Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How to Inspire Women by Empowering Young Girls First



What’s the appropriate age to start empowering women? Is it when they start their first “real” job? After they graduate high school or college, perhaps? The best time to inspire young women actually starts much earlier. As you’ll hear today, before we can lift up grown women, we must first learn to lift up little girls. Ashley Wiles has devoted her entire career to empowering young women. As a health and wellness coach, Ashley realized women still face the same negative ideas and biases about our bodies that first begin during childhood. This led her to found Sole Girls, a business that helps young girls form strong, confident opinions about themselves by encouraging physical activity and open conversation. Follow along as Ashley shares her journey to entrepreneurship, how to create a safe space for girls, and the power of asking yourself, “Are you tapping into your inner Sole Girl?” In This Episode How to create a safe space for young girls, plus why it’s necessary to do so The issues young girls struggle w