Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts



Weekend messages from Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer, Oregon.


  • Philippians | Part 3 | Let’s Get Radical | Chris Voigt

    19/06/2024 Duration: 36min

    We are mid-way through our June sermon series on the book of Philippians, Joy In Every Circumstance. As we continue this week, we’ll be taking a look at the power of a radical idea. The kind of idea that motivates someone to do something that seems irrational, unbelievable, incomprehensible, to others. But that, when carried out can turn the world on its head in all kinds of amazing ways. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: #dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship

  • Philippians | Part 2 | Don’t Forget Your Passport | Chris Voigt

    11/06/2024 Duration: 41min

    Don't Forget Your Passport Philippians: Joy In Every Circumstance June 9, 2024 This week, the Apostle Paul addresses the topic of citizenship. It’s a pretty personal topic for him – after all, he has had his rights as a Roman citizen violated and had to stand up for himself. But, as we will see, Paul has a whole other perspective on the subject of citizenship… beyond our earthly national affiliation… and how we represent the kingdom to which we – as followers of Jesus - truly belong. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: #dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon ___________________ Thanks for listening

  • Philippians | Part 1 | Make Up Your Mind | Chris Voigt

    06/06/2024 Duration: 44min

    Make Up Your Mind Philippians: Joy In Every Circumstance June 2, 2024 This Sunday we are beginning a new sermon series on the New Testament book of Philippians. We’ve subtitled it: Joy In Every Circumstance. The good news is, joy is more than a fleeting emotion. It’s not dependent on how we feel, or even, what we know. It can’t be bought, but it can be stolen, though you don’t have to let it be. You can give it away, but there’s always more where that came from. Join us this Sunday as we begin to unpack the truth about joy. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: #dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon

  • Made for Good | Part 4 | Made for Intimacy | Chris Voigt

    28/05/2024 Duration: 54min

    Made For Intimacy Made For Good May 26, 2024 Everyone wants to be wanted… to be needed and known, to have a deep sense of belonging. We were designed for intimacy. But in our culture, the word ‘intimacy’ has become synonymous with sex. And though it can be used to describe a physical relationship, intimacy is much more multifaceted than we typically acknowledge. An intimate relationship is one that is characterized by warmth, connection, understanding and grace. And we can experience all of those things outside of a sexual relationship. That’s the kind of healthy intimacy we were created to experience – with God and with each other. Intimacy is the gift of belonging. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook:

  • Made for Good | Part 3 | Made for Marriage & Singleness | Chris Voigt

    22/05/2024 Duration: 38min

    A picture is worth a thousand words… or so the saying goes. We also use phrases like, ‘picture this…’ or ‘do you get the picture?’ Pictures can help us understand things in ways that words can’t. It helps to have an example to look at! It’s why children’s books come with illustrations and IKEA directions come with diagrams! Visible representations can help us understand concepts better. God knows this about us; so He’s given us pictures that can help us understand more about Himself… pictures like marriage and singleness. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook:

  • Made for Good | Part 2 | Made Male & Female | Chris Voigt

    15/05/2024 Duration: 36min

    Made In His Image Made For Good May 5, 2024 According to Mother Goose, little boys are made of frogs, snails and puppy dog tails, while girls are a combination of sugar, spice, and everything nice. Though the nursery rhyme sounds sweet, it subtly reinforces long-held, unhelpful stereotypes. What does it mean to be a boy or girl, a man or woman? Does anybody really know? ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: #dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon ___________________ Thanks for listening to Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fellowship, we believe there is nothing more important than

  • Made for Good | Part 1 | Made in His Image | Chris Voigt

    08/05/2024 Duration: 39min

    Made In His Image Made For Good May 5, 2024 “Why, oh why…” it’s the question we all ask. For centuries, humans have created stories to help them explain the ‘whys’ of life. From Greek mythology to children’s fairy tales, Aesop’s fables to a good country song… we love a story that help us make sense of the world. The problem is, sometimes the stories we hear contradict each other. We get mixed messages and conflicting information. Is there any story that will help us make sense of the chaos? A story that we can know for sure is really, truly true? ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated!   Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: #dayspringkeizer #dayspri

  • Ridiculous Grace | Part 4 | Messy Grace | Chris Voigt

    30/04/2024 Duration: 41min

    Messy Grace Ridiculous Grace April 28, 2024 As we are wrap up our series Ridiculous Grace, this Sunday, we’ll be taking a look at the idea of messy grace. We all know that life is messy.  Our world is broken, our systems are broken, WE are broken… all of us. Some of us disguise our messiness better than others, but that doesn’t make it any less true. You see, for the most part, you and I, and the world around us, are running on the wrong kind of fuel. Join us as we discover more about what it would be like to live a grace-fueled life. You’ll get farther on the fuel of grace.  ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: http://dsf.chur

  • Ridiculous Grace | Part 3 | The Aroma of Grace | Chris Voigt

    23/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    The Aroma of Grace Ridiculous Grace April 21, 2024 We are in the middle of a series we’ve called Ridiculous Grace. This week, we’re taking a look at the aroma of grace. Most things have a distinctive smell. But though our human sense of smell is incredibly sensitive, it is also easily fatigued. The common scents we encounter every day, we hardly even notice. But when we encounter something bold – whether pleasant or distasteful – it grabs our attention. Grace extended carries the fragrance of compassion and kindness. It’s noticeable, attractive, and winsome. And in a world that is filled with dis-grace, with anger, offense, and selfishness, grace is a warm, inviting, and pleasant aroma. What kind of fragrance are you bringing into a room? Is it the aroma of grace?  ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to st

  • Ridiculous Grace| Part 2 | The Scandal of Grace | Chris Voigt

    16/04/2024 Duration: 36min

    The Scandal of Grace Ridiculous Grace April 14, 2024 Last Sunday we learned that grace is an undeserved gift; free to the recipient, but costly to the giver. We learned that grace has many facets… patience, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and love. And we learned that grace is always active, never passive. Grace always takes the initiative, makes the first move toward another. Grace is meant to be given away… without reservation, hesitation, or exception. Who in your life needs a gift of grace? I invite you to join us this Sunday as we continue growing in our understanding of grace. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: http:/

  • Ridiculous Grace | Part 1 | The Aptitudes of Grace | Chris Voigt

    10/04/2024 Duration: 36min

    The Aptitudes of Grace Ridiculous Grace April 7, 2024 We are beginning a new sermon series this Sunday that we’re calling Ridiculous Grace. If you watch the evening news or scroll through social media, you know we live in a very narcissistic, me-first, entitled culture. The messages all around us tell us we deserve more, better, and faster. Grace is in extremely short supply and it has nothing to do with supply chain issues. Perhaps we’re lacking in grace because we’ve forgotten or maybe, never understood what grace really is, or how desperately we need it, but how undeserving we are of it. And if we don’t understand it, it’s difficult to truly receive it and even harder to give to others. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: ht

  • Easter 2024 | Invitation to Believe | Chris Voigt

    03/04/2024 Duration: 36min

    An Invitation to Believe Easter Sunday March 31, 2024 More than two thousand years ago, Jesus gave His followers another kind of forecast. One they should have known they could be certain of. But things in their world got dark and scary really fast, and they lost their grip on that hope-filled forecast. Things didn’t play out the way they expected and as a result, they didn’t know what they could believe. Was it all a waste? Or, even worse, a lie? Had they been duped? Today, on this side of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we know beyond any doubt that Jesus is risen, the power of sin and death has been broken, and that we have real hope. We know it, but do we really believe it? It’s easy to get overwhelmed by dark and discouraging circumstances in our world. And we tend to forget the hope that is irreversibly ours; that we can believe the best, even when things look dark. I invite you to listen to ours Easter Sunday service as we celebrate together and remind one another of the invincible HOPE that we have bec

  • Greater | Part 12 | All That and a Bag of Chips | Chris Voigt

    26/03/2024 Duration: 41min

    All That and a Bag of Chips Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus Through Hebrews March 24, 2024 Over the past 3 months, we’ve been on a journey through the New Testament book of Hebrews. We’ve spent weeks unpacking deep theological truths that have helped us to better understand why we believe what we believe, and given us a solid foundation for living every day with faith, hope, and love. As we wrap up this series, which we’ve called Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus Through Hebrews, we’re getting down to the nuts and bolts of how these truths make a difference in how we live. Because if we only know the truth, but don’t live out the truth, we will stay stuck in the same ruts, in bondage to the same lies, trapped by the same old sins rather than living in the freedom that is ours because of Jesus. And it’s the living out of what we believe that makes all the difference in the world. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: https://www.simplechurchgiving

  • Greater | Part 11 | Run for Your Life | Chris Voigt

    19/03/2024 Duration: 35min

    Run For Your Life Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus Through Hebrews March 17, 2024 There’s a famous line in the movie, Chariots of Fire, that has Eric Liddell saying, “God made me fast. And when I run, I feel his pleasure.” God did make him fast and he ran for God’s glory, but Liddell never said that. What he did say and what most people don’t know, is that he believed, “God made me for China.” After winning the gold medal in the 400-meter race at the 1924 Olympics in Paris, Eric Liddell returned to China as a missionary. This was the race that mattered most to him… sharing the truth about Jesus with those who had never heard of Him. Ultimately, Liddell ended up as a prisoner in a concentration camp during WWII, where he continued to serve, counsel, and love the other prisoners around him. An article on says, “In the concentration camp, Liddell became legendary and his witness for Christ astounded even many of his fellow Christians.” Liddell died in the camp of a brain tumor, shortly before

  • Greater | Part 10 | Faith for Today | Chris Voigt

    13/03/2024 Duration: 41min

    Faith For Today Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus Through Hebrews March 10, 2024 Over the past couple of months, we have been digging deep into the book of Hebrews in a series we’ve called, Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus through Hebrews. And, we covered some pretty heady theology. But now, we’re making a shift. We’re getting to the part where the rubber meets the road; where we figure out how these deep truths can make a real difference in our daily lives. As we gather this week, we’re taking a look at a very familiar chapter in Hebrews; one that is often referred to as the ‘Hall of Faith’. And as we unpack what faith looks like in the lives of those who follow Jesus, we may discover that it’s not exactly what we think it is. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: https://www.instag

  • Greater | Part 9 | Ironing Out the Kinks | Michelle Snook

    06/03/2024 Duration: 46min

    We’re discovering all the ways in which Jesus is greater than the Old Testament system of relating to God. Originally written to a group of Jewish Christ-followers who were experiencing difficulty and persecution for their faith; this letter was meant to encourage them to keep their eyes on Jesus, to hold tightly to their faith, to keep on keeping on… because Jesus is greater! ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: #dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon

  • Greater | Part 8 | Interior Renovation | Jon Sprouse

    06/03/2024 Duration: 44min

    Since the first of the year, we’ve been taking a deep look at how Jesus and the new covenant way of relating to God that He makes possible is greater than the old way. This week we’re looking at how Jesus changes the access we have to God and the difference that makes in our lives. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card: Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: #dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon ___________________ Thanks for watching Dayspring Fellowship's worship service! At Dayspring Fell

  • Greater | Part 7 | Obsolete | Chris Voigt

    21/02/2024 Duration: 34min

    Obsolete Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus Through Hebrews February 18, 2024 We are mid-way through our series, Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus Through Hebrews. Over the last several weeks, we’ve been taking a deep look at how Jesus is greater than the Old Covenant system that the Jews were so familiar with. They were comfortable with they way things were. But the writer of Hebrews lays out a detailed case of all the reasons that Jesus is better. The old way is obsolete; there’s a better way now. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: #dayspringkeizer #dayspringfellowship #2024sermon ___________________ Thanks for

  • Greater | Part 6 | Melchize-Who? | Chris Voigt

    14/02/2024 Duration: 36min

    Melchize-who? Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus Through Hebrews February 11, 2024 In Bible times, names of people and places were very much given with the meaning in mind. There were even occasions when God changed someone’s name to reflect a new direction or calling He had given them. Sometimes it’s a nickname that holds deep significance – whether for good or not so good. For the past several weeks, we’ve been studying our way through the New Testament book of Hebrews. Ironically, we don’t know the name of the author – but perhaps that is intentional. After all, the message of the book is that Jesus is greater than anyone or anything else. As we come to the mid-way point of our study, we bump up against a rather unusual name. Certainly not one that would be included in any list of famous Bible names. But one that definitely has deep meaning and significance. I invite you to join us this Sunday as we take a look at the name and person of Melchizedek and why he is such an important biblical figure. ------------

  • Greater | Part 5 | Move the Ball Down the Field | Chris Voigt

    06/02/2024 Duration: 39min

    We are working our way through the New Testament book of Hebrews in a sermon series we’ve called Greater. The unidentified author of this letter is making the case that Jesus is greater than anything – than any other hope, dream, or system; prophet, priest or king. He’s about to take his readers to the next level in his rationale, when he realizes there’s a roadblock… his readers aren’t ready for what he has to say. They have some spiritual growing up to do.   Growing up physically – as long as you eat, breathe and sleep - just kinda happens. But growing up spiritually is a different story. It requires intentionality, determination, and perseverance. A good first step would be to join us on Sunday as we unpack what it means to grow up in your faith.   ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize by completing our Connection Card:   Give Online: https:

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