Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Parenting | Part 1 | Destination Parenting | Chris Voigt



Destination Parenting Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child's Heart October 8, 2023 This week we are beginning a new series we’re calling Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child’s Heart. Being a parent is the most challenging job in the world. Just when you think you’ve got things figured out, something changes. That’s both the fun and the frustration of parenting. And in order to be successful, we need an unchanging goal. A north star, so to speak, that keeps us focused and on track, even as the seasons and strategies of parenting shift. Parenting is the ultimate job. And though there are no higher stakes in life than the successful care and nurturing of another human – it seems there are no educational requirements for the job. There’s no degree you can earn to prepare yourself, no training courses you have to take to qualify; you don’t need to pass any tests to make sure you’re ready for the responsibility. And the reality is, many parents are just kind of winging it, doing the very best they