Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Terry Hush on Women Worldwide



Terry Hush, CEO and co-founder of Roji Health Intelligence (formerly ICLOPS) joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Terry's many accomplishments in the public, non-profit, and private sectors include leading the transformation of Blue Cross Blue Shield regulations in Illinois, improving access to care as Director of the Illinois Medicaid program, and serving in executive leadership for both private payers and physician organizations. On the show, Terry discusses her journey as a patient advocate and a problem solver. She’s known for her ability to be a change agent in organizations. According to Terry, “You create change quietly flying under the radar. No one likes changes and there’s always going to be resistance.” Her approach was to get everyone invested and to work with smaller groups piece by piece rather than working with a larger group all at once. "You have to be a great listener and never worry about the silence,” she said. Terry also discussed the lessons she learned earlier in her care