Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How Dr. Hannah Luu Uses Tech to Demystify Cancer Treatment



The journey to entrepreneurship comes in all shapes and sizes. But you’ve probably never heard of a journey quite like this one.Hannah Luu is a practicing oncologist who has specialized in breast cancers for the past 20 years. In addition to working with patients, she has also served as a clinical investigator for early clinical trials, making technological advancement a major part of her career as well. Over the years, Hannah noticed through her experiences that many patients don’t have access to the best hospitals or the best tech because of where they live. One day it dawned on her: “Why can’t we bring these technologies—bring this knowledge and information—to the patient at home?” With that idea in mind, she became CEO and cofounder of OncoGambit, the first online, personalized cancer treatment website.Don’t miss the opportunity to hear the entrepreneurship and leadership lessons Dr. Luu has learned from the launch of her business and all about how she is demystifying cancer treatment for people across th