Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

As the World Burns | Part 2 | Don’t Blink | Chris Voigt



DON'T BLINK! - as the world burns - November 26, 2023 This Sunday, we’re continuing our look beneath the subject lines and rhetoric that fill our newsfeeds, to see what God’s Word has to say about the things happening in our world. We’re looking to gain a firmer grasp on what we can know for sure, and what we must confidently entrust to the sovereignty of God. Because in the midst of the chaos, one thing is certain: it is very easy to become distracted by the to-do lists, the deadlines, disappointments or even our own desires, and miss what God is doing around us or even in us. In the midst of an incredibly busy and often distressing world, it’s important that we know what matters most and how to keep it in clear view. Some things are too important to miss. Let’s make sure we don’t. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment &am