Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How Educators Are Embracing the Tech Space with Nanda Krish



There’s no denying we’re living in a digital era (and have been for a decade or so). Tech rules everything—and I mean everything. It’s not just the obvious industries like SaaS or mobile. Tech has advanced how we approach everything from healthcare to travel to retail. And now, you can add education to the list. Teachers are using burgeoning technologies to provide more enriching learning experiences for their students.   Meet Nanda Krish, who can shed quite a bit of light on how educators are embracing digital platforms. He’s the Executive Chairman and CEO of Wisewire, an online marketplace focused on creating high-quality digital learning materials and assessments for teachers. Their goal? Enable professionals while fulfilling the educational needs of students on a global level.   Follow along as Nanda shares how Wisewire is helping teachers gain some of their time back so they can better personalize their lesson plans, impact students’ lives, and change the education landscape.   In This Episode The funda