Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge



After 20+ years of mentoring women and professionals in business and marketing communications, Deirdre Breakenridge, an author, speaker, professor and consultant, takes to the Internet radio waveslaunching her podcast, Women Worldwide. Interviewed by Breakenridge, women around the globe will share their incredible stories; those who have experienced the heights of success and at times, the agony of defeat. With a vision to impart wisdom and advice on tackling barriers and soaring to new heights, Women Worldwide uncovers different perspectives and approaches to help listeners find their inner strength.After tragic stories of young women being harassed and cyberbullied, seeing how the media portrays women, and women being under represented in media, its time to power up the voices and get more women energized through a caring and supportive network of people who know what it takes to achieve success. These women are not afraid to discuss their challenges or even failure along the way, says Breakenridge.


  • Seeking Whole-Body Beauty Transformations with Jacqueline Schaffer

    08/06/2017 Duration: 42min

    Do you feel beautiful? Inside and out? Wouldn’t it be awesome if you felt incredible all the time and had a foolproof diet, fitness, and beauty routine? That’s the goal of today’s guest.When Jacqueline Schaffer’s mother was diagnosed with skin cancer, Jacqueline found herself feeling defeated. She was a physician, and yet she felt she couldn’t heal the most important woman in her life. Together, she and her mother began to explore medical alternatives from across the globe. What she learned by combining Eastern and Western medical philosophies has set her on a new career path. In addition to her work as a doctor, Jacqueline is now also a bestselling author and founder of Schique Skincare, a company that enhances the lives of women by helping them look and feel more beautiful throughout their lives.Tune in as Jacqueline explains different beauty philosophies from around the world, the importance of focusing on a whole-body approach to beauty, and what other entrepreneurs can learn from her journey.In This Epis

  • How Educators Are Embracing the Tech Space with Nanda Krish

    02/06/2017 Duration: 43min

    There’s no denying we’re living in a digital era (and have been for a decade or so). Tech rules everything—and I mean everything. It’s not just the obvious industries like SaaS or mobile. Tech has advanced how we approach everything from healthcare to travel to retail. And now, you can add education to the list. Teachers are using burgeoning technologies to provide more enriching learning experiences for their students.   Meet Nanda Krish, who can shed quite a bit of light on how educators are embracing digital platforms. He’s the Executive Chairman and CEO of Wisewire, an online marketplace focused on creating high-quality digital learning materials and assessments for teachers. Their goal? Enable professionals while fulfilling the educational needs of students on a global level.   Follow along as Nanda shares how Wisewire is helping teachers gain some of their time back so they can better personalize their lesson plans, impact students’ lives, and change the education landscape.   In This Episode The funda

  • Jess Ostroff is Making Passion Possible By Outsourcing To-Do Lists

    25/05/2017 Duration: 44min

    I’m sure you can relate: Between family ties, work obligations, and my passions and hobbies, I often find myself wishing there were more hours in the day to tackle everything I want and need to get done. Especially if you own your own business, the portion of your life devoted to work obligations sometimes rules the roost, taking away precious amounts of time you could spend with family and friends.   Enter Jess Ostroff and her team of virtual assistants at Don’t Panic Management. Jess started working as a virtual assistant in 2009 (and eventually incorporating her business in 2011) because she wanted to help other people become more efficient. With that goal in mind, she has spent the better part of a decade guiding fellow entrepreneurs on the path to outsourcing all the day-to-day tasks that prevent them from focusing on their passions.   If you’ve been feeling overworked and overwhelmed, you won’t want to miss this episode. Tune in as Jess shares how finding the perfect virtual assistant you trust can help

  • Reaching Millennials Through New Media with Lindsey Green

    19/05/2017 Duration: 36min

    As the millennial generation becomes the driving segment of the modern workforce, industries like media and PR are adapting and evolving around them. Today’s guest understands that perhaps better than anyone.   Lindsey Green ended up in digital media purely by accident. When she first moved to New York, the world of blogging and digital content was in its infancy, and even though she was pursuing other fields, Lindsey found that she had quite a few friends dipping their toes in new media and tech startup industries. A long and winding road spent utilizing those relationships to bolster the fashion and PR industries led her to where she is today: the Vice President of Corporate Communications at Bustle, a new force in media produced for and by women.   Grab your headphones and tune in as Lindsey talks about new media and the millennial generation, what’s it’s like working for a young company that’s growing at lightning pace, and why curiosity online is good for everyone.   In This Episode The content that’s r

  • Cam Kashani Helps Women Harness Their Power for Growth

    11/05/2017 Duration: 42min

    As an entrepreneur, you have more power than you realize. And if you harness that power correctly, you can turn your life around. After her first startup venture failed, Cam Kashani and her partner created Coloft, the first-ever coworking space in Los Angeles. During her four years there, Coloft had over 1400 alumni, including Uber LA, Instacart, and Tinder, leading her to earn the nickname The Godmother of Silicon Beach. But after a trying personal experience, Cam found herself looking at Coloft in the rearview mirror and facing an identity crisis that set her on the path to become who she is today: an expert speaker with the US State Department and now three-time founder. Through her company co-founded with Jasmine Hannaby, COACCEL: The Human Accelerator, she has worked with over 4,000 entrepreneurs and 700 startups, boosting female founders and their products to new levels of excellence. Follow along as Cam shares her personal journey, talks through the importance of embracing your own power, and explains

  • Fiona Smart Built a Business by Building an Imaginary World

    28/04/2017 Duration: 40min

    As kids we probably all heard it at one time or another, and as adults we surely say it to our own children if we have them: “What do you want to be when you grow up? You can be anything you want!” Some little kids have pretty predictable dreams of being a doctor or a teacher, but some kids dream really, really big. They want to grow up to be explorers, superheroes—or even kangaroos and lions.Fiona Smart, a classically trained singer and songwriter, is the author of the song and accompanying book, I Can Be a Superhero. Written about and for her first daughter, Fiona wanted to encourage kids to use their imaginations, dream as big as they possibly can for their futures, and foster a love of reading in families.Follow along as Fiona shares how she transitioned from late-night jazz singer to children’s book author, the in’s and out’s of the publishing world, and what it’s like pursuing her passions from home as a mother of three.In This Episode Why creative pursuits require a strong support system The rewards

  • Managing Stress to Become More Resilient with Paula Davis-Laack

    19/04/2017 Duration: 41min

    Have you ever felt really run down to the point where you aren’t feeling like yourself? (In fact, you don’t even feel healthy.) Who do you turn to when you’re facing this level of burnout? Many professionals feel they have to face exhaustion alone—but that’s not the case.Paula Davis-Laack is a former lawyer turned burnout expert. As CEO of The Stress and Resilience Institute, she coaches everyone from CEOs to drill sergeants on how to manage stress in high-profile jobs. You can also see her work and get her advice in The Huffington Post, Forbes, Psychology Today, and Fast Company.Tune into this episode as Paula explains how she’s working to normalize the experience of burnout and help entrepreneurs, doctors, and other professionals across the country manage the stress of their lives a little better. In This Episode The three warning signs of burnout Why a lot of people try to cover up their exhaustion or overwhelming feelings The positive trade-off that comes from entrepreneurial stress The formula for endi

  • The Formula for a Successful Career in Franchising

    13/04/2017 Duration: 39min

    Is your current career what you’ve always wanted to do? Maybe you’re living the dream, doing the job you first picked out for yourself in kindergarten. Or, maybe it’s a career you fell in love with later in life. Or, it’s entirely possible you’d like to pursue something that your current career doesn’t provide: a better work/life balance or a sense of autonomy—or even the chance to be in charge of your own destiny. After working as a CPA and later a CFO, today’s guest is a thriving entrepreneur who owns 1,300 franchises. Shirin Behzadi is the CEO of Home Franchise Concepts, and its three direct-to-consumer brands Budget Blinds, Tailored Living, and Concrete Craft. She made the switch after deciding she wanted to pursue a career that gave her more freedom. Grab your headphones and follow along as Shirin shares how she created an environment that she knew she herself could thrive in, one for enterprising individuals looking for a better work/life balance, who want to be in charge of their own career, and ultima

  • How Dr. Hannah Luu Uses Tech to Demystify Cancer Treatment

    27/03/2017 Duration: 46min

    The journey to entrepreneurship comes in all shapes and sizes. But you’ve probably never heard of a journey quite like this one.Hannah Luu is a practicing oncologist who has specialized in breast cancers for the past 20 years. In addition to working with patients, she has also served as a clinical investigator for early clinical trials, making technological advancement a major part of her career as well. Over the years, Hannah noticed through her experiences that many patients don’t have access to the best hospitals or the best tech because of where they live. One day it dawned on her: “Why can’t we bring these technologies—bring this knowledge and information—to the patient at home?” With that idea in mind, she became CEO and cofounder of OncoGambit, the first online, personalized cancer treatment website.Don’t miss the opportunity to hear the entrepreneurship and leadership lessons Dr. Luu has learned from the launch of her business and all about how she is demystifying cancer treatment for people across th

  • How to Inspire Women by Empowering Young Girls First

    23/03/2017 Duration: 38min

    What’s the appropriate age to start empowering women? Is it when they start their first “real” job? After they graduate high school or college, perhaps? The best time to inspire young women actually starts much earlier. As you’ll hear today, before we can lift up grown women, we must first learn to lift up little girls. Ashley Wiles has devoted her entire career to empowering young women. As a health and wellness coach, Ashley realized women still face the same negative ideas and biases about our bodies that first begin during childhood. This led her to found Sole Girls, a business that helps young girls form strong, confident opinions about themselves by encouraging physical activity and open conversation. Follow along as Ashley shares her journey to entrepreneurship, how to create a safe space for girls, and the power of asking yourself, “Are you tapping into your inner Sole Girl?” In This Episode How to create a safe space for young girls, plus why it’s necessary to do so The issues young girls struggle w

  • Personal and Professional Transformation with Shalini Vadhera

    15/03/2017 Duration: 43min

    As a female entrepreneur, it can be easy to feel like you work around the clock with little to no support. It can be difficult to practice self-care, stay energized, and pursue your passions.   Perhaps no one understands this better than Shalini Vadhera: author, celebrity makeup artist, TV host, and global beauty expert. After a spiritual awakening, Shalini tied all her pursuits together with the launch of Power Beauty Living. Power Beauty Living is a platform that shares the knowledge of top female thought leaders and experts from around the world by providing women with a community of support, love, and empowerment. As Shalini puts it, “I really had to pay it forward in a much bigger way than lipstick and mascara.”   Listen in as Shalini explains her holistic approach to beauty, how to embrace the chaos of your professional and personal world, and transform your career to live a more fearless and beautiful life.   In This Episode How to shift your energy to reshape the story of your life The path to living

  • Jeffrey Hayzlett Shares How to Change Your Business by Changing Your Attitude

    08/03/2017 Duration: 41min

    Are you tired of launching businesses that never seem to take off? Or, maybe you have a great idea for a product, but you can’t seem to get off the couch and make it happen? If your work always seems to be missing that special ingredient that takes businesses to the next level of success, this episode is for you. Jeffrey Hayzlett is a primetime TV & podcast host, keynote speaker, best-selling author, and the Chairman of C-Suite Network. He’s been cited in Forbes and provided commentary for Bloomberg, MSNBC, and Fox Business. You’ve maybe even seen him on The Apprentice, where he served as a guest judge for three seasons. In short, if it involves business, leadership, or entrepreneurship, you can bet Jeffrey Hayzlett knows about it. Follow along as Jeffrey shares his rules for success and explains how changing your attitude can help you change your business—and your future. In This Episode Why business owners need to be ready to adapt to change Jeffrey’s three rules for success and satisfaction How to ret

  • Coaching Others Towards Excellence With Ken Jacobs

    03/03/2017 Duration: 45min

    What does it mean to coach others? Are you better at giving advice or asking questions? After more than 25 years in supervision, management, and leadership, Ken Jacobs founded Jacobs Communications Consulting in 2007. Through his business, he found that even though he was a strong consultant, he really had a passion for helping people through coaching—but he wanted to become even better at “helping unstick clients who are stuck.” He went to coaching school (yes, it exists!) and founded Jacobs Executive Coaching in 2014. Tune in as Ken shares how he got started as an executive coach, how to know when you’re ready for a little help, and the common qualities he sees in the leaders who truly empower their teams. In This Episode The important differences between being a consultant and a coach How to know when you’re ready to hire a coach—and when you’re not The challenges and opportunities many executives face today Must-have characteristics for today’s leaders and professional coaches Quotes in This Episode “Wh

  • How to Find Your Voice After a Life-Changing Battle with Jennifer Wilkov

    24/02/2017 Duration: 43min

    What would you do if you landed in prison for a crime you didn’t commit? Would you let it break you, or would you use your experience to change the lives of the men and women around you? Jennifer Wilkov was an award-winning certified financial planner when she was pressured into pleading guilty to a crime she didn’t commit. Prosecutors took everything she had and sent her to Rikers Island—but her sentence wasn’t without its small silver lining. Since her release, Jennifer has gone on to become an author, speaker, and coach, making it her mission in life to help others make the most of their circumstances. As she explains it, “You have the right to remain fabulous.” Tune in to find out how to be resilient, find your voice, and speak up about what you want in your short time on earth. In This Episode The incredible true story of Jennifer’s time in Rikers Why you need to speak up for what you want in life Three pieces of advice for people going through life-changing battles Quotes in This Episode “We are a com

  • Malini Bhatia Explains How Running Your Business Is Like Nurturing a Marriage

    17/02/2017 Duration: 37min

    Where do you draw the line between business and pleasure? It’s possible your job is more like your marriage than you think! Malini Bhatia’s passion for supporting people through the journey of building and sustaining positive, healthy relationships, combined with her business acumen, led to the creation of her online platform marriage.com, the world’s largest resource and of experts that acts as your advisors by providing information & support for healthy, happy marriages. Listen in as Malini explains the importance of having passion and commitment in both your personal and professional life, the pillars of a healthy business, and what it’s like to build a business based on creating something meaningful in people’s private lives. In This Episode The ways in which creating a community that serves as a safe space can replace social media The biggest challenges of launching a new platform by taking an existing business and completing changing its purpose How a solid business plan and a strong marriage are o

  • The Best Ways to Create Pride of Ownership and Inspire Innovation with Jane Boyce

    14/02/2017 Duration: 38min

    Do you take pride of ownership in your company? Do you consider yourself a forward-thinking creator? If you’re an entrepreneur, I’m sure you’re nodding your head ‘yes,’ but even if you don’t own your own business, you can still be innovative and express the same satisfaction for your work as owners do. Jane Boyce is the President of Tru Vue, a manufacturer of high-performance glazing products for the custom picture framing, museum, and engineered optics markets. Tru Vue is known for exemplifying growth and diversification in innovation within its industry. As President, Jane has used this reputation and company culture to lead her team in multiple state-of-the-art project launches. Tune in today to find out how Jane has inspired her team to be more innovative and take a greater pride of ownership in their work, regardless of their role at the company. In This Episode The actions and behaviors that make a leader more responsive and appreciative How focusing on the customer affects company culture If trust sho

  • How Genevieve Weeks Franchised Ballet, Creating a Business Opportunity for Women Across the U.S.

    03/02/2017 Duration: 43min

    What do you do when your business is experiencing unprecedented and exponential growth? When your business is changing faster than you can follow, sometimes your best bet is to bring in some extra entrepreneurial help through franchising. Like most little kids, Genevieve Weeks got her start dancing in her parents’ living room, putting on shows for her family. But unlike most little kids, her love of ballet went on to manifest itself in a lifelong business career. While dancing in San Francisco, Genevieve started teaching a local school’s preschool ballet program—and it was love at first twirl. After seeing how frequently the youngest dancers were kept on waiting lists to take classes, she realized there was a need in the community she could serve. Genevieve went on to start her own dance education program specifically for toddlers and school-age children, Tutu School, which she later franchised. Hear all about how Genevieve made the jump from ballet dancer to business owner, plus everything she’s learned alon

  • Cameron Brown on Women Worldwide

    26/01/2017 Duration: 46min

    From a Farm in the Outback to a Business That Spans the Globe Would you ever be willing to sell everything you own to go off on a world adventure in order to learn how to help people dream big, live fully, and utilize their unique talents? Founder of The Thriving Collective Cameron Brown did just that, and he has turned his dream and passion for helping others into a socially conscious company that has positively impacted millions of lives around the world.   Raised in outback Australia, Cameron first experienced technology as a true connector when he started taking singing lessons over the phone. This degree of open space at home gave him unique opportunities to grow and explore (and cause a little mischief). Listen in to find out how this lifelong curiosity led him to get rid of all his material possessions and launch a business that changed his life—and can change yours.   In This Episode Hear the life-changing moment that set Cameron on a path of rediscovery in 2010 How technology can be used to empower

  • Terry Hush on Women Worldwide

    19/01/2017 Duration: 39min

    Terry Hush, CEO and co-founder of Roji Health Intelligence (formerly ICLOPS) joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Terry's many accomplishments in the public, non-profit, and private sectors include leading the transformation of Blue Cross Blue Shield regulations in Illinois, improving access to care as Director of the Illinois Medicaid program, and serving in executive leadership for both private payers and physician organizations. On the show, Terry discusses her journey as a patient advocate and a problem solver. She’s known for her ability to be a change agent in organizations. According to Terry, “You create change quietly flying under the radar. No one likes changes and there’s always going to be resistance.” Her approach was to get everyone invested and to work with smaller groups piece by piece rather than working with a larger group all at once. "You have to be a great listener and never worry about the silence,” she said. Terry also discussed the lessons she learned earlier in her care

  • Cornell Thomas on Women Worldwide

    12/01/2017 Duration: 44min

    Cornell Thomas, Master Motivator, Speaker and Author of the book, The Power of Positivity: Controlling Where The Ball Bounces joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. In addition to being a speaker, coach. and author, Cornell is a father, husband, son, motivator, world changer, free thinker, doer, "giver," and an active dreamer. His mission in life is to serve others and make this world a better place. He does this through every speech, book, interaction, quote, or consultation that he gives. On the show, Cornell shares his journey from professional athlete to Master Motivator, author, and speaker. After an injury that prevented him from playing pro basketball, instead of saying, “Why me?” Cornell quickly challenged himself to “What now?” He discussed how the power of his own positivity and the wise words of his loving mom propelled him forward and to help others. Today, he’s gathering great thinkers and thought leaders for a Positivity Summit in 2017, which not only shares a day of inspiration bu

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