes risks; that is unflinchingly ready to say ‘Yes’ to the possibilities and opportunities God puts in our lives. I don’t know about you, but I want to live a life with no regrets. A life of saying ‘yes’ to whatever Jesus calls me to – regardless of the risk. And it’s a pretty safe bet that God is calling you to a ‘yes’ of some kind, in one area of your life or another. Saying ‘no’ shuts the door to opportunities, possibilities, and even improbabilities. What miracle might you be missing out on, because you’re afraid to take a risk? .----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe