Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Cameron Brown on Women Worldwide



From a Farm in the Outback to a Business That Spans the Globe Would you ever be willing to sell everything you own to go off on a world adventure in order to learn how to help people dream big, live fully, and utilize their unique talents? Founder of The Thriving Collective Cameron Brown did just that, and he has turned his dream and passion for helping others into a socially conscious company that has positively impacted millions of lives around the world.   Raised in outback Australia, Cameron first experienced technology as a true connector when he started taking singing lessons over the phone. This degree of open space at home gave him unique opportunities to grow and explore (and cause a little mischief). Listen in to find out how this lifelong curiosity led him to get rid of all his material possessions and launch a business that changed his life—and can change yours.   In This Episode Hear the life-changing moment that set Cameron on a path of rediscovery in 2010 How technology can be used to empower