Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Jess Ostroff is Making Passion Possible By Outsourcing To-Do Lists



I’m sure you can relate: Between family ties, work obligations, and my passions and hobbies, I often find myself wishing there were more hours in the day to tackle everything I want and need to get done. Especially if you own your own business, the portion of your life devoted to work obligations sometimes rules the roost, taking away precious amounts of time you could spend with family and friends.   Enter Jess Ostroff and her team of virtual assistants at Don’t Panic Management. Jess started working as a virtual assistant in 2009 (and eventually incorporating her business in 2011) because she wanted to help other people become more efficient. With that goal in mind, she has spent the better part of a decade guiding fellow entrepreneurs on the path to outsourcing all the day-to-day tasks that prevent them from focusing on their passions.   If you’ve been feeling overworked and overwhelmed, you won’t want to miss this episode. Tune in as Jess shares how finding the perfect virtual assistant you trust can help