Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Parenting | Part 5 | Because I Said So | Chris Voigt



Because I Said So Parenting: Winning the Battle for Your Child's Heart November 5, 2023 As we continue in our series on parenting this week, we’ll be taking a look at the difference between discipline and punishment. Though we often use the words interchangeably, they aren’t the same thing at all. Punishment is linked to condemnation and control; discipline is connected to redemption and restoration, to growth and development. Just as a shepherd’s rod can be a source of security and comfort for the sheep, loving appropriate discipline should be a source of security and comfort for our children. I hope you’ll join us as we unpack what effective discipline should look like, as we endeavor to disciple our kids. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: Message Notes: Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated! Instagram: