Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Parenting | Part 6 | A Faith of Their Own | Chris Voigt



A Faith Of Their Own Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child's Heart November 12, 2023 This Sunday we are wrapping up our series, Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child’s Heart. We’ve covered a lot of ground the past few weeks, but we’ve saved the best – and maybe the hardest – for last. As parents who have committed their lives to Christ, we want our kids to grow up to be followers of Jesus too. But all too often, we feel inadequate or intimidated by the responsibility of teaching or discipling our kids. So we hope they’ll have great Sunday School teachers or youth leaders that can take care of that. The truth is that you are the most influential person in your child’s life. For better or worse, your voice carries the most weight and your life has the most impact. Discipling your child isn’t rocket science – no seminary degree required; but it is one of the most challenging and important things you’ll ever do. It requires humility, vulnerability and intentionality. Helping your child develop thei